Chapter 7: I'm not in the mood.

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A/N: there is a slight mention of rape but the word is not actually mentioned...I've always had the idea of bringing it up in a story because it's a thing that I constantly hear about. 

Nat looked at me before she smacked the back of my head. 

"What the hell was that shit today?" Nat asked. 

"What shit?"I asked. 

"You breaking the hard deck twice, insubordination, doing dangerous moves, etc," Nat said and I looked down then back up at her. I didn't really know what to say back to her so it was quiet for a few minutes. 

"I love you and I can't lose you. You never know what could happen during training so I need you to promise me that you'll be a little bit more careful. This mission is a life or death mission and if either of us gets picked, we need to make it back and that's why we're training. Promise me that you will stop being an idiot 24/7 please." Nat said as she looked at me and I looked back at her. 

"I can't promise you that..." I said and Nat groaned. 

"But I can promise that I'll try my hardest not to be an idiot pilot." I said and Nat just smiled and shook her head. 

"I'll take it." Nat said and gave me a hug. 

"Come on, we're going to the hard deck tonight." Reuben said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 

"I'll meet you guys there, I need to speak with Rooster." Nat said and she went out to the tarmac and Reuben and I went to our cars. I left the car for Nat so Reuben and I went together in his car. We were already at the Hard Deck within 10 minutes so when we got there I went to the bar and asked for a drink, but I was given a tea. 

"What the hell is this Penny?" I asked. 

"Iced tea." Penny said with a smile on her face. 

"I ordered a beer Pen." I said. 

"I know, but I was given orders not to let you have a beer." Penny said and I rolled my eyes, knowing that the boys told Penny not to give me a drink. 

"Come on Pen, one drink and that's it." I begged. I kept on begging and I pulled out my puppy eyes and Penny finally fell into my antics. 

"Thanks, Penny, I'll get you something nice," I said as she handed me a beer. 

"One beer and that's it," Penny said. 

"I know, I know," I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking over to the darts board where Jake and Javy were playing darts. 

"How did you get a beer?" Javy asked as Jake made his third bullseye. 

"I can't reveal my sources," I said as I took a sip of my beer before I sat down next to Robert who was watching everything happen. 

"Are you not allowed to drink beer?" Robert asked. 

"No, I am, just because the boys are protective of me, they won't let me drink every night." I said. 

"Isn't that a good thing?" Robert asked me. 

"It can be, just sometimes I get lectured for something that's not a big deal," I said and Robert nodded. 

"When's the wedding?" Jake randomly asked.

"I-uh-I don't know when it's happening. We haven't really talked about it since I've been really busy with flying and he's been busy with his family." I said. We just hung out with each other for a little bit and then Mickey wanted to play pool with someone. 

"Wanna play a round of pool?" Mickey asked. 

"I can't, I gotta go over to Dyl's place, he asked me to come over and watch a movie with him." I said, noticing that it was already 8 and Dylan asked me to come over at 8. I said bye to everyone before heading out and drove to Dylan's place. 

"Dyl! I'm here." I said. 

"Hey, you're late. Everything okay?" Dylan asked as he slid on a shirt. 

"Yeah, we all ended up going to the bar and I lost track of time, what's up?" I asked. 

"I just wanted to spend the night with you." Dylan said as he kissed me. 

"Dyl, I was kind of looking forward to going home and going to sleep early," I said. After everything today from training, I'm kind of tired and I'm really missing Maia. I can't even get a full night of sleep because of nightmares from the crash and I'm really tired so it would've been nice to try and get a good night of sleep. 

"But we never see each other anymore." Dylan said. 

"Dylan, I'm really not in the mood to be here right now." I said, annoyed with how he was acting. Lately, Dylan and I haven't been on the best of terms and he never lets me do what I want to do and it's always what he wants to do. He still loves me, I think, and I still love him but I wish things could be going a little bit better. 

He kept on convincing me and the next thing I know, he and I are in his bed having sex that I don't even want to be having. 

"Dylan. Stop." I said and finally after a couple of times of me telling him to stop he finally stops. I got dressed and left and went home as quickly as I could. I looked at the time and it was 10 pm so I called the girls. 

"What's up?" Val asked. 

"Can you two come over?" I asked. 

"What's wrong?" Lia asked. 

"I-uh," I said. 

"Rachel, are you okay?" Lia asked. 

"Rach, what happened? What's wrong?" Val asked. 

"Dylan and I had sex. But uh, he basically just didn't listen to what I had to say so technically you could say I know..." I said. 

"We'll be there in 5." Val said and they hung up I grabbed some beer and ice cream and I changed out of my uniform and got into Reuben's sweatshirt that I stole a couple of years ago and my Adidas sweatpants and I grabbed my Nike slides and put them on and waited for the girls to show up. 

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