"Why do you stare at me so?"

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General Information~

Name: Taura Vintalua

Age: unknown, he really doesn't keep track

Sex: male

Gender: male

Romantic orientation: panromantic

Sexual orientation: very gay- he's never seen lady parts before and gets quite disturbed

~Physical information~

Height: 5'0

Weight: ~74 pounds

Body type: mesomorph

Hair color: light purple

Eye color: soulless blue

Skin tone:  a soft pink color

Scars?: nope

Tattoos?: nope

Prominent features: the black markings under his eyes, his feather crest on his head, his lack of pupils

Extra appendages: feather crest

Physical disabilities: none

Face claim: Fairy guide from -ELEMENTS- on webtoons

Human disguise (plus his planet crest) ^

Last two things drawn by me! 

~Personal Information~

Personality: Taura is... blunt. He doesn't understand how to express emotion properly, and tends to be rather blunt about everything. He's almost apathetic in a way. Often coming off as insensitive. He's a lot like Zim from Invader zim, just without the extra hyper attitude. He's very cold and calculating

Likes: being obeyed, getting what he wants, feeding, his lover's clothes, birds. 

Dislikes: being rejected, not being allowed to wear his lover's clothes, not being allowed what he wants, when his lover refuses to help him preen his crest

Prominent traits: bluntness, apathy, calculating

Fears: dying on a foreign planet

Strengths: physically he's very very strong, and he only gets attached to maybe two people. He couldn't care less about most people

Weaknesses: his lover, his feathers, and the people he's attached to. If someone he loves rejects him he becomes angry and salty and begins to stalk them

Position: Controlling seke; will not let you be dominant unless he REALLY trusts you

~Other information~

Illnesses: none really

Special abilities: can fly, make wings retract by taking medication, his scent is an aphrodisiac 

Allergies: pollen

Pets: a crested cockatoo named Vy and Huri, a military macaw


You had the feeling you were being watched. By who, you didn't know, but everyone was paranoid with the recent news. 

"Escaped alien being leaving trail of corpses in his wake."

Terrifying headline, terrifying person. Taura was rumored to seduce his prey, and he did.

The paranoia was completely justified, however, when said alien pinned you to a wall. His canines were incredibly sharp... oh god, he was moving toward your neck-

"This is it." You thought. "I'm gonna be drained"

Well, instead, the tiny alien nuzzled him and gave a weakly loving purr, mumbling something like missing you. He seemed harmless...

What do you do?

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