kktato (Feel)

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okay im better nao

OH! Also, back with the Ssunkipz Solve the Code Thingy, I promised a long oneshot to whoever got it first, and I swear I knew who it was at one point, but... erm... I need help? Post in the comments if you found the code first. BE HONEST.

Title: Feel

Pairing: kktato (kkcomics and munchingbrotato) I HAD TO OKAY DON'T FREAKING JUDGE

Genre: angst/fluff, honestly who knows


Warnings: Erm, it's sort of a little feelsy, and there's one mention of gore, but it really isn't that descriptive at all

Word Count: 6724

"And you are sure this boy can help us? He seems rather... normal."

"Oh, he is far from normal in the social sense. He hasn't got any friends, and there is certainly a reason for that."

"What is this reason? Does he alarm them?"

"In a way."

"What exactly does he do?"

"He feels."


"Ay, Tyler!" someone shouts. I glance up from the grassy ground that I was examining to check who it is – oh, yes, look at that, it's someone I hate. Then again, I hate the majority of this school's population.

"What's up?" I ask, knowing the moronic (yet hurtful) brunette student will feign anger if I don't reply.

He smiles a fake smile, but his eyes still look dead. "Nothing much, thanks for asking! And how are you?"

I raise an eyebrow. Then I ask quite bluntly, "Who put you up to this?"

He huffs, acting annoyed at how quickly I called him out on his little attempt at tricking me. Of course, if he had any brains, he would have seen it coming. No sane person spends eight years at this school and then continues to walk in each day without walls built up around them. The other students here don't need walls – after all, they don't have anything to protect. Petty insults and comments bounce right off of them because there is nothing to hurt.

But me?

need the walls. The walls are what keep me alive.

"Sky thought it'd be funny if you were under the impression that someone at this school actually liked you," the boy explains, and I stifle a defeated sigh. Then he wrinkles his nose. "But you made it unfunny."

They wouldn't have found it funny even if I had gone along with his crappy acting. Those idiots are never genuinely amused; they can't find joy in anything. They're constantly searching for ways to feel some kind of happiness, some sort of worth, but their efforts never get them anywhere.

That doesn't get them down, though. Nothing ever gets them down.

"Oh, my bad," I apologize, pouring as much sincerity into my voice as possible. I'm not actually sincere, and he wouldn't give a crap even if I was, so I guess that was pretty pointless. "Would you like to try again?"

But I have to be nice like this; I have no choice unless I want to end up like them someday. Actually, I don't even know if that's possible, but I don't want to risk it – I don't want to lose what I have, even if my peers torture me for having it.

Oh, but they're not mad at me. They're not jealous. They aren't capable of being either of those things.

They're just... looking for a purpose in life.

And I guess they think their purpose is to make my life miserable.

"Yeah, that'd be great!" the student nods, pretending to be excited. They like pretending. They watch TV shows with actors who lived Before, and then they try to mimic the actors' emotions. They like pretending, because it makes them think they have a purpose. "Hey, Tyler!"

"What's up?" I repeat my earlier words.

"Nothing really, but thanks for asking! How are you?"

"I'm good. Are you going to be my friend?" I ask, knowing this is what he wants.

He smiles in what is supposed to be a nice way, but then he sticks out his tongue at me and yells, "Never in a million years, freakling!" Sky and the rest of his friends (well, not really friends, because they don't care about each other – but they get along, so whatever) burst out laughing in their little group about twenty yards away, and I roll my eyes as the student jogs back over to them.

"Figures," I mumble. Of course, I'm not really hurt by this. I saw it coming; my walls were up. And of course, they don't actually find it funny; but they might as well laugh anyway, right?

More purposeless students throw taunts and insults at me, but I ignore them. It's time for another agonizing school year, and I'm ready.

My walls are up.


"Who of us shall be the one to go up and get the boy?"

"No, none of us can do it. It must be someone of his age and status. It must be someone who feels just as he does."

"But there is no one left with the ability to feel!"

"There is one that could do the job despite this... The unusual-looking boy. The one that adapts so easily to his surroundings."

"The one with pink hair?"

"Exactly. He is incapable of actually feeling anything, but if we show him footage of the Boy Who Feels, he may be able to adapt and imitate the emotions shown. Then he could go down and gain the boy's trust by pretending to be just like him."

"This plan is not fool-proof."

"But it is the best we can do."

"Then so be it."


"Erm... sixty-nine?" I ask hesitantly.

The teacher stares blankly at me but responds normally. "That is incorrect. This is one of the simplest problems, Tyler, you should be capable of working it. Why are you incapable?" she asks.

I shrug, a slight blush rising on my cheeks. "U-Um, I... It was just a silly mistake, I... I am capable, I promise."

The teacher shakes her head as she turns around to face the whiteboard again, and I sigh. It's not my fault I'm falling behind, it's just- all the other kids have no trouble keeping up, because they don't have to deal with random attacks of emotions. I, on the other hand, struggle greatly when it comes to academic things. I stress out before a test while the rest of the class makes paper airplanes, I get distracted by things while the rest of the class focuses easily. And everything is so difficult in school – it was much easier Before – and I just can't keep up with these stupid feelings.

One of my classmates forces a giggle. "Look, Tyler, your face is pink again!" she points out, and I sigh once more. My physical reactions to my emotions have always fascinated them, so they never fail to verbally acknowledge them when they happen. At first it was funny, then it was annoying, and now it's just one more thing that makes me different from everyone else - just one more part of my life that I have to try to ignore.

"Class, class, settle down," the teacher commands, not that she actually cares. She does her job so she can make money. She makes money so she can get cable television in order to watch all the old TV shows from Before. She watches the TV shows from Before so she can copy the actors and attempt to figure out how to get what they have – emotions. Contentedness. A purpose.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and every student in the class turns to face it, including me.

"Oh, right, you're the new kid, correct?" the teacher asks. A boy with short, pink hair and a funny pink mustache thingy nods shyly.


Either this kid is the official actor of the century, or he actually feels, just like I do.

Or it's possible that the shyness is just a trait he was born with; a social disability that the After Counsel couldn't manage to completely remove from human genetics. They must be faking extreme anger after a failure like that.

I heard they literally flipped a table when they found out about me.

"H-Hi, I'm Kyle," the boy introduces himself. A few students raise an eyebrow at his stutter, because I am the only student at this school to have ever stuttered while introducing him/herself to a class. Well, I was the only student.

"Hello, Kyle. Class, say 'hi' to Kyle, here."

"Hi," we call out around the same time.

"Good. Kyle, you can sit by... Well, look at that, every single seat within a two desk radius of Tyler is empty. Why don't you sit in one of those?"

I sigh as I glance around at the empty desks surrounding me. This is sad, this is really sad. And, of course, the new kid – Kyle – will want to sit in the seat farthest from me, so-

"Hi. I'm Kyle, but I guess you know that already. And I think you're Tyler?" the pink-haired boy asks quietly, sitting down in the desk directly to the left of mine.

"I-I, I- uh, y-yeah," I stammer, still not over the shock of someone actually wanting to talk to me.

Wait a second.

"Did Sky tell you to do this?" I groan, throwing my head back. Why didn't I think of that sooner? Sky must have whispered something in Kyle's ear as he walked to his seat, and-

"Who's Sky?" Kyle asks.

I silently point to the curly haired brunette with the sunglasses. He's in the front row, laughing pointlessly about something with his friends.

"Oh. Then, no, he didn't tell me to do anything," Kyle answers rather innocently.

"D-Did anyone else tell you to do anything?" I ask carefully. I will not be tricked.


"Did anyone suggest that you pretend to be my friend?"

"No- Wait, why would I pretend to be your friend?" Kyle asks, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. He must watch a lot of the Before movies.

"Because they like to think it's funny," I shrug, trying not to let my own words bother me. "I don't have any friends here, and they like to make me think I do for a few minutes. They like to try to hurt me."

He's silent for a moment. The class, though, is noisy as the teacher tries to teach and the students blatantly refuse to learn. Then Kyle suddenly speaks up again. "I want to be your friend. Your real friend."

My eyes widen. "Y-You're kidding, right? You've got to be kidding." Keep the walls intact, Tyler.

"No, I just want to be your friend. You said you don't have any friends, but... now you do," he smiles, a genuine smile. I haven't seen that kind of smile for several years now – the closest thing I've seen is my own smile as I stare into a mirror, trying to cheer myself up and usually failing.

"You- You don't understand, Kyle, I'm... I'm different. That's why I don't have any friends. I... I feel."

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asks me in a whisper. Against my will, a giggle escapes my mouth, and I quickly clamp a hand over it. Kyle just smiles again, though, and pulls my hand away. "It's okay to be happy," he tells me, forgetting about his secret for a moment.

A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips, but I hold it back. I have to keep the walls intact. Nodding, I say quietly, "Yes, you can tell me a secret."

"I can feel, too."


"Dude, no, that is literally impossible!" I laugh, probably for the first time in years.

"No, no, it was completely legit, Tyler!" Kyle insists, giggling as we walk side by side toward my house. He seems to have lost all traces of the shy new kid who entered the classroom this morning.

"Okay, fine, explain exactly how you managed to jump out of a plane and live."

"Well, there was this humongous ocean-"

"You jumped out of a plane over a humongous ocean!?" I screech in horror. He could have died! What if he had drowned? What if he had hit his head and sunk to the bottom? Or what if he had tried to swim to shore but realized it was too far away, and he got tired and drowned that way, or what if-

"Calm down, Tyler, don't freak out. I'm fine now, see? So it obviously ended well," Kyle reminds me, gesturing to himself.

"Right. Well, I'd appreciate it if you would please avoid life-threatening situations from now on, because I'm not really in the mood to lose my best and only friend," I joke. I haven't joked in forever.

Kyle pauses, and I stop walking to look back at him in concern. "Are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, I just- You consider us best friends?" he asks quietly.

I bite my lip. "I'm sorry, I know we just met, and you probably don't want to be known at school as the outcast's best friend. I can stop, we can just be acquaintances and you can just talk to me when there aren't any other students around-" After seeing his wide-eyed expression, I stop and then start again, this time rambling more quickly and with a higher pitched tone. "Or not! I mean, we could just not be friends at all, and you can go hang out with the cool kids, the ones who aren't socially disabled! We don't have to be friends, I just-"

"Tyler!" Kyle exclaims, stepping closer to me and placing a comforting hand on my arm. I relax slightly at his touch, and he continues. "I would love to be your best friend."


"Why are you hanging out with the freakling?"

"Are you a freak, too?"

"Has anyone ever told you that your pink hair makes you look like a complete idiot?"

"He's probably a freaking witch! How else could he grow a mustache that big while still in high school?"

"Congratulations, Kyle, you've officially been named 'Freak Number Two!'"

"Shut up, you heartless morons," I say loudly as I stomp up to Kyle, who is standing frozen in the middle of a crowd of imbecilic, emotionless students. He himself looks emotionless rather than hurt as he stands there, soaking in their words. His eyes looks dead, the same way theirs always do.

Terrified by this, I grab his arm and tug him inside the school and away from all the mindless students. "Kyle? Are you okay?" I ask, concern lacing itself between my words.

Something clicks in his eyes, in his mind, and then suddenly his expression changes to one of hatred. "No, get away from me, you freak!"

I reel back. "What!? K-Kyle, I-"

"Just shove off, freakling! Simply talking to you makes me feel disgusting!"

I shake my head slowly, backing away from him. "N-No, Kyle, you don't- I don't- we're-"

"I don't ever want to see your face again!"

A single tear slides down my face and drops off my chin to the floor, and that's when I decide to run home.

There go the walls.


"Your plan failed in the worst way possible."

"Maybe so, but now that Kyle has adapted to how Tyler responded to insults, he will know how to react properly next time. We can also teach him to mimic only Tyler's ways, and this will prevent him from learning from the other students."

"And what of the current problem? Tyler is not any closer to coming to us than he was a few days ago; if anything, he is farther."


"Fix it."

"I will. We can show Kyle a video of a time in Tyler's past when he felt sorry. That way, Kyle will know how to comfort Tyler and repair their friendship."

"Good. Do it now."


"Tyler, please come out," Kyle's soft, caring voice caries through my bedroom door, and I shake my head even though he can't see me.

"N-No, I d-don't want to talk to you. And anyways, you don't want to see my face e-ever again, remember?" I sniff, wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"Tyler, I didn't mean that at all," he replies quietly, sounding extremely guilty, and I almost feel bad for him. It's not his fault I let him past my walls. I can't afford to do that again, though. I must keep the walls intact. "Please come out now, Tyler. I am so sorry."

Sucking in a shaky breath, I open the door a crack and peek out at him. "Promise not to hurt me or call me a freak again?"

"I promise, Tyler. I'm really sorry for what I said."

I sigh as I open the door all the way, fully intending to brush past Kyle and then never get close to him again for fear of getting hurt once more. Instead, though, I fall right into the best hug I've ever been given. And I can't help but sob into Kyle's neck because not only is it the best hug I've ever gotten, but it's also the only hugI've ever gotten.

Since the moment I was born, society knew something was off about me. I cried when I shouldn't have cried, I yelled when I shouldn't have yelled. I felt things – so people kept their distance.

And now someone is hugging me.

"Shh, it's alright, you're okay," Kyle whispers gently in my ear, hugging me closer.

"Th-Thank you," I choke out between sobs.

"It's no problem, Tyler."


"Good job."

"Thank you."

"They are getting along rather well now."

"Indeed, they are."

"But... It is taking a long time. And I've been wondering... Do you have knowledge of Tyler's sexuality?"

"He is homosexual, I believe. I don't remember the sexualities all too well anymore, considering we no longer have need for love or attraction."

"And do you know of Kyle's?"

"I don't think he's ever known how to love. As you will surely recall, he changes to match the actions and feelings of the people around him, and he has never before been in the company of someone in love."

"Do you know of Tyler's exact feelings toward Kyle?"

"According to our Human Emotions specialist, he is showing signs of attraction toward Kyle."

"Good. Find a way to make him embrace this emotion, and be certain that Kyle is absorbing all he can about the idea of love."


"Please don't start hating me again when we get to school," I beg Kyle as we walk into the school. I'm latching onto his arm and refusing to let go – I can't lose him again – and he's smiling slightly as he drags me along.

"Don't worry, Tyler. You're my best friend both in and out of school," he replies. I nod slowly, not entirely believing him. He notices this, and his voice softens a little. "I care about you, Tyler, and I won't hurt you again."

"You know, the last person who cared about me died when I was only three months old," I sigh, tears pricking at my eyes.

"Do you still remember what it felt like?"

"Yes. Barely."

"How? How can you remember something that happened so long ago?"

I shrug, thinking carefully about my reply, and when I finally answer, I know it's the truth. "It's the only part of my existence worth remembering."

I pause and then add, "Before you came along, of course."


"Hey, Kyle?" I ask nervously. It's been about a month since Kyle came to my school, and he's made a habit of walking me home every day. It's really nice, honestly. It's nice to know someone actually cares about me, because not many people do.

Actually, only one person does.

And that's Kyle.

Well, that got depressing fast.

"What's up, Tyler?" he asks me as we stroll down the gravel path to my house.

"I, uh... How would you react if I said I might possibly be in love with you?" I ask, wincing in anticipation.

He freezes in place. "Y-You- You're in love with me?" he asks feebly, sounding lost. I bite my lip nervously as I turn around to face him, but then I gasp when I see his eyes. They're dark – they look dead, just like the eyes of the emotionless students at school do.

"Kyle!?" I almost shout. "Kyle, are you okay!? What in Minecraftia are you-"

"S-Stop!" he shrieks, taking a step back. "I- I- I don't know what to do!"

A few tears brim in my eyes, and I fight to blink them back. "I-I'm so sorry, Kyle, I shouldn't have said that, I just made things really awkward and it wasn't fair for me to do that to you-"

But Kyle is already running back down the path.

And there go the tears.


"He didn't know how to react to Tyler's declaration, he hasn't seen enough love to imitate it properly yet. If we just show him a few-"

"I don't care how you fix it, just fix it."


I walk home alone the next day. Kyle wasn't at school – I have no idea where he was.

I think I messed up.

Big time.

Tears pool in my eyes and then stream down my face as I walk the lonely path to my house – it didn't use to feel this lonely, but then I got used to walking with Kyle every day, and now – I hate going without him.

Sadly, I don't think I'll ever get to walk with him again.

I'm such an idiot! Why couldn't I have just kept my big mouth shut!? I pull the sleeves of my red and gray checkered shirt down over my hands, shivering from the cold that's beginning to creep up on us. I wish Kyle was here. Ugh, I'm such an idiot!

"You look cold," someone whispers.

I whirl around with wide eyes, expecting to see one of the emotionless students from school wondering if beating me up will bring purpose to their lives. It's not an emotionless student, though.

It's Kyle.

I immediately tense, torn between running home and hugging him as tightly as is humanly possible. He rests a hand on my shoulder, though, which instantly relaxes me, and then he tugs off his coat and puts it over my shoulders.

"But, Kyle-"

"Shh, it's fine," he whispers, smiling. "Listen, I- I'm really sorry, more sorry than you can even comprehend, for my reaction yesterday. I was just really shocked, I never thought you could possibly love me back, a-and-"

"Wait, what?" I ask, not quite believing my ears.

"Y-Yeah, I... I think I love you, too," he says, his voice getting quieter with every word.

"Oh my Notch," I breathe. He looks worried for a second, and I just shake my head, smiling widely. "Oh my Notch, Kyle, we're in love," I whisper, stepping toward him and throwing my arms around his torso. He tenses up at first, but then he laughs and hugs me back.

"Yeah. W-We're in love," he repeats, grinning.


"Just follow me, Tyler," he says giddily, excitement showing on his face.

"What is it? Where are we going?" I ask for what seems like the billionth time as he drags me through the forest. Normally I would have really bothered him until he stopped and told me what we were doing, but I'm half terrified that if he does, he'll let go of my hand, and I do not want that.

"Look, we're already here," he tells me, pulling me into a small wooden house.

"What is this place?" I ask as he leads me down a creaky staircase that was hidden behind a row of empty chests.

"It's a secret," he whispers, giggling and holding my hand more tightly as we descend farther and farther into the dark basement.

"What's down here?"

"It's a secret!"

We walk down a few more steps and then emerge into a dungeon-like room made of mossy/moldy cobblestone. The air down here is gross and humid, and it smells nasty. "Why'd you take me here?" I ask, puzzled.

"Well, we're not quite there yet," he shrugs, pulling me across the room. Once we're closer, I can see a small purple portal surrounded by obsidian.

"What is that?" I ask in awe, unable to tear my eyes away from it.

"It's a portal to the Nether," Kyle informs me, a mischievous smile on his face.

"We aren't actually going to-?"

"Yeah," he breathes. "We are."

"But, Kyle-" I begin nervously, fiddling my thumbs.

"It's alright. I'll keep you safe, I promise," he insists, pulling me towards the portal.

He steps in and smiles, holding a hand out to me.

Hesitantly, I enter the portal.

A few moments of nauseating teleportation later, Kyle and I step out of the portal, my hands still clutched in his. The world around us is full of netherrack, nether bricks, and soulsand; there isn't a block of grass in sight. It's also rather dark – the only light comes from glowstone.

It's scary.

Kyle drags me away from the portal, tightening his hold on my hand, and at first I'm thankful for the extra comfort.

But then it gets to where it hurts.

"K-Kyle, that's a bit too tight," I mumble, trying to pull away.

He won't let go.

"Kyle, l-let go, y-you're hurting me!"

"Sir? I've brought the Boy Who Feels," Kyle announces to the air, ignoring me. At this point, panic is rising in my chest. Is he okay? Who is he talking to? Oh my Notch, what if the portal hurt him somehow? I should never have let him go through, this is all my fault, I knew it was dangerous-

"Good," a deep voice booms. "Lock him in the cage."


A small metal box with an iron door slowly rises out of the netherrack right as the portal disappears. So, there goes our only way home. "Kyle, t-the portal is gone, how are we going to get out of here? That guy sounded bad, we need to-"

Kyle squeezes my hand even tighter, and I yelp as he tries to drag me towards the metal box – the cage. Slightly alarmed, I dig my heels into the netherrack to prevent him from moving me much.

He rolls his eyes at me and switches positions so he can stand behind me. Then he forcefully shoves me forward, only chuckling as I stumble over my own feet.

"K-Kyle? W-What's going on?" I stutter as fear builds up in my chest. Is he-

"Get in," he growls, opening the iron door and pushing me into the cage. I trip and fall against the side, crying out a little in pain, but he doesn't seem to care in the slightest. He slams the door shut and locks it, and I whimper as I stand up and peer through the small window in the door.


"He's in," Kyle informs whoever was speaking to us earlier. I watch fearfully as a man wearing jeans and a simple blue shirt floats down to our level. What surprises me the most about him isn't the fact that he's flying, though – it's the fact that his eyes are glowing.

The scary man nods his approval. "Good. You may leave, Kyle. Your services are no longer needed."

Kyle nods and begins to walk towards a red door that recently popped up in the netherrack, but then he pauses. "Uh, if you don't mind my asking... What are you g-going to do with him?" Kyle asks, sneaking a glance back at me as he tries to cover up his stutter. Something in that look gives me hope – maybe he still loves me. Maybe, whatever this is, it hasn't affected his feelings for me.

Then again, the guy locked me in a cage.

"It doesn't concern you, Kyle," the man hisses, glaring at Kyle and scaring me witless.

Kyle stares back, unmoving. "Actually, I'm pretty concerned. I just wanna know what you're gonna do with him, geez, man."

"If you must know, we plan on either forcing him to teach us how to feel, or, if that fails, extracting his DNA and finding out what enables him to feel."

"And, um... You can extract his DNA just by, like, taking a single hair or something, right?" Kyle asks nervously.

"We find it to be more accurate if the subject is sliced open. That way we can get DNA strands from the inner parts of the body."

I nearly faint then and there.

"A-And then you p-put him back tog-gether, right?"

"Probably not. After that, he is of no use."

Kyle's eyes widen. "Y-You can't do that!" he protests, spinning around and moving toward my cage. "He's a person, you can't treat him like that!"

The man narrows his eyes. "Stop this nonsense, Kyle, and go back to your place."

"No, I won't! Tyler is my-"

"Kyle!" the man barks. "Adapt!"

Kyle freezes and turns slowly to face the man, and the man only stands and looks Kyle right in the eye.

After a few moments of silence, the dead, emotionless look that rests in the man's eyes rests in Kyle's as well.

"Kyle!" I shout. He turns at the sound of his name, but he doesn't seem concerned or curious. He is completely void of emotion. "Oh my Notch, what did you do to him?" I cry.

"I haven't done anything to him; he's done it to himself," the man smirks. "You thought Kyle actually loved you? You were wrong. Kyle simply adapts to his surroundings. If he is placed among people with feelings, he will imitate the feelings he's around. If he's placed among emotionless humans, he will become emotionless again." The man pauses, letting this information sink in. "Kyle never actually fell in love with you; he just saw your love and copied it."

"No," I mutter, shaking my head in disbelief. "No, no, no. It can't be."

"It is. Look at him now, Tyler. Entirely emotionless."

"Kyle? Kyle, it's me, Tyler," I say softly, daring to hope that's he's only acting emotionless.

"Hi, Tyler," Kyle responds, waving to me but still not showing any emotion.

He's just like the students at school.

He doesn't feel.

He doesn't love me.

He can't.


"Teach us, boy!" the man, who I've learned is named Herobrine, roars. He's not angry, though. He's not disappointed. He can't be either of those things. He's just impatient.

"I-I can't!" I cry out in fear. What can I do!? I can't teach someone to feel, but if I don't, they'll cut me in half!

"Do it now! Stop withholding your feelings!" he demands.

"I-I'm not withholding my feelings!" I promise him, and my voice trembles a little. "Can't you hear the fear in my voice?"

"Show me how to feel like you do," he whispers evilly.

I shake my head frantically as I press my back up against the wall of the white room I was taken to. Of course. No where else to run. "I t-told you, I can't!"

"Fine," he growls. "Then we will be forced to find another way to feel."

"N-no, please, no! I'm sorry, i-if I could show you how to feel, I would, sir! But I can't, I-I'm physically unable to!" I sniffle. "Please just let me go!"

"You have three hours to figure out how to teach me to feel," Herobrine hisses. "But after that, if you are unsuccessful, we're slicing you open. And there is nothing you can do about it."

He glides out of the room, leaving me to sink down against the wall and cry into my hands. What other option do I have, honestly? I'm in a completely empty room with only one exit, and that exit is locked and probably blocked. This is hopeless.

I miss Kyle.

After ten minutes of sitting and sobbing into my hands, I take a few shaky breaths and then stand up. While I slowly walk over to the door, I attempt to wipe the tear tracks off my face with my sleeves.

Knock knock.

Yes, I am stupid enough to knock on a door from the inside.

No one answers, though, so I take that as a sign that no one is guarding the door.

I peek carefully through the small, rectangular window on the door, but all I can see is a boring gray hallway.

Wait a minute.

What's that?

"No, you can't! You can't hurt him, he didn't do anything wrong!" someone screams. It sounds like- like Kyle.

It sounds like Kyle is feeling.

"What have you done!?" Herobrine roars. "He wasn't like this when I sent him to you! Did you allow him to watch a Before show?"

"Of course I did not!" shouts another voice. "He just randomly jumped out of his chair and started screaming about someone harming 'his Tyler,' I don't know!"

"So he didn't adapt to anything? He just... felt?"


"This is not good."

"Incredibly not good!"

"Let me go!" Kyle shrieks. "Where's Tyler!? Take me to Tyler, I want to see Tyler!"

"Tyler is alright," Herobrine replies, trying to stay calm (not that he'd ever get angry). "For now. He is being rather stubborn about keeping the feelings to himself..."

"You're the stubborn one, you fool!" Kyle accuses him. "He can't help it if he can't share his feelings with you, it's not a thing he can control!"

"We don't mind if Tyler can't teach us to feel, Kyle. We have other methods of learning."

"No, just no! You guys are sick!"

"And why are you suddenly so concerned about Tyler's well-being?" the other voice asks.

"I-I don't know... I just am!" Kyle huffs, and that's when I can finally see them. Herobrine and his twin (well, probably not his twin. The other person doesn't have glowing eyes) are dragging Kyle down the hall while he kicks and screams and tries everything he can to get away.

"Calm down, boy, we're bringing you to your room," Herobrine says in a low voice.

"But I don't want to go back to my room; I just want to see Tyler! Why can't I see him?"

"Because in a couple of hours, we are going to cut him up," the other person says. "If you want, we can bring you a slice of his dead body. It'd be interesting to see how you'd adapt to that."

Kyle looks disgusted, but he stops talking back; he is entirely silent.

So I start pounding my fists on my door. "KYLE!" I screech. "KYLE, I'M OVER HERE!"

His head whips in my direction, and he quickly scans a few of the doors before seeing my face in one of the windows. His face immediately lights up, but Herobrine and his friend are not quite as happy.

"Stay! Kyle, adapt!" Herobrine yells, staring at him with cold, dead eyes.

"But I don't want to adapt! I wanna be like Tyler, I wanna feel and I wanna love!" Kyle argues, ripping himself from their grasps and darting towards me. He jiggles the knob on the door a bit before taking out a paperclip and easily picking the lock. "Come on, Tyler, we're leaving this place," he says firmly while Herobrine and his friend stand frozen in shock.

When I don't move, he bites his lip nervously. "I-I mean, if you w-want to?" he stammers.

I nod frantically and step out of the room, grabbing onto his hand. "O-Of course I want to! But we have to hurry, 'cause those evil idiots are going to want to stop us soon."

"It doesn't matter," Kyle says, but he drags me toward what must be the exit anyway. "I won't let them hurt you."

"Y-You hurt me," I say quietly.

He winces, turning and pulling me into a hug. "And I'm so sorry for that, Ty."

"I-It's okay," I mumble against his chest.

"BUT WE REALLY HAVE TO GO NOW," I continue, realizing Herobrine and his friend are now running/flying towards us.

Kyle nods and pulls me down the gray hallway at a speed I can only barely match, and once he's dragged me through several halls and rooms and other random places and then finally into the netherrack room where the portal used to be, I am panting for air. "K-Kyle, wait, s-slow down," I breathe, leaning forward and putting my hands on my knees.

"It's alright, love, we're here now. We just have to find the portal lever," he explains, glancing around quickly.

"KYLE! TYLER! IF YOU DO NOT RETURN TO TYLER'S ROOM IMMEDIATELY, YOU WILL PAY!" Herobrine yells, and I flinch at just his voice.

"Tyler, I found it, c'm'ere!" Kyle calls, and I run over to where he's standing behind a bit of netherrack. "Here, can you help me pull this lever?"

I tug down on the lever with him, and eventually it gives and goes down. The Nether portal pops up again, and we race towards it.

"KYLE! ADAPT!" Herobrine's friend screams as the two fly into the netherrack clearing.

"I DON'T WANT TO!" Kyle shouts in reply before turning to me and lowering his voice. "Look, Tyler, they aren't afraid to go up to the OverWorld, they were just trying to avoid attention by sending me instead. They don't care, though, at this point. I have to stay here; I have to keep them here."

My eyes widen with each word he says, and when he finishes talking, tears are dripping down my face. "N-No, Kyle, you can't! I just got you back, I can't lose you again! You're the only one who feels like I do, I don't want to be alone again-"

"Tyler," Kyle says sternly, and I shut my mouth quickly. "I don't feel like you do." My heart drops. "I just copy other people's emotions." Okay, heart is now shattered. "But I liked loving you, Tyler." Oh Notch. "So I'm going to keep doing it. No matter what they say or do, I will always love you."

"I'll always love you, too," I sniff, hugging him tightly and burying my head in his neck.

"I'm sorry, Ty," Kyle says gently, "but you have to go now."

"I-I don't want to!" I sob. "Even if they torture me or cut me open or whatever, I wanna stay with you, Kyle!"

He smiles sadly. "Sorry, but I can't allow that."

With those final words, he pushes me through the portal, and I yelp as the stickiness surrounds me and then I appear in the weird dungeon thing in the OverWorld.

"No, Kyle!" I yell, turning to go back through the portal again, but then it simply disappears, and I know Kyle must have pulled the lever again. "KYLE! NO, no, y-you idiot, you- you stupid, ridiculous, perfect idiot!" I cry, sinking down against the wall and hugging my knees to my chest.

"Kyle... No... Why?" I ask the air in front of me.

Sometimes I really hate being able to feel.

Especially when the walls fall down.


Oops, what was that? :3

I might continue that. Possibly. 'Cause right now it has a kind of crappy ending.

I don't know. I have a lot of jazz to do, but I'll try to continue it if you guys would like that...?

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