SetoSolace (Love Is a Terrible Thing)

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Right, anyways. En-juh-hoy the oneshot! :3

Title: Love Is a Terrible Thing

Pairing: SetoSolace

Suggested By: WhenImMuffin

Not Quite a Prompt: "Can you please write a happy SetoSolace one now? ;^; more little kid love" It's not quite kid love, but it is teenager love? Which is sort of what the last one was.

Genre: Angst/Fluff

Notes: I, uh, I sat down and tried to write, and... this popped out. :/ My apologies.

Word Count: 893

Seto's POV

"And, yeah, maybe I spend a lot of time doing other things, but I pay attention to you! Oh, don't you dare try to tell me I don't pay attention to you. You are my everything! You always have been my everything! You mean the world to me!" I sob, banging on my desk. "And I have exhausted every breathing exercise I know on you while trying not to let your crap overwhelm me, but you know what? It never works! And you never let up! Every word I get from you makes me want to curl up on my bed in a puddle of tears or try to rip out my hair in rage and betrayal or doubt my very existence, and do you know what? I'm sick and freaking tired of it! I don't want to deal with your heart-wrenching indecisiveness or your cutesy romantic moments or your horrible puns or your mind-screwing theories or your inability to properly talk to someone without insulting them or your extreme bipolarity and I don't want to hear about your oh-so-terrible problems when you've just given me a couple problems of my own! Oh, but have I walked out yet? No! Of course I haven't!" I jump up, slamming my desk chair back and putting on my best glare. "And do you know why that is? It's because I love you!"

Silence. Nothing but silence.

I shake my head, laughing sadly. "But I can't put up with this anymore, okay? I can't. I can't deal with your crap. I shouldn't have to. I deserve a happy ending. And, yeah, maybe I wish I could have a happy ending with you... but some things stay nothing but wishes."

I look down, swallowing hard. "I'm sorry it had to be this way. But we... we're over, Tumblr."

"Aw, I doubt it. You'll be scrolling through the phan tag again in a couple of minutes," Brice laughs as he enters the room, kicking the door gently shut behind him and then setting two mugs of hot chocolate on my desk.

"Brice," I whimper. "Stop it! You'll ruin my resolve!"

"Your resolve never would have lasted in the first place. So, what was it this time?"

"A phanfiction," I reveal, closing my eyes as the memories flood back. "Dan was just about to propose, but then some idiot OC waltzed in and kissed him and then Phil saw and started sobbing and he wasn't okay, he'll never be okay again and now he and Dan can't get married because Phil told Dan he knew about Janine and Dan broke down and then his family moved away and-"

"Hold on, shouldn't he be able to just stay with Phil if he's old enough to get married? How could they get married if Dan is still young enough to be stuck living with his family?"

"T-They just could!" I cry, literally shaking with sadness.

Brice sighs and then turns toward my bed. A moment later, he's pushing the hot chocolate mugs into my hands and shutting my laptop and grabbing the comforter of my bed and guiding me in the direction of the living room. "You know, it probably ends with a happily ever after. The vast majority of them do," he points out, pulling me down to sit next to him on the couch as he turns the TV on to some anime. "Did you even read the end?"

"I-I couldn't," I say, shrugging sadly. "It was too much..."

"Oh, Seto," Brice coos, hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry. Here, drink some hot cocoa. Do you want some chocolate, too? I think we've still got a few bars in the refrigerator..."

"Yes, please," I beg pitifully. He smiles sadly at me, pats my head, and then gets up to locate the chocolate. It only takes him a minute or two to hunt it down.

"Do I taste like chocolate?" he asks, pecking me on the lips as he sits down again. I lick my own lips carefully and then pout.

"Not as much as I'd like you to."

"Hmph. Guess you'll just have to use the actual chocolate, then," he giggles, holding up the chocolate bars. Yes, please. I love chocolate.

Nutella is a chocolate substitute...

Dan and Phil had Nutella pie on their first date...

I break out into a sob mid-chomp, and Brice's eyes widen in concern. "What's wrong, Seto?"

"Love is a terrible thing," I snivel, swallowing the chocolate instead of letting it melt in my mouth like I usually do.

"Oh, no, it's not! Not all love ends badly."

"But some does," I argue, and it's just not fair! "Why couldn't Dan and Phil have gotten a happy ending?"

"They might have." He shrugs, and I frown at him. "Hey, Seto, either way, that doesn't mean love always ends badly. Tomorrow morning you'll wake up early just so you can read another few hundred fics, and then you'll find some with happy endings."

"And what if I can't find one with a happy ending?"

He smiles and pulls me into his side. "Then we'll just have to come up with a happy ending of our own."

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