Setosolace (Magic)

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Title: Magic (omg so creative)

Pairing: SetoSolace

Suggested by: Several thousand people (kay, not quite), but I'm going to dedicate this one to Insane_is_here on wattpad

Original Prompt: "I have something to say... SETOSOLACE SMUT PLS" To which I replied with:

"NONONONONONONONONONONON I'm allfor Setosolae, but I will NOT write msut. I'm still a innocent, buddy, and I want it to stay that way. :)"

And Insane replied with: "Please at least fluff." That I can do, friend.

Genre: Action at the beginning, pure fluff at the end. :)

Warnings: Brice has some gruesome thoughts, just pointing that out. And Seto's parents died in the most disgusting way possible. But that wasn't really that graphic, it was just a short sentence or two telling you what happened. Oh, and if you're afraid of heights, the end of this might make you a little queasy.


Seto's POV

"Augh!" I cry out as yet another of my power orbs is stolen from its pedestal. I can feel the magic being forced out of my soul with every spell they cast using the orbs.

And what am I without my magic?

I am nothing.

They have five of my eight orbs, and my magic is noticeably weaker now. When the orbs were in their rightful places on the pedestals in my Sorcery Room, I was able to draw maximum power from them whenever I needed it. Now that five of the orbs are in their possession, I can only draw power from the two orbs still on the pedestals.

The eighth orb is hidden in the pocket of my cloak. I'm going to save it for as long as possible since its power is limited. Plus, after the invasion ends, it'll be the only source of power I have left.

The only source of life I have left.

"Infirmus protectione!" I put up another medium-strength force field around the two remaining orbs. I know what these people are planning to do with my power, and it's certainly not going to make the world a better place. These people only want my powers so they can send the world into chaos. I can't let them do that. I can't.

I'm in my room right now. The Sorcery Room is downstairs, and I'd be downstairs, too, if it wasn't for the intense pain that comes with getting your power orbs stolen and then used by someone other than yourself. And it's not just a tiny bit of pain, oh, no. See, as a sorcerer, I'm capable of withstanding large amounts of pain. Someone could slice one of my fingers off, and, though my physical health would deteriorate, I would feel nothing more than a pinch. It takes a lot for me to curl up in a ball in the corner of a room and just try not to move, and that's what this insane pain is causing me to do right now.

If I could see the orbs and the pedestals, I could cast better protection spells on them. But I can't, so all my spells are weakened by fifteen percent. Great. That's definitely helping my situation. (If you couldn't hear the sarcasm in that, I'm worried for your health.)

"Go look upstairs! If we kill the sorcerer, we won't have to deal with him constantly putting up extra protection for the orbs!" one of the men downstairs shouts. Oh, no. Please, no. Please don't come upstairs.

"Superfertur," I whisper, casting a quick spell to push my dresser in front of my bedroom door. If it wasn't for this stupid pain, I would be jumping out the window by now. Or, better yet, standing up defiantly and holding purple fire in the palms of my hands. That always seems to scare the bad guys.

I yelp as one of the men downstairs tears through the magical barrier I put around the sixth orb. It always hurts when one of my spells is forcefully put to an end. That's not how it's supposed to work. I'm supposed to end the spells, not any outside force.

"Did you hear that?" one of the men asks. "Someone's upstairs!" My eyes widen. I hold my breath, despite the fact that it won't help my situation at all, and hope against all hopes that the men will pass it off as a bird or something.

"It might be the sorcerer!" one of them shouts. No! "Brice, go check it out!"

"Okay!" 'Brice' says happily. Why is he happy about this? The least he could do is act serious. I can't believe people actually have fun stealing magic and life from sorcerers...

Brice bounds up the steps, and I can hear him running down the hallway and jiggling the knobs on all the doors. If my magic were at full strength, I could cast a spell that would shock him every time he touched the knob on the door to this room. The most I could do with the limited power I have now is make it give him a little shock like the one you get when you walk across carpet while wearing socks and then touch a doorknob. He would either brush it off as nothing or assume that it meant I was in this room. Neither option is very good, so I just won't cast any spells on the doorknob.

I can hear Brice messing with the knob on my door. "It's locked, guys!" he shouts. "What do I do?"

"Pick the lock, stupid!"

"Okay!" he yells back. Then, in a whisper, "Geez. I was just asking." The door opens a crack. "Finall- What!? Aw, come on!" he complains, seeing the dresser in front of the door. He starts pushing against the dresser, and, slowly but surely, it begins to move away.

Brice wears a black shirt with a gold ingot on it, which is pretty cool-looking, but definitely not the first thing my eyes were drawn to. The first thing my eyes were drawn to would have to be his bright yellow, spiky hair, and after that: his piercing blue eyes. Admittedly, he looks really cute. Seems like the kind of guy who you'd fall in love with in three seconds and then be offended by when he starts dating someone else, even though you never told him how you felt. See that right there? Perfect fanfic material. If he weren't about to kill me, I could become a fanfic-writing sorcerer.

"Yes! Got it!" Brice cheers, snapping me out of my short daydream. Oh, look at that, he's moved the dresser out of the way.

I hold up my hand and move the dresser back in front of the door, whispering, "Superfertur."

"DANG IT!" Brice shrieks, kicking the dresser. I giggle. ACCIDENTALLY, I SWEAR. I DIDN'T MEAN TO. "Wha- Who's there?" Brice asks, trying to peek over the dresser. I sink down as far as I can into the corner I'm hiding in, trying my best not to make a sound.

Brice narrows his eyes. "Please, come out! Move the dresser or something, I don't wanna do all that work again!" Really? Why would I willingly let you into the room when I know that you were sent to kill me?

"I'm not stupid," I say quietly. "I'm just weak." I'm definitely weak, but I'm still strong enough to pull a surprise attack spell on him when he least expects it. If I can get him to believe I'm helpless, he won't be on guard as much, and it'll be easy to stun him with a simple spell.

"I never said you were stupid," he says, putting all his weight against the dresser in an attempt to move it. He stands up straight and pants. "So," he gasps out, going back to pushing against the dresser, "what's your name?"

"Seto," I whisper.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Brice asks, leaning against the dresser again. It moves a little, enough for him to slip into the room, but he doesn't notice. I duck my head down so the shadows from my cloak cover my face, preventing him from seeing what I look like.

"Superfertur," I chant, moving the dresser over again to block his way.

"What!? Man, that's an incredibly unpronounceable name- Hey! Stop moving that dresser, this is hard work!" He sighs and starts pushing against the dresser yet again.

"Just leave," I hiss. "I will continue to push that dresser in front of you until the end of time if I have to."

Brice rolls his eyes and shoves the dresser out of the way. "Superfer-" I cut myself off with a shriek of pain. They must have gotten another of the orbs. I cry out again and hug my knees, burying my face between them as I try to take deep breaths and ultimately fail.

"Woah! Are you okay?" Brice asks, jogging over to me after getting over the initial shock of not having a dresser blocking his way again.

I hold up a shaky hand and try to cast a small barrier spell. "Infirmus obice- Ahh!" I bite my lip and hug my knees more tightly to my chest as tears slip down my cheeks. They're using the orbs too much, and the orbs are taking power from me.

Brice's eyes widen, and he kneels down in front of me. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Are you-" He stops suddenly, scanning my cloak quickly. "Oh. Y-You're the sorcerer." Wow. Your observation skills are brilliant.

I nod sadly, still keeping my face hidden as I try to melt back into the wall. Yeah, it's not working.

"Well. Sorry, dude, but I sort of have to kill you, seeing as you're evil and all, and we really need those orbs for stuff..." he trails off, drawing his sword from a belt that I didn't notice before.

I try to raise my hand just for one measly spell, just something small, something to put up a force field between us, or change his mind for a few seconds, or heal me enough to let me run out of the room, but I can't. My hand shakes too much, and aside from that, the men downstairs are still using the orbs, over and over. And it hurts. I yelp as they use the orbs for another spell, and tears stream down my face. "J-Just do it, then," I sob. "I don't want to feel this anymore, please just kill me." I close my eyes and wait for the quick feeling of a sword slicing through my torso.

"You're not evil at all, are you?" Brice asks softly. I open my eyes a little to watch him sheathe his sword again.

I shake my head slowly, then wince at the pain brought by that simple movement. "No, but that doesn't matter. Please just kill me now," I beg, looking up at him.

He gasps, pulling the hood of my cloak down. "Woah..."


"Oh, nothing, you're just... really cute," he answers, smiling and tugging on a lock of my brown hair.

My cheeks are heating up, I can feel it. Great. "Thanks? P-Please just-"

"No. I can't kill you."

"Why n-not? Because I'm 'r-really cute?'"

He blushes, looking down at his feet. "No, of course not! I can't kill you because... I don't want to kill an innocent person. If you're not evil and trying to take over the world like my friends said you were, then you have every right to keep on living."

"Yeah, b-but don't I have every r-right to die, too?" I ask.

He furrows his eyebrows. "Why do you want to be killed so badly?"

"Bec-cause it hurts."

"What hurts?"

"E-Everything. When the orbs are taken o-off their pedestals and used by someone o-other than me..."

His eyes widen. "We're the ones hurting you!?"

I nod. "And I can't take it anymore and I just want to it to stop and I'd really appreciate it if you'd just stab your sword into my-"

"No! I'm not- What's your name again?"


"Well, Seto, I'm not going to kill you, and I'm not going to let you suffer any longer, either."


"I'm going to go stop them from taking the orbs."

"They've already t-taken the orbs," I say. Then I cry out in pain.

Brice stands up quickly. "I'll make them put the orbs back, then," he says determinedly. "I'm not going to let you suffer like this, Seto." He starts toward the door, but I reach out and grab his wrist, despite the pain it brings. He turns around to face me with a questioning look. "What is it?"

"I-I want you to take this with you," I tell him quietly, reaching into my pocket and pulling out the eighth orb. It glows purple when it comes into contact with my skin.

The eighth orb is smaller than all the others. The other orbs are about the size of a bowling ball, but this orb is only the size of a baseball. It fits easily in my pocket, in the palm of my hand. I hold it out to Brice.

"What is this?" he asks, not daring to touch it.

"Put it in your pocket," I say. "It'll protect you." He's going to walk downstairs and rebel against his friends, for me. I would feel horrible if they hurt him.

He frowns. "Why didn't it protect you?"

"It did," I say. "As much as it could."

He hesitantly picks up the orb. When it touches his skin, it glows a dull orange, confused as to whether it should be glowing with my aura's color, or Brice's. As soon as I let go of it, though, it turns to a golden color, matching Brice's hair.

And I collapse, immediately dropping my hand and leaning against the wall.

"Seto!" Brice calls, kneeling down next to me again. "Are you alright? What's happening? What's wrong?"

I take a deep, shaky breath. "L-Like I said, the orb was protecting me, as much as it was able to. It was giving me a little extra strength to help endure the pain from the loss of the other orbs, and... Well, since I'm no longer in contact with it..."

Brice shoves the orb toward me. "Then take it back!"

I smile slightly. "No, no. You keep it, at least while you're down there. I'll be fine, I just can't move very easily..."

He frowns again, but stands up, pushing the orb deep into his jeans pocket. "Okay. I'll be right back, Seto, I promise!"

I nod. "I'll be waiting..." Not like I can go anywhere. I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall.

Brice's POV

I practically fly down the stairs, my mood somewhere between 'so-in-love-that-if-I-barfed-I'd-barf-in-Valentines-Day-colors' and 'so-angry-that-if-someone-so-much-as-looks-at-me-right-now-I-will-dig-out-their-eye-with-a-spoon-and-sell-it-on-ebay.' Yeah. Somewhere in that range.

I can't believe these idiots tried to tell me that we were taking the orbs from Seto because he was evil! Seto is not evil in the slightest, he's completely innocent and adorable and perfect! Why would they want to hurt him?

"Brice! Did you kill the sorcerer?" one of my 'friends' asks. "We heard some noises."

I shake my head as I walk up to him. He's holding one of the orbs in his hand, and he's using it to make the cupboard doors in the kitchen open and close to the beat of a song. How can he so thoughtlessly do that? Every time he uses that orb, it's hurting Seto, and yet he uses it for something as pointless as opening and closing cupboard doors! In one swift motion, I yank my sword out of its sheath and stab it toward my 'friend.' Ha, friend. Yeah, right. He lied to me. If he were lying about something like the ingredients in a cake, I could maybe forgive him, but I can't possibly forgive him for something this big.

"Brice!" he shouts, shocked to find the tip of my sword held over his heart. He starts to fire something at me with the orb.

"Don't you dare," I growl, and he hesitates. "I will stab you." He's shaking now. "Give me the orb and leave, and don't ever bother this sorcerer again."

He nods, shaking in fear, and shoves the orb into my hands before sprinting out of the house, flailing his arms like a terrified child.

"Brice?" one of my former friends asks, standing in a door frame. "I thought you were on our side!" she shouts.

I glare at her. "I was." I dart towards her and hold the blade up to her neck. "But that was before I found out the details of our mission."

She laughs nervously. "Brice, I swear, that sorcerer really is evil-"

"Is he? Or are you?"

She scowls at me, dropping the 'dude-I'm-your-friend' act. "Don't you mean 'we?'" she asks. "You helped."

I grimace. "I didn't know any better. You apparently did."

She shrugs. "It doesn't matter. If you help that sorcerer regain his powers, he'll turn on you, because, whether you knew what you were doing or not, you still hurt him."

I hesitate. What if Seto does turn on me when he's back to full health? I mean, I did help steal the orbs... Actually, I don't really care if Seto's going to turn on me as soon as he's okay again. I'm going to help him anyways.

"Don't worry, I won't turn on you, Brice."

WOAH. I practically jump out of my skin. "W-Who was that?" I ask myself, ignoring the weird looks my former friend is giving me.

"It's me, Seto," the voice says, and I can pretty much hear the smile in his voice. He's communicating telepathically with me. That's cool. He must be getting some of his power back, now that that idiot isn't using the orb to make music.

"What are you doing?" my former friend asks. "Are you crazy or something?"

I smile. Crazy in love, if that counts. I press the sword gently against her neck. "Gimme the orb, or die. Your choice."

She glares at me for a few seconds, then sighs and hands over the orb. I balance it on my knee since it's too big and heavy to hold in the same hand as the other orb.

"Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart, please never ever come again," I say in a fake-cheerful voice.

Seto laughs quietly in my head, and she huffs and stomps out of the house. I just laugh and go through the door she was standing in.

Through the door is a carpeted staircase leading downward, to the basement. I hop down the stairs and glance around, seeing three of the people who used to be my friends standing on the left side of the room. "Hi, guys!" I say calmly, walking over to them.

"Hey, Brice!" one of them greets me. "Where'd you get those orbs? I thought we already got all of the orbs?"

I set the orbs down carefully on the floor. Then I spin around and hold my blade against my old friend's neck. "Oh, you did! I'm just taking them back now."

She gulps. "U-Uh, now, Brice, calm down," she says slowly.

A boy standing next to her adds, "Don't go all power-hungry on us, dude. We can share the orbs."

I roll my eyes. "I'm basically the opposite of power-hungry right now," I inform them. "I'm just getting the orbs back for Seto."

"Seto?" the third person, a girl whom I used to call my best friend, asks.

"Yeah. He's the sorcerer you guys are stealing from."

My ex-best friend's eyes widen. "Oh! Brice, you can't help the sorcerer, he's evil!"

"Evil..," Seto sighs sadly in my head. Oh, no, she hurt Seto's feelings. That's not okay.

"And how do you know that?"

"John told us!"

Ah, John. The leader of our little pack of idiots. "And how does John know?"

"I-I... He just... I don't know." She pauses, looking down at her feet. "We don't actually have any proof that he's evil..."

"Because he's not evil," I say.

"I-I'm so sorry, Brice!" she says. "We didn't know! Can we apologize to Zedoe?"

"No, I'm not letting any of you anywhere near Seto, but you can help him out by putting the orbs back where they belong and leaving this house immediately," I say, slightly angered at the way she mispronounced Seto's name.

They nod and hastily put the orbs down next to the other two orbs. "The pedestal room is over there," she says, pointing across the room. "John's in there." Her friends run up the stairs and out of the house, but she stays behind a bit longer. "Brice? ...I'm really sorry. I truly had no idea about Seto."

I sigh. "It's okay."

She hesitates a little longer. "Just... make John pay, alright? Do it for all of us."

I'll bet that, as she climbs up the steps, she's thinking about all the other people we've raided because they were 'evil' and in possession of something powerful.

I am, too.

I gently kick the orbs across the floor towards the pedestal room, since they're too heavy to carry. Then I stand in front of the door to the pedestal room and take a deep breath.

"Please be careful, Brice."

"I will."

John, here I come.

I throw open the door and march into the room. "Hi, John," I greet him coldly.

He stands on the other side of the room, next to a pink pedestal lined with a deep maroon color. That pedestal still has its orb on it. It looks like it's protected by a thin wall of sort of visible air... I don't even know. "Brice, hey! Why so down, buddy?"

"Don't call me 'buddy,'" I order through gritted teeth. Ten seconds into the conversation and I'm already so done with this guy.

"Calm down," Seto says softly.

I take a deep breath. Okay. I can do this, calmly. I pick up one of the orbs off the floor and heave it up onto a pedestal that matches its color; a glowing green. John raises an eyebrow curiously, but I ignore him and pick up the next orb, a turquoise thing that is probably supposed to go on that blue and green pedestal over there...

"Brice? What are you doing?" he asks.

"The right thing," I reply simply, setting down the turquoise orb in its proper place and walking back to the door to grab the next orb.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm done hurting innocent people," I say, placing an orange orb onto a fiery red pedestal.

"Innocent? You mean the sorcerer here? He's not innocent."

"Sure seems like it," I respond, putting a purple orb onto a pink and purple pedestal.

"He killed his own parents," John scoffs. "Doesn't seem very innocent to me."

"Oh, Notch," Seto cries.

What? "Did he really?" I ask John. I'd rather ask Seto, but I don't want to ask Seto out loud, because then John would know that I can talk with him. For some reason I just don't want John to know that.

"Yes. It was very brutal. He dug their eyes out of the sockets with his hands and then choked them to death by shoving the eyeballs down their throats," John replies.

I gag. I really hope that isn't true.

"It's not," Seto confirms, sounding as if he's crying. "They gave up their lives to protect me from this guy who was attacking our household, trying to steal the orbs... And he dug out their eyeballs and choked them with them. I had to watch. In their last moments, they cast a spell that blinded the dude for a few moments, and they told me telepathically to run. So I ran, and the orbs flew after me."

Oh. Wow. That's... wow. I wonder how old Seto was when he had to go through that?


Oh. He can read my thoughts. Well, that makes life easier.

"I don't believe you," I say to John.

He rolls his eyes. "You don't have to. But I was there, so I know it happened."

He was there?

Was he the one that killed Seto's parents?

He was, wasn't he?

I take a deep breath to calm myself, since I'm literally this close to cutting John up into eight slices and selling his body to the devil in a pizza box. I pick up the last orb in my possession, a black one with yellow swirls, and set it down on a yellow pedestal with black dots. Then I calmly – well, semi-calmly – walk to John.

"I hate you, sir."

"I'm sure you do, Brice."

"Could you do me a favor and put that orb back on its pedestal?" I ask, pointing to the black and red orb he's holding.

"Brice, be careful. That's the first orb, it has the most power."

"No can do," John replies.

I growl and whip out my sword, holding it to his stomach. "Put. The orb. Down."

He shakes his head, grinning cruelly. "Sorry, can't do that. But I can do this." He holds up the orb, using it's power to create ten random bunnies in the middle of the floor. What even is the point of that?

"Wha- Why..?"

His grin widens, and he quickly spawns carrots for all the bunnies to eat.

"Why are you...?"

He kills all the bunnies, then spawns twenty more, then kills all of them, then spawns ten more, then spawns a bunch of carrots for them to eat.

"No, seriously, what is the point of that?"

I swear, his grin is literally reaching from ear to ear as he spawns more bunnies before killing them all. "I'm using up the orb's power, obviously."


Seto! Seto, answer me! Are you there!?

He isn't answering.

"SETO!" I shout out loud. "SETO, ANSWER ME! SETO!"

He isn't answering.

John spawns more bunnies.

"WILL YOU CUT THAT OUT!?" I scream, pressing my sword against his stomach. "Why do you want to hurt him so badly!?"

"I don't want to hurt him," John says, frowning. He spawns fifteen bunnies, feeds them all carrots, and then kills them all. "I'm not that cruel."

"What!? What do you think you're doing right now!? You're hurting him, that's what!"

He shakes his head. "No, no, I'm not hurting him." He spawns a few more bunnies. "I'm killing him."

My eyes widen. "No! Stop, John, stop!" He doesn't stop. He just kills all the bunnies. The glowing black and red colors of the orb are beginning to fade. "John! Please, we can, we can work this out!"

"Oh, you think so?" John asks, spawning more bunnies and then spawning himself a diamond sword. "I seriously doubt that."

You know what? I'm done with this. I push my blade forward-

And he pushes my blade back. He hits me back with his diamond sword, and I growl. Then we're clashing our sword together with deafening bangs, and I can't tell whether I'm hitting him or not, because everything is just a blur of diamond and iron, and I'm just stabbing at every opening in his defense. "You aren't going to win," he tells me.

"I'm not going to lose, either," I say, lunging forward with my sword only to hear the clash of metal on metal yet again.

"Oh, yes, you are." He darts forward, sliding his sword through my torso. I gasp, waiting to feel the pain that comes before death.

Mm... It kind of hurts. A little. Like, imagine falling on the playground when you were a kid and scraping up the palms of your hands. That's what it feels like.

"What!?" John yells in surprise, backing away from me. "How!?"

I smile, reaching into my pocket and pulling out the baseball-sized magical orb that Seto gave me before I came downstairs. It glows extra brightly, and I look down to watch in fascination as the wound in my stomach quickly closes up. It doesn't even sting anymore, not one bit. "Seto," I say simply.

"I will kill him," John snarls.

"Ha, no you won't," I argue, jumping forward and knocking his sword out of his hand. He raises the orb to spawn himself another, but I charge forward before he can do anything.

My sword goes right through his chest, right through his heart. In his last moments, he tries to heal himself with the orb.

In his last moments, I rip the orb from his hands and set it down gently on its corresponding pedestal.

Now I have to return to Seto.

I sprint upstairs, taking the steps two at a time in my hurry to get to Seto's room. I fling open the door, half expecting to see a dresser blocking my path, and smile when there's just open space in front of the door.

But then I see Seto. He's collapsed against the wall, leaning against a bed that's on his left side. His eyes are closed. I can't tell if he's breathing or not.

I don't think he is.

With wide eyes, I move slowly to where Seto is. I sit down cross-legged next to him and pull his fragile body onto my lap, playing with his hair and just staring lovingly at his face. I literally just met him about an hour ago. But I'm already in love. I'm already wishing I had told him how I felt before I went downstairs.

I missed my chance.

And Seto is gone. This beautiful, innocent, perfect person is no longer living. A tear runs down my face and drips off my chin, landing on Seto's cheek. I wipe it off and then hug Seto close to me, squeezing him as tightly as possible.

His body tenses. "C-Can't... breathe..," a muffled voice says.

My eyes go wide, and I jump away from Seto. He yawns and stands up shakily, holding onto the bed for support. Then he stretches his arms above his head. "S-Seto?"

"Hi, Brice," he yawns, closing his eyes.

"Woah! Don't close your eyes!" I shout, stepping closer to him. What if he passes out or something? I mean, he pretty much just stood up after being dead for a few minutes.

"Why not?" he asks, putting his arms back by his sides and opening his eyes. He sees my worried expression, and realization dawns on his face. "Oh, right. Uh, sorry if I freaked you out a bit there. When John started using the orb a lot, I kind of lost consciousness. But then you apparently defeated John and put all the orbs back in place, and the orbs starting doing their jobs and healing me. Sadly, inanimate objects are rather stupid, so they didn't realize that I was suffering from a lack of magic. They sucked out some of my magic since they were too weak to heal me on their own. That's why it didn't work immediately. They had to work very slowly, and it's easier to heal someone when they're unconscious, so the orbs didn't see any sense in waking me up before I was done healing. Sorry, Brice."

I just shake my head and hug him, bringing his body close to mine. Seto's okay. Seto's alright. Seto's alive. That is all that matters.

Woah, wait a second. I'm not going to just forget the way I felt a few moments ago, when I thought he was dead. I'm going to tell him how I feel right now. "Seto?"


"I have something utterly important to tell you."

"Well, go ahead, then."

"I have this small- well, this huge voice in the back of my head saying, 'Dude! Hurry up and tell Seto that you're in love with him!'"

Seto looks worried during the first half of my sentence, but then his expression turns to shock. "I- what!?"

I grin sheepishly. "Yeah, I'm, um, kind of... madly, deeply in love with you... Whoops."

Seto pulls out of our hug, and for a second, I panic. "Please don't hate me!" I plead as tears brim in my eyes. I at least want to have Seto as a friend if I can't have him as a boyfriend.

He pauses. "Okay, I'm in a really cliché, celebratory mood right now, so... I don't hate you, Brice. I could never hate you. In fact, I love you, too." Then he leans in and presses his lips against mine, and I immediately kiss back, because honestly, who wouldn't?

But then I feel my feet lifting off the ground, and I jump away from Seto, shrieking in surprise. "SETO!"

Seto's eyes widen and he reaches forward and grabs my hand. I immediately start floating again; I had stopped as soon as I lost contact with Seto's skin. "Brice! Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself!"

"W-What... Why are we fl-floating?" I ask shakily. We're only about three feet off the ground, but dude, we're floating.

"Because it's fun to float," Seto replies. He grips my hand tightly and leads me towards the window, literally walking on air. Every time he places a foot down on the 'air,' a small, foot-size, purple platform appears, and it disappears as soon as he lifts his foot again. I carefully step after him, realizing that the purple platforms work for me, too. "We're going to go higher, now, okay?"

"O-Okay," I squeak, following Seto as he opens the window and climbs carefully out of it.

He turns back to face me. "Are you afraid?"

I nod slowly, looking down at the ground that is now an entire floor beneath us. We're pretty high... A fall from this height could probably break a few bones.

Seto pulls me closer to him, and I wrap my arms around his waist, not to be romantic, but to keep myself from screaming in fear. He smiles and kisses my forehead. "It's okay, Brice," he whispers. "I'm right here, and I won't let you fall. I promise, okay?"

I nod again, slowly unwrapping my arms from Seto and just holding tightly to his hand instead.

He grins and tugs on my hand, urging me to walk after him. He climbs the air like stairs, and I follow, despite my intense fear. Soon we're high above the ground, all the way at cloud level. Here Seto sits down cross-legged and pulls me down with him. I grip his hand so tightly that it's turning white.

"Brice," he say softly. "It's alright. Look, as long as you're touching me, you'll float. You won't fall. You don't need to hold my hand so tightly."

"Can I just hold you tightly?" I ask, shaking from fear.

He grins, scooting closer to me. "Of course." He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around him, and we just sit there in the clouds, perfectly content. Well, almost – I'm still dying of fear over here.

"S-Seto!" I squeal as a gust of wind blows against us. I bury my head in his chest, gripping the back of his cloak. "Can we please go back down?"

Seto laughs. "Okay... nos stillabunt," he says quietly, and then wind is making my hair fly up even higher, and we're falling, falling.

"SETO!" I scream, letting out a sob as I close my eyes in fear.

We come to an abrupt halt about two feet above the ground. Seto pulls back enough so that he can make eye contact with me. "Brice?" he asks with a concerned tone, studying my face. "Oh, Brice! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you that much!" he says, wiping the tears off my face.

I just shake my head, burying my face in his chest again. "Why would you do that?" I ask.

He sighs. "I'm really sorry, Brice. It's fun if you aren't afraid of heights. I thought you'd like it..."

I sniff. "I-I'm not afraid of heights."

He snorts. "Sure you aren't."

"I'm not!" I pull back, letting go of Seto and falling two feet to the ground. I huff. "Come on, let's go up again!"

Seto frowns, floating down to sit by me on the ground. "Brice, you didn't do too well last time-"

"No, no! I'll do better this time, I promise! Take me up again!" I insist.

Seto sighs. "Well..."

"Please?" I ask, bringing out my puppy eyes and making my lip quiver.

"Oh my Notch! Brice, don't do that!" Seto shouts. "Good Notch, I have a feeling I'm going to end up hating that face..."

"What, doesn't it look adorable?" I ask, batting my eyelashes.

Seto rolls his eyes, muttering, "Too adorable," under his breath. I smile. "Okay, fine, we'll go up again. Hold my hand, gently, there's no need to squeeze the life out of it. I won't let you fall unless it's on purpose, and then I'll be sure to catch you." He bites his lip. "Are you sure-?"

"Yes! Seto, I'm one hundred percent sure! Let's go, let's go!"

He grabs my hand, and then we're flying up, up, up, all the way to cloud level again. I take a deep breath and slowly look around. "It is pretty beautiful when you're not hiding in your boyfriend's cloak..."

Seto blushes bright red. "W-What? W-When was this decided?"

"Three seconds ago," I reply, smirking.*

"I-I never agreed to anything."

"Oh, right. Seto, will you be my boyfriend?"

"... No."


"You didn't say please, silly."

I sigh in relief. "Okay, my bad. Seto, will you please be my boyfriend?"

He smiles. "Yes. Totally. Most-definitely!" he shouts, hugging me tightly.

"Uh-uh-uh!" I scold, pushing him away but being careful to keep my hand in contact with his so I don't fall. He tilts his head questioningly. "I don't want a hug right now. You just agreed to be my boyfriend, I want a kiss! Then I'll take a hug."

He laughs and leans in, and I do, too. As soon as his soft lips touch mine, it's like... Heaven. That's the only way I can describe it. His lips moving against mine in perfect synchronization, it's... it's just perfection.

Seto pulls away, sticking out his bottom lips in a pouty face. "Now can I have my hug?"

I smile and pull him close to me, and he climbs onto my lap and snuggles into my chest. Aw, he's adorable. I could get used to this.

"Hey, Brice?" Seto asks, not moving from my lap.


"Are you ready?"

"For what?"

"This." He moves away from me, but doesn't stop holding my hand. Then he grins widely and we're falling through the air again. I close my eyes, biting my lip to keep from screaming. "Brice! Open your eyes!" Seto shouts.

I hesitantly open my eyes, and they widen quickly. This is... amazing! The world flying past us so fast I can barely even see it – it's beautiful. "Woah..," I whisper in awe.

We stop only a foot above the ground this time. "Did you like it?" Seto asks.

I nod. "I loved it, Seto! It was great!"

Seto smiles and lowers us down to the ground. "Know what else was great?" he asks.

I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Meeting you," he tells me, moving over to sit on my lap again. "And this, this is pretty great, too."


*It's not a fanfic until someone smirks. :3

So, uh, this was originally going to end when Brice walked into Seto's room, fell in love with Seto, and used true love's kiss or something stupid like that to save his life. I don't know. I only planned out the original plot to the point where Brice entered the room and fell in love with Seto.

But then I had that whole 'Brice-saves-the-day' bit where he walked around threatening all his old friends... And then John is spawning bunnies left and right, don't know where that idea came from...

GUYS. THE 1.8 UPDATE FOR MINECRAFT IS SO TOTALLY BOSS. I will update the server soon, hopefully maybe possibly probably. You'll just have to switch your MC versions back to 1.7.- whatever until I get it updated.

BACK TO MY FAILED PLOTTING IDEAS. I got to the 'first kiss' part of the story, and then I sort of forgot about plot entirely and started off on this entirely new plot where Brice was afraid of heights and Seto helped him overcome it. So, yeah, I could have split this one-shot into two, but I didn't.

ONE MORE THING. PedroA7/PedroAlexander27/Mr. Peanut Waffles (best name in the history of ever, btw) was awesome/kind enough to feature me in his new Fanfiction Fridays thingamajigger on YouTube! It's pretty cool. I don't think he's posted it yet, though.

We were skyping together, and after we recorded for the video, he turned on his facecam and jumped off the roof of a barn and onto a trampoline...



You're a rebel. I like you. ;)

No, but seriously, I'm done. See ya later, Rulers. Baiii!

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