Ssunkipz (Solve the Code)

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*sobs* GUYS I fixed the Poofless, I wrote another one-shot for it, but guess what? My computer did the same thing it did with the ALT ending for the SparkAnt thingy, and the ENTIRE FREAKING THING TURNED TO HASHTAGS AND I AM JUST DYING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE THAT THING WAS SO FEELSY AND UGH it's gonna be a while before I rewrite that thing. *cries for all of eternity* I will seriously stab something if my computer turns the Games document to hashtags, because that story has fifty freaking pages and I'm too stupid to write the chapters on separate documents. *growls threateningly at computer*

Title: Never Again

Pairing: Ssunkipz

A short continuation of "Apologize."

Genre: Fluff-ish...

Warnings: None. BUT BUT BUT WAIT I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY. There's a hidden code in this one-shot, and if you can find it, you will be utterly incapacitated for a minimum of thirty seconds.

Word Count: 618 (But it doesn't even matter that it's short because the code is so incredibly boss) (I can't take credit for it thought, I actually got it off a video game I used to play) (Okay nao read it and please please tell me if you figured it out, but don't spoil it for others)(I'll make a one-shot with a minimum of 5,000 words for the person who gets it first)(lol oops I'm abusing the parenthesis my bad)(ok I'll stahp nao)

"Queen!" I shout, laughing as I lay my card down on top of Quentin's four of spades.

"Unbelievable!" he yells, but he's laughing, too. "How come you got all the good cards?"

Every one of my cards so far have been above a nine, literally every single one. I should have no trouble winning this game. "I don't know. Luck, I guess?"

Noting the way he rolls his eyes, I smile and pull another card from my pile. "Ready?" I ask.

"Totally," he replies, pulling a card from his pile. "3, 2, 1, go!"

I slap my card down on the table with the face up, and Quentin does the same at the exact same time. I snort, seeing that his card is a two while mine is an Ace. Ah, the wonderful game of War.

"No! Dang it, how do you do that?" he asks, staring at the pile of cards with a frustrated expression. That's cute.

"Beats me," I respond, shrugging. "I really can't do anything but hope for good cards in this game. It's all based on luck."

"Right," Quentin says sarcastically. He rolls his eyes again. "You probably rigged the cards."

"Except you're the one who bought the cards three minutes ago and then shuffled and dealt them," I point out. "So I couldn't have done anything to the cards."

"Alright, fine," he sighs. "Maybe you've just got the best luck ever."

Knowing he didn't mean to bring back old memories, I force a smile and nod. But really I'm thinking about how unlucky I am to have had my heart broken five times by the same guy. The guy who's sitting right in front of me.

Sending another smile towards Quentin, who is giving me a curious look, I pick up the next card in my stack. I just can't stop thinking about this. Quentin broke my heart five times, and not a day goes by where I'm not constantly worrying about whether or not today will become number six.

Hopefully, there won't be a number six.

I count down, "3, 2, 1, go!" and we both slam our cards down.

"Seriously!?" Quentin shrieks, throwing his head back. He had a king.

Heh, but I had another Ace.

"Every single time," he mutters, smiling slightly.

"Ay, Quentin?" I ask suddenly, unable to shake the bad thoughts from my head.

Realization sweeps across his face, and he frowns, reaching across the table to hold my hand. "You're thinking about it again, aren't you?" Wow, he knows me really well.

Tentatively, I nod. I always worry that he'll get tired of me freaking out about him leaving me again.

And every time I get worried, he's right here to reassure me. "Ian, you have to trust me. I love you more than anything in the entire universe, and I mean that with everything that I am," Quentin insists, pecking my cheek.

Giggling a little, I nod again. "Yeah, I know. And I love you too, Quentin. Too much for words to describe."

"Aw," he coos, stroking my cheek. "You're blushing! That's adorable."

I blush even more, but my mind is still wandering to bad places. "You'll for sure never break my heart again?"

"Never again," he promises.


So, how many of you found the code? :3

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