Thanos is Coming

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Stephen's POV:

"Who?" I asked the man laying in the giant crater sized hole that he made in the ground. The man was shirtless, which made me a bit uncomfortable. 

Wong helped the man out of the hole, and I handed him a shirt and a small jacket. He quickly put them on, then ran a hand through his hair in stress. 

"I-I need Tony! I need to see Tony!"

I stared at him highly confused as to why he just crashed through the roof of the sanctum. I walked closer to him and grabbed his arm to slow his pacing. 

"Hey, guy. We don't even know who you are, or who the hell Thanos is. And why are you looking for a Tony?" I asked, he looked up at me, raising one eye-brow. 

I loosed my grip on his arm, then sat him down on a bench. He began to fiddle with his clothes, trying to relieve his stress. 

"My name his Bruce Banner, and Thanos is a titan trying to retrieve all the stones and wipe out half the universe. Tony, Tony is... Tony Stark, Iron Man." 

I nodded slowly, then turned to face Wong. He was giving me the same look, we knew exactly what was coming. 

But, there was one thing that I still didn't quite understand. Why would he want Tony Stark?

"Wait, who's Tony Stark?" I Wong asked confused, both Bruce and I looked up at him in surprise. 

"You don't know who Tony Stark is?!" Bruce asked in shock, he pinched the bridge of his nose is disappointment. 

"What? Is he like some sort of super famous super hero?" Wong asked sarcastically, Bruce got up from his seat still looking mortified. 

"That's exactly who he is!" 

I raised an eye-brow, then folded my arms. "Wait, so you don't know who Beyonce is, and you don't know who Tony Stark is?!" 

"What, have you been living under a rock or something?!" Bruce exploded into furry, I glanced at him furrowing my eye-brows. 

"J-just forget about him and his lack of knowledge on celebrities, I'll take you to Stark" I sighed, he looked at me surprised.

"You're gonna take me to him?" He raised his eye-brows and walked closer to me. I backed away and began to make a portal using my sling ring, Bruce was watching in aw. 

Once the portal fully opened, I stepped inside, and was now inside a park. The sun shinned onto my face, causing me to squint my eyes to shield myself from the bright light. But the breeze, oh the breeze was magnificent. How it blew past my face, and brushed my hair back. 

But the main thing the stood out beyond, the bright sun, and beyond the cool breeze, was Tony Stark standing in front of me, his eyes mixed beautifully with the sun. How they shinned and reflected the world. His hair was blowing slowly in the morning breeze, and how each hair would move in its own. I wasn't falling for this guy, I was just silently complimenting his good looks. I could feel myself staring, and I had to begin speaking or else things would get weird. 

"Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange, and I need you to come with me." I announced standing in front of him proudly. He was holding some ladies hand to his chest, as she looked at me in horror. I gave her a small smile, but quickly hid it and gave them my serious look. 

"Oh, congratulations on the wedding by the way" I chuckled a bit repositioning myself to face them straighter.

"I'm sorry you handing out tickets or something?!" Tony shouted back at me, I could tell by that he was an arrogant, stubborn son of a bitch. 

"We need you Stark, look, I don't you so well and same goes for you to me. But I do know that you are the Iron Man, and an Avenger. We need you."

I could see him thinking, then he looked down at his wife. I could tell she was trying to persuade him to stay. Then he took one long stare at me, this sent me chills and I decided to stare back. 

"Who's we?" He asked letting go of his wife's hand and walking closer to me. I stepped out of the way to let Bruce step out of the portal. 

"Tony..." I heard him muster out as he ran over to Tony, and wrapped his arms around him. Tony did the same still looking my direction in confusion. 

"Bruce?" Tony looked at Bruce up and down, I suspected that he hasn't seen him in a while. 

"Tony you have to come."

Tony looked one last time at his wife, then leant down and gave her a kiss. I stood there awkwardly, holding my hands in one another. 

Tony finished saying good bye to his wife, then headed through the portal with us. I couldn't help but notice that he was still staring at me. 

Once we were inside the sanctum, Tony took a seat on a bench. And Bruce started to explain the situation to Tony, and he listened up close.

"Tell me his name again."

"Thanos, he's a plague Tony!" Bruce began, "he sent Loki, the attack on New York, that's him!" 

Tony stood up from his seat and walked over to the cauldron of the cosmos, he then began stretching his legs on it. I decided to be a stubborn bitch back. 

The cloak of levitation slapped his ass, causing him to look at me in shock. I still gave him the serious look, then he put his legs back onto the floor and stood his ground. 

"I am going to allow that" he stated then looked me up and down, "if Thanos needs o'6 then why don't we just stick this one down a garbage disposal." 

"No can do" I replied shaking my head. 

"We swore to protect the time stone with our lives." Wong informed, pointing to the eye of agamotto that was placed around my neck. 

Tony rolled his eyes, "and I swore off dairy, then ben and jerry's named a flavor after"

"Stark raving hazelnut" I stared down at the floor.

"Not bad."

"A bit chalky."

He stared at me, and I stared back. It was like a silent staring contest, I kept my gaze hard on him, but then his gaze lowered down to between my legs. I blushed incredibly, then turned away to face the door. 

I could basically hear him smirking, so I walked across the room over to where Wong was then turned around to see Bruce and Tony talking. 

"W-where's the team?" 

"Cap and I fell out hard, the team's broken up."

Bruce looked at him confused, then grasped Tony's arm. 

"Wait like a band? Like- like the Beatles?"

Tony groaned, then he looked down at the ground. 

"Where's Vision?" Bruce asked, trying to get Tony's attention. Tony sighed then looked back at Bruce. 

"Lost, I lost him..."

"Tony you lost another super bot!?" Bruce asked in horror, he was really losing his cool. Tony placed his hands up in defense, to try to calm Bruce down. 

"He's not a super bot, he's evolved" Tony snapped back pacing around the sanctum, then looking back over at Bruce. 

 "Well... who could get in contact with Vision again?" Bruce tried to pull information from Tony's head, he seemed to be stressing this out a lot. 

Tony sighed loudly, "Probably Steve Rogers." He said rather quickly, then turned to face us. 

I sighed, then groaned. I new Tony and Rogers had their quarrels, and it would be difficult to get hem back to talking.

"Maybe..." Tony continued, he then pulled out his phone. It was a flip phone. For a genius, billionaire, you'd think that he would have some sophisticated type of technology, but instead he owns a flip phone. Great. 

"Why don't you just call him up?" Bruce asked, I stepped forward to try and encourage Tony into calling his ex-friend/teammate. 

"It's not that easy..."

I sighed then decided to persuade him myself, "Look Stark, we really need all it takes. This thing- Thanos... he's really coming, and I don't even know if we have all it takes." I sighed looking him dead in the eyes, and then eyeing his flip phone. 

He groaned and rolled his eyes, then flipped up the phone and began to search for Roger's contact. I thought things were going all according to plan, but suddenly Tony stopped. At first I going to walk over to him and snatch the phone out of his hand to call Steve myself, but then I felt myself begin to vibrate. 

Tony looked at me, I stared up at the ceiling trying to avoid eye contact. But then he brought my attention to him.

"Hey doc, you don't happen to be moving your hair at the moment, do you?" He asked pointing his phone at me, I looked at him, then I stared up at the one hair that wasn't gelled back like the rest. 

"Not at the moment no..." I turned to the door, and Tony shoved his phone in his pocket and headed towards the entrance. He quickly looked back at the rest of us, then opened the doors to New York city. 

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