First Day Of Work

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Hey! How is everyone! I'm excited to get writing for everyone again!

Let's get to the story!

In the morning

After we all ate, one by one, the boys and I started to go to bed.

When I went to bed, Jin, RM, and Jimin were still up. Tae, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hobi has already gone to bed.

When I got in there Tae had been gone for a while and he was nice enough to give me something to sleep in also.

I knew they wouldn't have any girl clothes so I don't know why I was so surprised.

He gave me one of his shirts.

His shirt...

Why am I being so weird? It's just a shirt. Put it on.

As I changed out of my shirt and pants and put on his shirt, which was like a dress on my small frame, his scent enveloped me and it smelled amazing.

As I lay down in my bed and get under the comforter, his shirt helped me doze off into the black abyss of sleep.


In the morning I was awoken by the smell of bacon and the sound of RM and Kookie arguing over something that I couldn't quite make out from my room.

As I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I realized that I was already supposed to be up and know what they were doing as their manager.

I hurried out of my bed, got dressed (there were more clothes that I'm guessing Mr.Bang had ordered for me in the dresser and closet, with a convenient little hole in the pants for my tail), and headed downstairs.

"Jeon Jungkook get your butt back in this kitchen!!!" That was Jin. Kookie must have stollen a piece of bacon and ran away.

I laughed to myself, from Kookie's cuteness.

As I walked in the kitchen, Jin turned to me from the stove. "Good morning AJ. How did you sleep?"

I yawned and smiled at him. "Good morning Jin! I slept good. Thank you for asking. How did you sleep?"

Jin turned back to the stove with a smile on his face. "I slept ok. I can never sleep well with 6 children."

I giggled and nodded, "I can see why."

Just about that time Jungkook and Hobi come out of the living room fighting for the piece of bacon, that I'm guessing Kookie never put back on the plate next to Jin.




I laughed at their fight and I look at Jin who looked at the fight, worried. He made eye contact with me and I gave him a reassuring look.

I walk towards the fight but far enough that I wouldn't get hit. I watched them fight over the bacon for a minute before taking a deep breath.


They both stop and look at me surprised and I realized what I'd said and I looked down before saying, "please."

Hobi let go of the bacon and walked over to hug me. "I'm sorry for fighting AJ."

I nod and hug him back.

After Hobi was done hugging me Kookie came over and gave me a hug too and saying sorry.

I walked back over to the kitchen and Jin looked at me surprised.

"I- uhm thank you AJ."

I shyly smile at him and nod. "No problem."

He finishes up with the bacon and already had some eggs ready to go.

"EVERYONE! BREAKFAST IS READY!" At this I heard feet running down the stairs and Jimin bursts through the doorway. He follows Jin to the table and sits down, helping himself to some bacon and eggs.

I hadn't realized that Tae had come down the stairs until I felt his warm arms come around my small frame from behind me.

I freeze and turn around in his arms. I relax as soon as see his familiar face.

"Tae your scared me!"

He laughs, a deep baritone laugh, that sends chills down my spine.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He days with amusement in his eyes.

I snaked my way out of his arms and made my way to the table. "Well I'm hungry, so I'm going to eat."

He laughs again, and follows me to the table. As soon as everyone is at the table and eating, Mr. Bang walks through the door and greets everyone.

Everyone says hi and Mr. Bang walks over to me and explains what the boys are going to do. As I listened, they were all having their own conversation and not even paying any mind to what Mr.Bang was saying.

As soon as he was through talking to me he said goodbye for the day and walked out the door.

I had made a mental list of what all they were doing that day.

Starting at 9:30: go to the studio and work with the choreographer for their next comeback.
12:30: finish up with the choreographer and take a break with lunch, which I had to figure out and tell someone to get for the boys.
1:30: finish with the break and lunch, and give them all time to go to their offices and work on songs, while I sometimes help them with ideas.
3:30: finish up with their own work, and give them time to theirselves, or the group, to do whatever they want, which I have to figure out before they go their separate ways.
7:30: Finish up with their free time and go back to the apartment, or go somewhere to eat. Then let them relax before going to bed. Yeah
9:30/10: go to bed!

I recite it in my brain a few times before telling all the boys what they were doing for the day. Yoongi seemed to be excited for when they work on their songs, and the rest didn't really say anything.

It was currently 8:55 and they needed to change out of their pajamas into their workout clothes and have a bag full of clothes and other necessities for the day.

I told them all to finish up and get ready because they only have 40 minutes to get ready.

They all get done and thank Jin for the food, then go get ready.

I had already gotten dressed but I needed to brush my teeth and other stuff.


When I was done with getting ready, I headed and downstairs and waited for the boys at the door, my tail swishing in anticipation.

At 9:25 Jin came down the stairs with his bag and handed it to me, which I held for him. He gave me a small bow for a thanks and waited next to me for the boys.

The rest, one by one came down the stairs and handed me their bags and we all headed down the elevator into the lobby and out the door, where the van was waiting for us.

They already had a driver so none of them had to drive, and we all climbed into the back.

With me, Jin, RM, and Hobi sitting in the front row seats, and Jimin, Jungkook, Tae, and Yoongi in the back row of seats.

We all had little conversations until they got to the studio and we all walked into the practice room. All the boys stretched while I told the choreographer when they ended today. She nodded and I found a chair in the corner and watched all of them practice.


When they were done, they were all worn out and sweating a bit while guzzling water. I noticed they were tired and probably hungry so I walked over and asked them what they wanted.

"Burger King!" That was Jungkook.

"Let's go to McDonald's." That was Yoongi.

"No lets get chicken." RM.

"I want McDonald's like Yoongi." Jin.

"Yeah let's go there." Tae.

"I'll eat anything." Jimin.

"Let's go to McDonald's! Like Yoongi said." Hobi.

I nodded. "McDonald's it is."

Kookie looked sad. I felt bad for him. "Kookie I can get you some Burger King if you want. And I can get you some chicken too RM." they both looked up at me and smiled.

"Yes please!!" That was Kookie. He gave me a big hug.

"Thank you AJ." RM gave me a small hug too.

I nod and tell the other person to get their food, and he leaves to go get it.

They are all either laying down, or sitting on the ground, and they all look tired. So I decide to cheer them up.

I walk over to the corner and shift into my kitten form. I get out from under my clothes on the floor and shake out my fur.

I walk over and jump into Yoongi's lap, purring slightly. I heard Hobi coo at me and start petting me. They all start to pet and Tae actually picks me up and hold me up towards his shoulder, and I nuzzle his neck.

After a few minutes of this the other assistant arrived with the food and I jumped out of Tae's arms and let them eat.

When they were done eating, I sat by my clothes and meowed at them.

Kookie came up to me and asked, "Do you need help AJ?"

I nod and walk in a small circle.

He laughs and picks up my clothes and me and walks to one of the changing rooms and sets me down in it.

I change and walk out to meet the guys. They all talk for a minute then go to all their separate offices to work on their new songs.


After a while, the boys gathered in one of the rooms, it was Yoongi's.

They all sat around on the sofa and the chairs while I sat in Kookie's lap. He insisted.

I felt Tae's gaze on the side of my face the whole time. I felt the heat rise to my face, but I just avoided eye contact with him for now.

After a while they all agreed they wanted to go to the mall, and I nodded getting off of Kookie and lead them to the car to leave.

Then we were off to the mall.

————End of First Day of Work———

This is the longest chapter that I've posted and uhhhh it took forever. XD

Welp, I really hoped you liked this chapter, and there will be more soon.

I purple youuuuu!!! 💜💜💜💜


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