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Taehyung looked at the body on the table and pursed his lips. He tried to convince himself that was not Jimin and it was anyone but Jimin. "You ready?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung hummed to answer Jungkook who pushed him forward and stopped. "Now, is your stomach okay?" He asked and Taehyubg hummed again. "I'm okay." He spoke but it was a lie. Everything hurt. Breathing hurt but he needed to see Jimin. This was probably the only time he could see Jimin ever again so he had to do this.

Jungkook nodded before removing the blanket that covered Jimin. The moment Taehyung saw Jimin, he broke into a sob. "Oh my god-" he put his hand over his mouth and tried to stay as still as possible, breathing in and out as good as he can and all he wanted to do was hold his breath. "No.. no.. no Jimin no.." he teared up, reached his hand to caress Jimin's cold cheek.

Taehyung let out a heartbreaking cry, looking at the tinted blue lips as he cupped his cheek with his one hand. "I.. I love you.. i'm sorry I couldn't love you like how you wanted me too.. oh my god I love you.. don't leave me.." Taehyung mumbled to Jimin who laid there lifeless. Jungkook stood behind Taehyung, his eyes glossy as he listened to Taehyung.

Taehyung sat there for a good ten minutes, talking to Jimin who was no longer there, breaking into sobs and just blankly staring at him. "I think we should get going now Taehyung, this is already taking a toll on your body." Jungkook spoke and Taehyung hummed. "I want to.. I want to kiss him goodbye.." Taehyung hiccuped.

Jungkook pursed his lips. "If I move you, your incision could rip open Taehyung. When you lean down it could rip open." He tried to explain. "Please.." Taehyung choked out and Jungkook breathed out before going on the opposite side after pushing Taehyung closer. "God forgive me." He mumbled to himself as he moved Jimin's head to the side. "Okay, hurry please." Jungkook looked away. Was he really doing this? What possessed him to do this anyway?

Taehyung gulped and stretched out a little bit and placed a kiss on the males lips and cheek. "I love you.." Taehyung managed to smile as he sat back with a discomforted groan. Jungkook put Jimin's head back how it was before going over to Taehyung. "Now, i'm going to put you back in bed, you're going to rest and i'm going to get you food because surgery is scheduled on Wednesday." Jungkook spoke.

Taehyung sniffled and hummed. Jungkook pursed his lips and pushed Taehyung out.

Taehyung sat on his bed, looking at the yogurt before pushing it away, Jungkook watching the male. "Taehyung.." he sighed and Taehyung sniffled. "I can't.. i'm sorry.. I.." he rolled his eyes and wiped away his tears. "When am I going to stop crying, I need to stop crying! It hurts! I-.. god I'm hurting." He groaned.

Jungkook tilted his head and nodded. "He told you he loved you did he?" He asked and Taehyung eyed Jungkook, nodding slowly. "He told me he loved me.. then we crashed.." he gulped. Taehyung looked the other way. "I don't know if you have things against gays or whatever but.. Jimin and I were best friends.. are best friends and.. I just couldn't accept his love."

Jungkook nodded. "I for one have nothing against gays. I find them cute." He shrugged and that made Taehyung chuckle dryly. "Cute?" He asked and Jungkook smiled. "Very cute." He added and Taehyung smiled lightly. "How about we start you off with water, can you work with that?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung looked at the water bottle. "Only if I get a straw.." he looked at Jungkook.

"Of course boss, right away boss." He teased and Taehyung found himself smiling again, watching the male leave the room to grab him a straw. Taehyung relaxed, breathing out as he looked at the cut on his stomach. Now he had something to remind him about how he killed Jimin. Taehyung was suppose to die, not Jimin. Jimin had his seatbelt on and everything and Taehyung was on the lid of the fucking car!

Yet he lived.. and Taehyung would never understand that. As much as the doctors repeat how he died, he would never understand it. "So, I got you a pink straw because as I say, gays are cute." He teased again, sitting down and unscrewing the bottle cap. Purely joking but he figured joking around would make Taehyung think less of Jimin. "So are you just going to grab me everything thats pink because i'm gay?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook shrugged. "Probably." He snickered but hummed soon after.

Taehyung smiled lightly, wrapping his lips around the straw and sucking in the water, Jungkook smiling at the small progress with Taehyung. Once Taehyung drank half of it, he pulled off. "I.. I don't know your name.." Taehyung blinked from the sudden realization. "Right.. I should have gotten to that earlier.. uh, I'm Jeon Jungkook." He greeted the boy with a bow.

Taehyung hummed. "You probably know a lot more about me than I know about you huh." Taehyung spoke and Jungkook nodded. "I know a lot of things I shouldn't know for a paramedic that saved your life." He hummed and Taehyung looked away. "I think you should have helped Jimin.. Jimin needed the help.." Taehyung couldn't help but speak what was needed to be said.

"Yeah but you were more severely injured. Joy and I had more in the ambulance suited for you and we were more experienced I would say." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. Taehyung let his lips part. ".. Is it bad I wished you two never noticed me? That I wish I was the one who died? Because.. Jimin didn't deserve this.. he didn't deserve any of this.." Taehyung spoke softly but his voice cracked. "He was okay Jungkook. He was fine... then he wasn't and I-" Taehyung couldn't even finish.

"Jimin deserved the world. He was majoring in dance did you know that? He wanted to help the little kids find a passion for dancing, the ones who couldn't pay hundreds of money for a dance lesson. He wanted to do it for free.. He also wanted four kids.. three boys and one girl. Jimin wanted to live in this big house he imagined and drew. Jimin.. had everything planned out.." Taehyung breathed out, looking at his bottle. "And all I know is.. i'm going to go into my fathers business and thats it. I was hoping to marry this dude maybe soon but apparently he was cheating on me so thats down the drain."

Taehyung sighed and looked at Jungkook who was staring back at him. "Moral of the story.. he should have lived. Park Jimin.. should have lived."

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