Don't let our love fade

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Hey guys

preethibuvana edited part is in Italics dr... Do read

OS on SR track...
This one is emotional too... bear me...
suddenly my mind got some idea to write you go...

Story after Ragini's truthout,
(here laksh started loving ragini and also proposed her too..both consummated their marriage living happily.Laksh didn't helped swasan to expose ragini)

The story begins here..

Raglak room,
Ragini tensed about something.After laksh proposal she is feeling guilty about her doings.She changed to old innocent ragini who knows only to love others.She want to tell laksh about her past doing but fear to lose him again is stopping her. She is now mentally stressed and also swasan behaviour towards her making her stress more.

Now only she thought laksh not yet return from office till now she got scared That time she got one call from unknown number.she attend that call with so much fear from other side someone said that they kidnapped ur husband laksh.Got image of laksh unconscious state. And they blackmailed to confess all her doings infront of family.

For her laksh life she ready to do anything.She called everyone to living hall and confessed all her doings.They got shocked to know about the truth felt angry on her.Here that blackmailers shows her confessing video to laksh and released him yes its all done by swasan to expose ragini.

Finally he reached MM with hurt nd heart break by knowing his love his bachaa his ragini did this all He felt betrayed.He is totally devasted after this truth out.
There his wife standing with guilt and ofcourse in fear to lose him.All are taunting her by words no one is ready to forgive her.His Heart not able to see her like this its paining him. But his mind not ready to accept his anger over powered his love on her.
All ready to through her out. But laksh not ready to send her out. All got shocked to know his decision. He simply said i am the one has rights to punish her. But family members are not satisfied with his decision.All went angrily from there.

He tragged ragini to their room and said hereafter she is gonna feel only hatred from him. Ragini said she is ready to take any punishment from him. He said hereafter you are my namesake wife only dont you dare to come near me. And said hereafter you only going to do all work in this house. Ragini accepted all because she deserved it for playing with his life.

Days passed with suji's taunts and laksh hatred. Ragini totally lost her charm laksh heart pained to see her like this but his mind nd anger towards her not ready to accept his love on her. Suji always torcher her by giving works and often taunting her.Ragini beared everything as her punishment atleast staying near laksh makes her happy.AP too not speaking with her.

In MM uttara only speaking to her after seeing her suffering she only taking care about her.Uttara always scold suji for her doings.Inbetween Swasan got married and leading happy life after destroying raglak happy life. Laksh not able to fight with his feelings he went business trip to London for three months project.In this time suji started torchering ragini more.Uttara did her best to stop her mom but she is not listening her.AP is not involving in this not even stopping suji because she is angry on ragini for betraying her son but she is also not able to see her suffering. Sometimes she also stopped suji not able to tolerate her torcher but suji always do something without her presence.

In this time Ragini got pregnant this came as shock to suji she taunted her more by saying this is not laksh child nd characterless she even influenced AP by saying this not laksh child ask her to abort the child.Ragini is broken completely by all this she tried to inform laksh about this but laksh didn't attended her call due to anger nd busy in meetings.But thought to call later.

One month passed with suji planning to abort child nd escaping by uttara's help.Uttara always with her to give strength to her. Both spend their time by talking to baby enjoying themselves in room.Uttara taking care of ragini like her own sister she is also trying to tell her bhai about her mom doing.she is feeling so sad for her and determined to unite his bhai nd bhabi to give ragini a happy life.she is also upset with swasan not caring about raglak just enjoying their life selfishly. One day uttara went to outing with her friends that time suji takes ragini to docter by showing fake concern on her she too believed her.Suji said her friend is well-known gynecologist want to take her for check up both went there.In hospital suji asked doctor abort her child without Ragini's knowledge by offering money to docter.
Ragini got emotionless after knowing her abortion.she got broken completely.She is lying lifelessly in room not knowing what to do she dreamed about her child more. Her dream got broken completely without her knowledge.She is not crying undergoing a emotional stress.Uttara came to know about this after returning she is also broken after seeing her bhabi's state. She called laksh to inform everything.she asked him to come home immediately by saying AP is not well.Here AP don't know about the abortion because she warned suji not to harm innocent baby and having full trust on ragini in this matter.Suji not able to tolerate the fact that first heir is going to given by raglak not from swasan made her to abort child without AP's knowledge.

Next day Laksh return from London he directly went to AP'S room to see her but there she is fine.Laksh called Uttara to AP's room to invest about her calling. Uttara came told whatever happens in his absence. He shocked to know about his child got completely broken whatever happens he loved her that child is his own blood. Now he is regretting for not attending her call. AP is also shocked and regretting for not taking care of her daughter.Both mom and son is scared to see Ragini after this how they are going to console her both blamming themselves for her state.

In raglak room,

Here Ragini not able to tolerate her emotions.She started crying now her only dream went as dream only.she is not ready to take her baby's loss take knife nd cut her wrist said i am going to my baby nd fell down unconsciously.

After gathering some strength laksh came to room for support his love to get over from this miserable state.but he Shocked to see ragini unconscious.he shouted ragini..all came to raglak room after hearing laksh shout shocked to see Ragini's state DP asked him take her to hospital.he take Ragini in his arms went to hospital not before glaring suji angrily she got scared.

In XYZ hospital,
All are waiting outside ICU crying nd praying for her well being. All are cursing themselves for not forgiving this innocent soul even after knowing she changed to good and old Ragini.

The one who got broken more was laksh he is crying like hell for not follow his heart nd stopped showing love on her.he is praying to god to bring her back to him.
After sometime doctor came out and informed family she is out of danger.
Laksh entered inside to see her love.He hold her hands started crying remembering his ignorance towards her.

Laksh: I am really really sorry bachaa for ignoring u all these days for that i got very good punishment by losing our child.I am sorry dear please don't do like this hereafter I know what ur feeling but pls don't leave me... without u i m nothing. I lost our child but I don't want to loss u hereafter pls comeback bachaa.. don't u want to punish the person who is reason for our child loss...haan you are my strong ragu right..Pls bachha come back nd punish her.he felt movement in her fingers.
She got conscious and opened her eyes

After seeing laksh she started crying he just hugged her to his chest she cried out letting her emotions out. After relaxing laksh made her look into his eyes and said I LOVE U ragini don't take stupid step like this anymore pls DON'T LET OUR LOVE FADE dr.I will be with u always.will u please forgive me for ignoring u.haan will u pls give me a second chance? He asked to her by seeing her eyes. She hugged laksh by crying and said please laksh dont leave me anymore i cant live without you.He sealed her lips with his.. after breaking the kiss said never ever bachaa.I LOVE U Soo Much.
I Love U too laksh...😍
Then AP,DP,RP uttara entered inside asked her to forgive them. RP nd DP said sorry to laksh for their carelessness not knowing what happening in the house they felt ashamed.Laksh said no papa chacha pls dnt say that.but chacha i am not going to forgive chachi i am sorry. RP said whatever u do i am with you i feeling ashamed to tell she is my wife.

In MM,

All returned from hospital after discharging ragini.Laksh thanked Uttara for taking care of ragini all these days.. she replied no mention bhai ragini bhabi is like my sister its my duty too by saying this she hugged her both bhai and bhabi happily. Laksh gave complaint on suji for aborting his child she got arrested and sentenced to jail.

In night raglak room,
Laksh in washroom for changing but Ragini's mind is filled with her lonely hours she spent in that room, whatever she dreamed about their baby only. she is not able to over come from those thoughts. Laksh came out from washroom seen his wife sad face he just came and hugged her but ragini seems not affected because of those miserable memories. Ragini just came out of hug just layed on bed not saying anything. Laksh thought to not distrub because she need good sleep So he too layed beside her.

Sunrise entered into the room because of that laksh sleep got distrubed. He got up from the bed rubing his eyes. He looked around the room not finding his wife he got panicked and started shouting her name. Came down shouting her name. There he saw his wife in kitchen preparing coffee and uttara is glaring her. He felt relief because when he not found his ragini in the room her yesterday state came into his mind and got scared. He relieved from those thoughts after seeing his wife fine and working in kitchen. Then only reality stricked his mind Ragini is not fully cured. here she is working without taking care of her stupid girl. He entered into the kitchen glaring her Ragini!!! he shouted....she turned back and found her husband glaring her.Already she is getting advice from uttara for doing work in kitchen she is standing there not saying anything but something got into her mind she just told uttara she is going to room and tell servants to do the works ignoring laksh.Laksh felt her ignorance but he thought may be she is escaping from his scolding then he wished uttara good morning and went to their room.
In room he found her lost somewhere thought to ask her after freshen up. He came out of washroom and looked around again his wife is missing he felt strange he got ready and came down searching her. In dinning, all are waiting for him ragini is also sitting there he smiled seeing her and also sat for breakfast in all this time she didn't looked him once he felt hurt. Thought to ask her after finishing breakfast but after that DP tragged him to office by saying urgent meeting so he went with him.

In Jail,
Suji is sitting inside the bar crying she was not slept whole night because of mosquito torcher there was no fan and place was dirty to lay down on ground so she is simply sitting like that. Jailer came and ask her to have bath and come to kitchen.she got confused why she is calling her to Kitchen but gone to bath. She started crying after seeing the washroom not finding another option she got ready and came to kitchen. There jailer ordered her to do washing utensils, cooking work she denied to do but jailer strictly told her if she not do anywork there is no food for her. So no option left for her other than doing work.she started her work crying.Full day passed with suji doing washing cooking cleaning of jail grounds she deserved it...all karma.

Night time,
In raglak room,
Laksh came from office hope to ask his wife for her ignorance but he found his wife sleeping peacefully he thought not to distrub her after changing he too layed beside her.

Three days passed in Ragini's ignorance in these days he not even got single minute to confront her.End of the day he found her standing in balcony staring moon he goes and stand beside her asked what is bothering her why she is ignoring him. She simply said this is what laksh the same pain i felt due to your ignorance last few months he got shocked hearing her answer but composing himself he asked... u forgived me na ragini.If u want i am ready to ask sorry again. I know simple sorry is not a medicine to your wound but pls forgive me ragini. She turned to face him she stared into his eyes and said I forgived u laksh but not forget anything. Infact i too felt pain in these three days ignoring you and seeing you in pain but I am scared laksh. For what you scared ragini he asked her with teary eyes not able to tolerate pain.She said I lost trust laksh due to your ignorance on last few months...k its all past but bring back that trust on you laksh...Erase my pain and wound then we will start our life till then please stay away from me laksh. U are right ragini i broked ur trust by leaving you in those miserable situation but I too felt same pain ragini seeing you in pain Infact for that only I went to London not able to fight between my mind and heart I know i done a big mistake by that decision as a punishment we lost our child ragini...I am really really sorry here after u only going feel love from me I will bring back that trust on me definitely he said determined.
After that he will do something make her smile....showing his love on her even in small moments between them💕💕 in cute ways.

In these days Parish return from London (in this os they settled in London) pari uttara ragu bonded well in short time. Adarsh too bonded with ragini well like a good friend more than a good brother to her. Laksh is not even wasting a single second in impressing his ragu.Ragu silently enjoying his husband antics she started trust him again slowly.

Inbetween suji is going through same torcher she gave Ragini in jail.She always getting punishment for not doing work properly. Not even swasan went to see her they were settled in another city.

One fine day laksh asked ragini to get ready both went out in car by laksh blindfolding her. Finally car stopped before one building he came out of car and take her in his arms entered into that compound its seems like love filled environment. Another side, So many members like children's, old people look like grandfather grandmother nd few representatives waiting in big hall. He entered that hall and placed Ragini down removed her blindfold . Ragini opened her eyes look front she got tears on her eyes because there a portrait of Janaki is placed there. (Actually this a foundation in memory of Janaki for orphan children,old people with all facilities fir them) She is looking all in teary eyes because it was her dream to start the foundation for needy people in the name of Janaki. She looked towards laksh seeking answer he simply replied with smile ur dreams my dream ragini. He then introduced her to the children and other people after that all bounded well with raglak...they spend that whole day in foundation. In evening returned to MM after assuring them will definitely visit u all often.

In raglak room,
After entered into the room Ragini hugged laksh and started cry by saying thank you He broked the hug and wiped her tears noding no to her.Again hugged her with smile in return she hugged him back even more tightly... its clearly saying both were in unconditional love most importantly trusting eachother more. Sometimes their actions itself say how much they loving eachother and trusting eachother no words is needed.

Days passed.....
Both raglak are taking care of each other.Their love increasing day by day. Laksh takes ragini to honeymoon too. AP is also taking care of Ragini well and DP also started spending time with his family happily.Ragini experiencing mom and dad love from AP nd DP. Brotherly love from adharsh. sisterly love from pari and Uttara. Days nd year passed with happy family and Raglak's unconditional love both blessed with twins their symbol of unconditional love RAGYA nd RAKSH😍😍😍😍


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Sorry if i bored u all..
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