Open Novella Contest 2024!

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Cover made by me using CANVA PRO. 

Main prompt (14): "My [muse], believe me, waiting for you has been a form of freedom." 

Secondary prompt 1 (5) -- First prompt that appears: "Horror is in the eye of the beholder."

Secondary prompt 2 (24): A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later.

Secondary prompt 3 (33): A broken heart beats with all its pieces. And it still wants the same person.

Secondary prompt 4 (41): "[Vee has shot] cupid [dead in the ass]! Because [she's too scared] to fall in love again."

Secondary prompt 5 (67): "A promise is a promise. A secret is a secret."

It's like a scavenger hunt -- see if you can find them all! *grins*


Logline: After two college lovers, Ian and Sylvia, break up due to being at the wrong place/wrong time, they have the chance to reunite and rekindle their lost love. 

But after eight years apart, is it simply too late?



Extremely strong language, particularly in the Ariana chapters. Think F-bombs left, right, and center. Ian and Sylvia chapters aren't nearly as bad. Such chapters will have a 🤬 warning in the title.

What can I say? As Ian says, "Ariana swears more than a pirate whose last bottle of rum got smashed in a bar fight."

Moderate sexual intimacy with a more emotional or imaginative component but nothing overly graphic or gynecological. Such chapters will have a 🔥 warning in the title.

– No violence, no scary imitable behavior, or anything else because it's generally wholesome


Similar works

Imagine if I rewrote Mask of Celibacy, but with adults finding love again. That's the vibe. Wholesome fare with a lot of swearing that I might need to tone down a bit. PG-15.


Status: ongoing with daily updates (I promise! I have my ducks in a row this time. For once.)


Representation: two demisexual, demiromantic MCs who prefer fantasizing about sex more than having actual sex. But they have had sex in the past and will have sex in the expanded novel (if there's demand for it).

To quote Ian: 

Deeply sexual in our fantasy.
Deeply loving in our hearts.
Deeply oblivious of our bodies.



"Don't look back." Ian stares at me through the screen with his dark, intense gaze. "Don't long for all the things that might have been. Don't chastise yourself for the decisions you've made."

For a moment, his words render me silent.

"Appreciate all those little indentations that make you who you are," he says with a tender expression. "And remember your superpower."

"What superpower?"

"Let yourself dream again." A tender smile crosses his features. "Focus that intense drive of yours on the future like you used to do."

He's right. For so long, I've been living in survival mode. One foot in front of the other. Stuck in this nightmare, I haven't been able to see any other way forward. Until now.

"You're free now," he says, "to make better choices that will make you truly happy." 

For a moment, I let my mind take me wherever it wants to go. Right now? It wants to be in Boston, beside him. But can I leave everything behind?


Let's support each other and make/rekindle some friendships! Are you writing a story for the ONC 2024? If so, please share it here. -->

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