Chapter 2: A theory that is right and wrong.

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Apologies in advance for this taking a little long.


(No one's POV.)

Sam and Dean wearing FBI tuxedos go inside Beacon Academy, heading straight to Professor Ozma's office, seeing the door shut.

Dean knocks on the door and it opens, revealing Professor Ozma while Cardin was talking to Glynda Goodwitch about what happened.

Dean: "Mr Ozma, I'm agent Williams, this is my partner agent Gabriel."

Sam: "We heard about what happened to Dove and we wanted to hear the whole story from Cardin."

Professor Ozma: "I see."

Professor Ozma opens the door, allowing the 'agents' inside to talk to Cardin and show their 'badges' to him.

Dean: "Cardin Winchester?"

Cardin looks to see Sam & Dean.

Dean: "Hi. We would like to ask you what happened."

Cardin: "Do we have to go over this again?"

Sam: "We'll try to be brief."

Cardin took a deep breath to calm down and gather his thoughts.

Cardin: "My partner, Dove and I were fighting Grimm that are reappearing in the emerald forest. The professor sent us to sort them out since it was only Boarbatusk and while Dove and I finished fighting them, we took a small look around and Dove was unexpectedly struck by lightning."

Dean: "Do you have any idea why it happened?"

Cardin: "No... One minute everything is fine and the next..."

Sam: "Can you remember anything else?"

Cardin thinks about the question for a few seconds until he remembers something else.

Cardin: "Yes. Did you find the weird stuffed toy?"

Sam and Dean blinked, confused about what Cardin said, looks at each other and back a Cardin.

Sam: "A stuffed toy? In the forest?"

Cardin: "There was a stuffed toy... but it vanished after what happened to Dove."

Dean: "This vanishing stuffed toy, What does it look like?"

Cardin: "Does it matter?"

Sam: "Yes, every detail matters."

Cardin then takes his time to remember the details.

Cardin: "It looked like it had a creamy yellow body with orangey-copper cheeks, a set of eyes on the head with eyes on its stomach, a very jagged smile, a brown tail and black ears. It was found in a bush in the forest."

Dean nods his head.

Sam: "Thank you for your time."

Sam and Dean then leave the academy to get Wade and Velvet.


(Timeskip, In the forest, Wade's POV.)

After Sam and Dean drove us to the forest beside Beacon Academy.

After we got out of the car, Sam gets out some weird device and hold it over random bushes which beeps like crazy with Dean looking others.

Velvet: "Sam, Dean. What are you doing?"

Dean: "Looking for some sulphur or EMF."

Me: "And?"

Dean: "Nothing on the sulphur. Sam, how about you?"

Sam: "Yeah, the EMF is going nuts."

Me: "Wait... EMF? As in ghosts?"

I then accidentally stepped on something soft and fluffy.

I took my foot off the thing and saw it was a Pokemon Plushie of a Gengar.

As I picked up the Gengar, Plushie, I gain a theory about what it might be going on.

Me: "Sam, Dean. Get over here. I think I have a theory about what's going on here."

Sam and Dean head over to me.

Dean: "Alright, hit me."

I held up the Gengar to show them.

Me: "I think it's happening because of a Pokémon."

Velvet, Sam and Dean look at each other in confusion and back at me.

Velvet: "Come again?"

Me: "Hear me out. The recent attack with Dove getting struck by lightning that had put him in a coma along with Johnathan getting blown away & all of the evidence about the attacks is pointing to a ghost, right?"

Sam: "Yeah."

Dean: "What about it?"

Me: "Well, in the anime and games, there's ghost-type Pokémon. I'm not entirely sure about which Ghost-type but I think I have an idea about which Pokémon it is."

Sam & Dean: "Which one?"

Me: "Gengar."

I handed it over to Sam as Dean looks at it weirdly and looks at me in confusion.

Me: "The reason why I say that one is because it knows a move called telekinesis which moves objects like the shotgun and a move known as 'thunderbolt' which shoots electric attacks to an opponent like the lightning that hit Dove."

Dean: "And you think a stuffed animal did this?"

Me: "Despite the attacks, Gengar is a Ghost-type Pokémon so it matches."

Sam puts the device over the Gengar but it doesn't beep once.

Me: "Maybe it's not this one."

Dean: "I'm sorry, this one?"

Me: "Yeah. In Pokémon, there are hundreds of species with disturbing Pokédex entries."

Sam: "Like..?"

Wade: "Like Yamask, which is a dead person who wants it's humanity again or Duskull who spirits bad children away or Dusknoir which swallows targets whole & eats their soul or Haunter who strikes at humans and those who are licked by its tongue get weaker until they die or Banette who is also a spirit of an abandoned stuff toy to take revenge on its former owner."

Dean: "That's a little crazy."

Sam: "Crazy as what? Every day of our lives?"

Dean thinks about Sam's question for a second and nods his head.

Dean: "Touché. How is the stuffed ghost toy involved?"

Me: "I'm not entirely sure but everything has a reason."


(No one's POV.)

Wade then sees something odd in a distance and goes towards it, with the others following him.

As Wade got closer, he starts to see the thing was the Plushie who killed Jonathan and put Dove in a coma.

As Wade looks at it, he gets an odd feeling.

Like... the thing is looking at Wade and his friends.

Wade: "What are you?"

As Wade asks his question, the Plushie vanishes as a pinecone hits it while leaving behind a bell with a red ribbon.

Wade picks up the bell, confused of why it had it.

Wade: "A soothe bell?"

Velvet: "You know what that is?"

Wade: "Yeah, a soothe bell is an item that helps Pokémon become friends with their trainers faster."

Dean gave Wade an odd look but decides to go with his word.

Just as Wade was about to put the bell in his pocket, he saw some writing on the ribbon of the bell.

Wade: "Hey, look at this."

Wade shows the rest of the group the writing.

'If this soothe bell ever get's lost somewhere, please return it to the Vale hospital.'


(Wade's POV, TimeSkip to Vale hospital.)

Me and Velvet went inside the hospital to talk to one of the doctors while Sam & Dean search for the Plushie.

Velvet & I then went to one of the doctors who is known as doctor Oms.

Me: "Hello Doctor Oms."

Doctor Oms turns to see us.

Doctor Oms: "Hello. Can I help you?"

Me: "Yes. My girlfriend & I found this bell and want to return it to its original owner."

????: "You found my soothe bell?"

We turn around to see a kid, no older than 11.

Me: "Yeah. Here you go."

I then got out the bell and gave it to him.

???: "Thank you."

Doctor Oms: "Hey Alice."

Alice: "Hi. How's Jane holding up?"

Doctor Oms: "Your sister's doing fine. You still looking for the Mimikyu Plushie?"

I blinked, not knowing what Doctor Oms said.

Me: "A what?"

Alice: "A Mimikyu. It's like a Pikachu but it's a rag with a wooden tail, orange cheeks and an odd smile on it because it wants to be closer to others and if you look under the rag, you die."

Me: "You don't say."

Velvet: "That's... quite dark."

Me: "Just because it always looks cute, doesn't mean it is cute."

Alice: "Anyway. I better get back to my older sister's room."

Me: "Okay."

As Alice goes to see her older sister, I remembered something about the Plushie.

I took out my phone and Sam picked up.

Me: "Sam, look up a thing called Mimikyu, I think I have an idea about what's causing it."


To be continued...

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