A good day

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The busy OPD schedules on Tuesdays drained Riha so much so that she decided to chill alone for an hour at the CCD outlet opposite the hospital.

Neither could she sleep last night because Augustus Waters didn't allow her to. She cried so much. She hated herself for even trying to read something that hurt. When your life's got so many reasons to smile, why even deliberately go for something that might hurt?

This exactly was a reason she had decided not to fall in love, just for the sake of it. Not that she hadn't met a being till date who was capable of wooing her but she herself maintained a line. A line she might never cross until someone pulled her like a magnet so much so that she couldn't resist crossing at all. Riha smiled.

As she took an immense bite of her muffin, a man pushed the door of the cafe, and surprisingly walked straight to her. Riha took sometime to gather the piece of cake in her mouth and the situation. The man took seat right in front of her, took off the shades and began wiping them without even looking at her, as if it was extremely usual of him to sit this way, as if she must have been waiting for his arrival. Riha's expressions took to a surprise and then to a frown, though she took sometime to observe the fellow. He was over six feet tall, no doubt having a chiselled enviable physique, a stubble, and a pair of deep set eyes that secluded this man from most other handsome men who satisfied all the rest criteria!

Anyways it wasn't right to sit and admire the beauty of some stranger who definitely hampered her privacy. But before she could actually react, the man looked straight at her.

" I know you are extremely surprised and that's natural. I'm Vivaan and you don't know me, neither do you have to."

He stopped. And without the minimum etiquette, took up her glass of water and gulped the whole at a go. Riha could not even react anymore!

" yeah...anyways! I suppose you are Dr. Riha Menon. I was about to get to the outdoors when I saw you leave and get in here. I took sometime for you to settle down. "

" Wait. " , finally Riha interrupted.

" Are you some patient family? If yes then I guess we should actually talk at the outdoors. Wait a minute, I'll just pay the bill and leave. "

The man smirked in response. " Waiter! A cappuccino for me please! " , he ordered.

" You work a lot Dr. Menon. Maybe an hour or so with a stranger would help. "

Riha stared silently at Vivaan, who stared back without breaking the eye lock. A strange calm prevailed on his face, as if nothing in world affected him. Riha had this habit of trying to judge people through their body languages. Anyways, she would have surely walking off by now given that the man was hardly talking business and made no much sense. But something didn't urge her to do so. She rather broke the eye lock and concentrated on her muffin. " Who are you, please? " , she said while chewing.

" Raajiv Masand's friend. He loves you and cannot confess. "

Riha instantly almost coughed out the cake but controlled somehow with effort. Then with eyes widened she stared at him.

" What???? "

Vivaan bent forward a bit and placed his hands on the table. Even under distress Riha didn't fail to notice his long artistic fingers.

" exactly what you heard. I'm hardly interested in anyone's personal stuffs. And love being the worst of all issues. Just that I'm sealed by a promise and so I'm here!"

" What promise?! " , Riha still was in an utter disbelief that her colleague who remained with her almost always had to just send this man to her to confess love! Seriously?

Vivaan's expressions suddenly turned stoner. " that I'm not interested in sharing. " , he took a pause.

Riha had now overcome her initial stance, and seemed confident enough again.

" ...fine! But are you serious that Raajiv sent you to confess love? I mean he himself could have done that to me! "

" ...are you serious that if he could have done that to you, I would be sitting here before you leaving business? Life isn't that simple! "

" ohh of course it is. People like your friend make it complex. "

Riha suddenly felt too irritated with Raajiv. She knew it extremely well of how interested he was. And the idiot was wasting two humans' precious time with his rotten baseless emotions.

" ...listen Mr Vivaan. I think I should be straight. I absolutely know how interested your friend is in me. And it truly surprises me that he's send you for this to me. But the thing is...I hardly have any such emotion for him...and I..." ,

Riha couldn't even finish her words when Vivaan pushed the chair and stood up.

" Thank you for your precious time. You can have my coffee. "

Riha was beyond astonished. How abrupt a personality!

She anyways controlled and uttered. " Please inform your friend that."

" That ain't my duty. My duty was only to convey his words to you. And, I see you already know much more. And since life is extremely simple to you, I guess you are well capable of wording your feelings better than my friend, so you don't need a via to express resentment. I believe. Good day. "

The man left the cafe. Riha sat still with her jaw dropped. What an amazing encounter! A man who spoke as much needed and listened to nothing that didn't concern him, was extremely comfortable with a stranger but ain't even interested to know more about her!

Riha took a deep breath. And the next moment she wanted to kill Raajiv Masand. She got up, and walked off straight. But to her surprise, the man she had just encountered, didn't get off her brain. Nor her eyes. She didn't even know when a smile had crossed her face.

She realised, it was actually a good day!


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Photo edit credit : Uploader

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