Fat girl's life update

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Hello Hello! Long time no see, you say. True. Starting by mentioning the title of this chapter though, turns out the fat girl isn't as fat as she used to be anymore. Can't say I have the body I'd dream of but honestly I've lost a lot of pounds and every time I go on the streets and someone who hasn't seen me in a couple months tells me "OMFG You look so much skinnier" And isn't that so good to hear?

But well even better than hearing that is knowing that your life is actually going well and the way it should be going. The girl got a new job at a clothing store and is pretty excited about that but what you guys will probably like to know more is that the previous post has been real life updated as in... The guy  I talk about in that part well he's now my love, my guy and he's coming to meet me in the end of the year and I couldn't be happier ♥

How are your lives though? I've missed ya all xx

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