Chapter 2

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~As the white unicorn then leaves her shop a purple unicorn walks over to her while smiling~

Rarity: *smiles* Hello there Twilight...

Twilight: I found a book that will let anypony go through dimensions...

Rarity: Really?...

Twilight: Yeah and there is a universe where there are lots of gems...

Rarity: Gems!?

Twilight: Yep!

Rarity: Twilight you must take me there, I might be able to get some of those gems for my dresses!~

Twilight: Sure and maybe you should take Fluttershy with you...

Rarity: *smiles* Your right Twilight and it will be a little vacation for me and Flutters!~

Twilight: *smiles*

~The white unicorn then runs over to the yellow pegasus cottage to tell her the great news~

Fluttershy: Oh, hi Rarity what's up?...

Rarity: How do you feel about going on a little vacation and finding some gems with me?~

Fluttershy: Vacation, gem finding?...

Rarity: Yeah and don't worry about your animals Twilight will take care of them...

Fluttershy: Rarity I would love to go with you...

Rarity: Really?! Thank you Fluttershy I promise that we will have the have the best time ever!~

~Some times later~

~The two ponies then walk over to the Golden Oak Library~

Twilight: Are you girls ready?...

Rarity: *smiles* Yes Twilight...

Fluttershy: Are you sure that you can take care of the animals?...

Twilight: Yes don't worry Fluttershy...

Fluttershy: *smiles*

~The purple unicorn then opens a portal and the two ponies hugged their unicorn friend~

Rarity: Thank you Twilight...

Twilight: *smiles* Make sure to tell me everything when you get back...

Fluttershy: We will, bye Twilight...

Twilight: Bye girls...

~The two ponies then walked into the portal and as it closes the purple unicorn's eyes turned green and turn into a pony like bug like creature named Queen Chrysalis~

Queen Chrysalis:*evil laughs* Fools! They don't really know what they gotten themselves into, now nopony can stop me!!

To be Continued...

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