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Trees, they are the leaders of the clan. They don't have multiple lives due to there ancestors abandoning them. They have 4 energy.

Saplings, these are the cats that have the chance to become the Tree when the Tree dies or retires. They tend to be either close to the leader of related. When the Tree dies they all have to do multiple tasks to see which one will be leader. They have 3 energy.

Stems, they are the healers of the clans. They can have a mate and kits when the clan is low on cats due to them falling. They have 4 energy.

Branches, these are the cats that hunt and patrol for the clan. They have 3 energy.

Leafs, these are the cats training to be Stems. They have 3 energy.

Twigs, these are the cats training to be warriors or possibly saplings if the leader chooses them to.

Trunks, these are the she-cats and toms that are currently expecting or taking care of seeds. They have 1-3 energy.

Seeds, these are cats below 6 moons that are getting taken care of by the trucks.

Bushes, these are cats that have retired early or at 100 moons. They have 1-2 energy depending on how old they are.

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