Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Author's Note: Not Child Porn PenguinsandLions


Kaneki:25 (White Hair)
Touka:24 (Long :re Hair)
Hinami:13 (:Re Hair)

Hinami's POV
"You may now kiss the bride." The Priest says.
Kaneki leans in and passionately kisses Touka on the lips and Touka returns the kiss with just as much passion as the crowd cheers and claps.
I feel a tear streak down my face as I remember my Mom and Dad.
I see Kaneki and Touka break the kiss and turn to the crowd. Ayato walks up and congratulates them and Kaneki shivers, I guess Ayato threatened him or something.

After a while they come over to me.
"Hey Hina, how'd you like being a flower girl?" Touka asks me.
"It was fun." I reply smiling.
"You look really pretty in that dress Big Sister. And you look really handsome in that tux Big Brother." I say causing them to blush.
"Thanks Hina." They both say.
"Now just one more thing to do." Touka says looking at Kaneki.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"You'll see." Kaneki say's turning to me.
"Wait till after the wedding is done then we'll show you." Touka says.

After The Wedding

"Let's go Hina." Touka says.
I take one last look around the small island with the Cabana before joining Kaneki and Touka on the bridge.

"So tell me, where are we going?" I ask grabbing their hands.

"I'll answer your question with another question. What would you say to being mine and Touka's daughter?"





I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

I spring up and hug the both of them.

"It would mean the world to me." I say as tears flood from my eyes.

Little did they know a couple meters away...

3rd POV

"Ma'am,are we sure these are ghouls?" A brown haired male in a business suit asks, looking through binoculars.

The other one, A raven haired female with cold hard auburn eyes who's clutching a silver attache case looks down at the male.

"When will you ever learn Sanso?"

"They maybe evil vile beings but they are clever."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"And cut it out with the honorifics it makes me sound old!! It's just Kimmy!"

"Y-yes, Ma-"


"Yes, Kimmy."

Narrator: Yes these two are Sanso and Kimmy top graduates of the academy. Kimmy is a Special class investigator while Sanso is an Associate special class.

"There heading towards us."

Narrator: Sanso's quinque is a koukaku it takes the form of a short katana that can duplicate itself.

"Get ready, Sanso."

Narrator: Kimmy's quinque is a ukaku/koukaku chimera it takes the form as a blade that transforms into a M1911 like pistol.


With Kaneki and the others a few seconds earlier.

Kaneki stops and holds out his hand in front of Touka and Hinami.

"Run." Kaneki tells Touka and HInami.


"Run! I'll meet up with you at the 'place'."

The three are then attacked by the two investigators who were hiding.

Kaneki and Touka grab their masks and put them on.

"I'll help, HInami Run!!" Touka says getting ready to attack.

"I'm not saying it again Run! Take our daughter and run!!" Kaneki screams at Touka.

Touka starts crying before grabbing Hinami and getting ready to run.

"You better return you bastard." Touka says before running.

"After her!" Kimmy barks at Sanso who starts to run after Touka.

A long red tentacle shoots out in front of him destroying the bridge.

"I don't think so." Kaneki says lunging at him as his Kakuja mask and tentacles form.

The two activate their quinques but Sanso still receives a powerful punch to the face knocking him into the water.

A few seconds later he gets back on the bridge, quinque activated.

Kaneki takes off his coat and prepares to attack.

The investigators do the same.

Sanso dashes with Kimmy following.

Sanso swings but it's easily blocked by Kaneki's kagune. However Kimmy jumps over trying to attack his back but Kaneki easily knocks her away with another one of his rinkaku.

Kimmy lands and her quinque transforms, the blade breaks in half and it swings backwards while the hilt turns 90 degrees the blade and hilt merge to form the handle and trigger while where the blade broke in half forms the barrel. She fires a few shots but all are blocked by the kagune.

"Pathetic." Kaneki says knocking Kimmy forward with a tentacle that he had sneak around. He then knocks her into the air before striking her down and stabbing her leg causing her to let out a blood chilling scream.

"Kimmy!!" Sanso yells before looking at Kaneki with tears in his eyes.
Sanso steps back and grabs the hilt of his sword with both hands.
"Y-Y-You You Bastard!!" Sanso says as his quinque splits in two and he starts viciously slashing at Kaneki

"Your rage blinds you." Kaneki says as he uppercuts Sanso before knocking him over next to Kimmy.

The two struggle to get up and it's not helping that Kimmy is losing a ton of blood from her leg.

"Just give up." Kaneki says as he repeatedly knocks them around like Rag dolls. After a while he stops and the two just lay there.

Sanso looks up thinking this was the end.

'I'm sorry Kimmy.' He says before blacking out.

Kaneki sighs and picks them up. He brings them right across the street from the CCG. He also leaves a note saying.

"Don't try to track me down, these two got hurt because they attacked me and my Family. - Eyepatch."

With that Kaneki heads to where he will meet Touka and HInami.

"Kaneki!" Touka says running up to him and hugging him Hinami follows behind. Touka breaks the embrace and sucker punches him in the gut.

"Don't you ever make me worry like that again dumb ass." She says hugging him again with small tears forming.

"I'm sorry. At least we aren't hurt right."

"Did you kill them?" Hinami asks.

"No, just a few injuries and a crushed leg."

"Do you think they will track us down?" Touka asks.

"I don't know, the CCG are stubborn but one thing I do know is I will protect you, so..." Kaneki cuts off

"Don't Worry."

That's a wrap 1000+ words. This isn't a one-shot just a kinda short story. I don't own Tokyo Ghoul or anything like pictures or characters used... Besides Kimmy and Sanso who I made up off the top of my head. Anyway see you guys in the next Chapter.

Aaron Out.

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