Perrie Jackson

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"Slow down. What did you see again?" Annabeth asked. Jason took a deep breath and retold what he had seen. The others listened intently to his story.

"Are you sure? Maybe you just read the frame wrong." Piper said." You do have dyslexia."

" No, he's right." Leo siad. "I could see it to. But what I'm worried about is Percy."

"Why?" Annabeth asked quietly. This was her boyfriend, so of course she was worried.

"I don't know if Jason saw this, but Percy was crying." He said. Silence fell over the group. Percy never cried.

"We should talk to Chiron."Hzel said, before sprinting of to the big house. The others followed her, worried for Percy.

When they reached the big house, Chiron greeted them. "What can I do for you?" He asked when they were all inside.

"Would you happen to know what's wrong with Percy?" Annabeth asked, and Chirons smile faded.

"Let me start by explaining something. Sometimes when the gods have children, those children don't get any godly blood, making them not demigods. Percy had a sister born that way. Her name was Perrie Jackson, and she was a sweet girl. Always looking out for Percy. When he was ten, the gods took away children of her kind, and he never saw her again. Today, July 22, would be her birthday." Chiron said. " I have something to show you. Follow me." The group followed him to a small room filled with tapes and a t.v. He went over to a stack and pulled one out. He put it in the t.v., and a scene popped up.

It was a little girl, about three, doing a small happy dance.

"I'm goona be a big sissy!!!" she chanted excitedly. Sally Jackson entered the picture.

"Okay, settle down. Don't want to hurt yourself." she said.

Then the scene changed, and the little girl was about fur now, with a small sleeping baby in her lap.

"This is baby Percy. He's only a couple months old." she said." I can't believe he fell asleep in my lap!" Sally entered the picture again, hushing the girl.

"You don't want him to wake up, so quiet down."

The scene changed again, and the girl was now about eleven, and Percy sat next to her, about seven.

"so... I won't tell mom if you don't tell Gabe about me having money?" Percy asked.

"Agreed. Mom cannot know I let you watch scary movies with me." she said, gesturing towards the T.V. screen.

Once again, the scene changed. It showed Percy waking up. He yawned and went into his bathroom. He came out about five minutes later, fully dressed. He walked into the hall only to hear sobs coming from his sisters room. He opened her door to find her bed empty and his mother crying at the edge of the bed.

The movie ended. and Chiron left them staring at the T.V.

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