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1. Verb + at

- Look/have a look/stare/ glance at...: nhìn vào/nhìn chắm chằm vào

- why are you looking at me like that?

Laugh/smile at...:cười vào ai

- Everyone will laugh at my haircut.

Aim/point (something) at....: nhằm vào, chỉ vào

- Don't point that knife at me. It's dangerous.

2. Verb + to:

Talk/speak to (someone)...: nói với ai

- Can I speak to Jane, please?

Listen to...

- We spent the evening listening to music.

Invite (somebody) to (a party/a wedding)...

- They only invited a few people to their wedding.

-Devote oneself to (doing) something: cống hiến cuộc đời cho....

- I'm going to devote myself to playing the piano after I retire.

Commit oneself to (doing) something: hứa ..., phạm...., giao phó...

- She committed herself to finding a new job.

Confess to (doing) something: thừa nhận làm gì.

- The boy confessed to stealing the apple.

Explain something to somebody...: giải thích điều gì cho ai

- Can you explain this word to me?

Happen to...xảy đến với ai/cái gì

- What happened to that gold watch you used to have?

Prefer one thing to another: thích cái gì hơn cái gì

- I prefer tea to coffee.

Shout at somebody...(khi giận dữ)

- She got very angry and started shouting at me.

Shout to sonebody...(để cho người khác có thể nghe)

- She shouted to me from the other side of the street.

Throw something at somebody/something (đánh, đập ai/cái gì)

- Somebody threw an egg at the minister.

Throw something to somebody (để cho ai bắt lấy)

- Judy shouted "catch" and threw the key to me from the window.

Ask somebody for something: xin ai cái gì

He asked me for money.

Ask somebody to do something..yêu cầu ai àm gì

- He asked me to post the letter for him.

3. Verb + about....

Talk about/ read about/ tell somebody about.../have a discussion about...

- We talked about a lot of things at the meeting.

- Chú ý: discuss something (không có giới từ)

- Care about something/something....

- - He's selfish. He doesn't care about other people.

- 4. Verb + for...

- Apply for (a job) việc

- - I think this job would suit you. Why don't you apply for it?

- Wait for....chờ đợi

- - Don't wait for me. I'll join you later.

- Search (a person/a place/a thing) for...tìm kiếm

- - I've searched (the house) for the key but I still can't find it.

- Leave (a place) for another place: dời đến nơi khác

- - I haven't seen her since she left for work this morning.

- Look for: tìm kiếm

- - I've lost my keys. Can you help me to look for them?

- Pay for someone / something

- - Let me pay for Tom.

- - I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal. Nhưng "pay the bill/a fine/a tax/fare/ rent"

- Thank/forgive somebody for...

- - I'll never forgive them for what they did.

- Apologise (to somebody) for...

- - I apologised (to them) for my mistakes.

- Blame somebody/something for.../blame something on somebody

- - Everybody blamed me for the accident/ blamed the accident on me.

- 5. Verb + about, of...

- Dream about...:

- - I dream about you last night.

- Dream of being something/doing something (=imagine):

- - I often dream of being rich.

- Hear about ... (được nói cho biết về...)

- - Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night?

- Hear of.. (biết rằng ai đó/cái gì còn tồn tại)

- - "Who is Tom madely?" - "I've no idea. I've never heard of him.

- Hear from... (nhận được thư hoặc điện thoại của ai)

- - "Have you heard from Jane recently?"

- Remind somebody of...

- - This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.

- Complain (to somebody) about ...

- - We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.

- 6. Verb + of...

- Accuse somebody of...buộc tội ai

- - Sue accused me of being selfish.

- Approve of....tán thành

- - His parents don't approve of what he does, but they can't stop him

- Die of...chết vì...

- - What did he die of? - "A heart attack"

- Consist of ....bao gồm

- - My house consists of six rooms.

- 7. Verb + from...

- Suffer from (an illness)

- - The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.

- Protect someone/something from (or against) ....bảo vệ ai/cái gì khỏi cái gì

- - Sun oil can protect the skin from the sun (or against the sun)

- Prevent (someone) from doing something: ngăn cản ai làm gì

- - The rain prevented me from coming home.

- Distract someone from something: phân tán ai, làm ai xao lãng khỏi việc gì

- - Please distract Tim from the television.

- Benefit from (doing) something: được lợi ích từ việc gì

- - Students benefit from listening to news reports on the radio.

- Differ from something: khác biệt so với....

- - Our cheese differs from our competitor's cheese because of its superior quality.

- 8. Verb + on...

- Depend on/rely on....phụ thuộc vào

- - You can rely on Jill. She always keeps her promises.

- - What time will you arrive? - "I don't know. It depends on the traffic".

- Live on (money/food):

- - George's salry is verry low. It isn't enough to live on.

- Congratulate (someone) on...: chúc mừng ai về việc gì

- - I congratulated her on her success in the exam.

- Concentrate on/ focus on...: tập trung vào...

- - Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work.

- Insist on...: khăng khăng làm gì

- - I wanted to go alone but they insisted on coming with me.

- Spend (money) on...: tiêu tiền cho cái gì, việc gì

- - How much money do you spend on food each week.

- Pride oneself on (doing) something: tự hào về việc gì

- - I like to pride myself on my ability to concentrate.

- 9. Verb + in...

- Believe in ...: tin vào

- - Do you believe in God?

- Specialise in....:

- - Helen is a lawyer. She specialises in company law.

- Succeed in...

- - I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.

- Result in something: tạo ra, gây ra...

- - His decision resulted in increased profits.

- 10. Verb + into...

- Break into...: đột nhập

- - Our house was broken into a few days ago but nothing was stolen.

- Crash/drive/bump/run into...

- - He lost control of the car and crashed into the wall.

- Divide/split something into...

- - The book is divided into 3 parts.

- Translate (a book...) (from one language) into the other.

- - George Orwell's book have been translated into many languages.

11. Verb + with...

Collide with....: đâm vào, va chạm

- There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.

Fill something with ....

- Take this saucepan and fill it with water.

Provide/supply somebody with....

- The school provides all its students with books.

Coincide with something: trùng với

- My birthday coincides with a national holiday.

Confuse someone/ something with someone/ something: nhầm lẫn ai/ cái gì với ai/ cái gì

- I'm afraid I confused you with someone else.

Provide someone with something: cung cấp cho ai cái gì

- The instructor provided the students with a number of examples.

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