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Eric awakes at approximately half past seven and what it is that wakes him is the sound very loud music playing, the sound of a second early morning aerobic session taking place downstairs. Once again, his neighbours have gathered. This time there are thirty-six of them, twenty more than what had gathered the previous morning.

'Oh ... my good God' are words that are not only Eric's first thoughts, they are also the first words he speaks out loud once he has had a look at his bedside clock for it must had been about three in the morning or so when he and Audrey had arrived home from being out the previous evening and obviously enough at this point only a few short hours had passed. 'What have I done to deserve this?'

Placing his head in between two pillows and pushing hard against both his ears does little to drown out the sound of what is happening on this very morning. There is nothing for Eric to do right at this point other than get himself up and head downstairs and when he does arrive downstairs, he is not only amazed by the gathering, he is also amazed by Audrey's energy. It is more than apparent that Audrey does not need rest or at least not as much rest as what Eric does.

Eric's neighbours are getting stuck into this aerobic session but not quite as stuck in as what Audrey is. He looks on and takes it all in, or at least as much of it as her can. Flasks of tea and coffee as well as an assortment of fruits have been brought by the neighbours, everyone seemingly sensing the same thing Eric is, everyone ready to become a part of something that could seriously grow.

A moment of fear comes to Eric as he can see that potential for what might be, and he can see the potential for what that might mean for him. He may have nothing in particular to do with what has already begun or what is happening right at this point but at the same time he has everything to do with it.

Once the session comes to an end, once the tea, coffee and fruit have been consumed and once peace and quiet within Eric's home has restored, it appears that Eric's fear may just be realized. All Eric wants to do at his pint in time, is head back to bed but Audrey suggests that they both go on yet another walk. Feeling as if he is not in a position to deny such a suggestion, Eric does indeed go on that walk with Audrey.

'Where are we going?' he asks shortly after the walk has begun, while also considering ... remembering the cemetery walk.

'Before I answer that I would like to ask you a question, how well do you know your neighbours?'

'I know them well enough.'

'Not so well then I can take it?'

'Exactly just how much I have been happy with. We greet each other whenever we pass but there is nothing more than that with any of them.'

'Then I know I am taking liberties here and assuming things that I am not free to assume but I think that this could become something great, not only great for the community but wonderful and great for you too.'

'Audrey what exactly are you proposing here?'

'This whatever it is which has begun, can go on long after I am no longer here and these people, your neighbours will look to you for its continuation. They will look to you to fulfil a sense of community, something that so many of them seriously want.'

Eric takes a deep breath and lets the air he filled his lungs without slowly, 'so answer my question, where is it we are going?'

'To the community center of course, to see if we can book the hall for an hour in the mornings.'

'Of course,' he says throwing his eyes to the heavens. 'Just how big do you think this thing can get?' Eric asks with a fun kind of worry in his voice.

'So, you are good with this?' Audrey rhetorically asks with a smile before moving on up and ahead of Eric.

Eric is left standing in a momentary pause, scratching his head, and wondering just what it is that he is letting himself in for. If he were to actually consider it properly then who know just how much into the positive his thoughts might just go.


By that large rectangular porthole like window in a future present, thoughts once more turn back to those days. What had been and what came from it. Prior to those days it would have been something which never would have even been considered but what a change those days really did bring. Faced with two choices, the one you would choose nine times out of ten may not always be the right or best choice to make. A possible difficult choice may often turn out to be the best one to take. A choice presented to you or made on your behalf ... can bring about positivity that would need to be seen to believed.

So much would have been missed out on, if that short period of time had not occurred. What may have made a larger profit may not have actually brought as great a profit of what the latter actually did. Profit is not always financial. Looking back on it there is nothing he would have done differently and if he did have to choose then it would be the latter tenth time out of ten for nothing could have brought as much fulfillment, nothing could have brought as much engagement; nothing could have brought as much joy. For all the joy it brought there was also sadness and grief though this is life, and it is what it is.

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