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Eric arrives back home and is barely able to get the house key out of his pocket when the front door opens. This leaves him standing momentarily questioning as to how exactly this happened. He surely does not to question it for he already knows what opened the door; it's just the means that has him somewhat confused.

'You-hoo, honey' it calls out still speaking with that alluring female voice.

One of the plants vines had extended far enough to reach and open the front door, once the plant itself sensed that Eric was approaching. The connection it and Eric has, is a strange one as Eric knows quite well by now; it exists as if it is something which is meant to be and always has meant to be.

The vine which had extended retracts to appear a more suitable size in relation to the current size of the plant. Eric tilts his head to one side as the door opens wide, then stares at the whatever it is he has come to be in possession of, as it sits in the largest of flowerpots that he had been able to find. He cannot get used to any of this, at that though, how could he? Things are altering almost by the minute; it is impossible to get a handle on any of it never mind the fact that the connection is calming somewhat.

'Hey Eric, good buddy, c'mon in ... welcome home' speaks the plant now sounding more like a male game host from the nineteen eighties, which is quite a change to what or how it had previously spoken. 'In the red corner we have Eric the Brave, the man who likes ... things. And in the blue corner we have a champion of champions, a world beater, a uniqueness so unique that there is only one of me ... Audrey the Plant.'

'What? ... So now you're male now with a female name? ... I suppose you gave that to yourself too?' Eric heads inside into his own home having decided he has stood and stared long enough. He shuts the front door then directly moves into the kitchen coming to a halt a good ten feet in front of his new house guest.

'Oh, so we're talking now, are we? This is good to know.'

'I don't know what it is we are doing to be honest, and I could say the same thing to you too ... like what the hell? ... You're a plant, an enormous plant, one which was only small and lifeless no more than a day or two ago. How is this possible? And why should any of this involve me?'

'First of all, my faithful sidekick, I am a non-binary plant, which means I am neither male nor female. It is why I sound male now, sounded female earlier, though my choice of name, well, I just so happen to think that Audrey suits me, don't you? I feel like an Audrey. By the way who says I was ever lifeless? Just because I had yet to become what I am right now does not mean I was lifeless. I take offence to that unworthy observation.'

'Sidekick, you call me a sidekick? That is what I take offence to ... hell I am talking to a ... flower ... maybe I do need to see a shrink?'

'Why, what's wrong honey? Don't like being a sidekick to a lady?' speaks Audrey while once again extending its vines towards Eric as well having reverted back to that female voice it first spoke with.

'Stop that' speaks Eric smacking one of those vines when it gets close enough to him.

'Ooh, kinky. I like kinky.'

A look of concern takes over Eric's face. He knows he should get out of this predicament as quickly as possible but the connection that has already been made as well as his own intrigue ensures that he is in this all the way. He has made a ten-day deal; a deal he may as well see through, besides there is no danger, nothing immediate anyway.

'I have you for eight more days then you ... my green amigo, will be going home.'

'At least you admit we are friends. That'll change, I do speak Spanish too by the way. Ola, como estas Monsieur.'

'Monsieur is French ...'

'I knew that ... by the way, I'm hungry, feed me. Feed me, feed me, feed me' the female voice vacates, once again turning male though this time is a little less game show host sounding than before. 'Feed me Seymour ...'

'Alright, alright, calm down and don't call me Seymour. You're not getting anything living to eat either, alright?'

'Spoil sport. Hey, can we watch a movie too?'

'Eh ... O ... K ... a film, sure. Any idea as to what you might like to watch?'

'Maybe something a little out of this world?'

'A little out of this world, huh?'

That may just be exactly where Eric is at this moment in time, somewhere which may just be a little out of this world. How odd all this truly is and how readily Eric accepts it as being some kind of normality, all be it a normality that in itself is a little out of this world. Where it goes from here? Well, that may be somewhere filled with quite a bit of fun to say the least and with it being just two days in through something scheduled for ten days then the fun is really only beginning.

As for how day three begins? Ha, even with the connection that exists, Eric could never have anticipated anything of the likes ever happening at all, despite all that has gone before and up to this point. Sitting out within his living room ... eating popcorn and drinking cola with his ... his ... new acquaintance watching the movie Avatar sorta comes naturally, nothing weird about any of this, huh?

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