Chapter 1: The end

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When donkeh met shrek, he was sent on a mission to get the princess and save her from the tower. As they were going into the tower shrek and donkeh split up to find the stairs, donkeh found the stairs, but he also found the love of his life, the dragon. She started repadetly singing, "I like em big, I like em Chunky" and donkeh slowly emerged out of the lava and started showing off his 8 pack. Then shrek walked in and yelled at donkeh "WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOING IN ME SWAMP", then he realized that this wasnt his swamp.  The fiona came down through the floor with a ground pound which was only 200 v-bucks, support a creator code: pewdiepie, shrek and fiona statrted arguing who would go to mcdonalds to get the new power-puff girls happy meal toy. Eventyually shrek agrred to go, but since gthe dragon and fiona had a bad history and the dragon was afraid that fiona would breathe fire on her, so donkeh and dragon went with shrek. When they got there , Tanikwa, the casier said that their ice cream machine wasnt working and this made SHERK ANGERY!!!!. Then shaggy destroyed the universe.

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