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Once we find the perfect location to train, I dismount Xangelo and tie him to a nearby tree as Tiffany does the same. Now that we are away from humans' prying eyes and ears, I talk aloud. "Who is King Landry fighting against?"

Tiffany passes me a sword since I only have a dagger on hand. "He will be fighting against King Kenrick."

"King Kenrick? Isn't he notorious for his warmongering?" I ask in shock as worry riddles my thoughts. I had heard of his reputation travel across Europe.

Tiffany nods. "He is. Anyway, you being an Omnis and I being a Baku should aid in our fighting skills."

Omnis is an extremely rare supernatural species. So rare that my parents coined the term. The only Omnis that I know of are my family members: my twin sister, Selene, and I, along with our deceased parents.

As long as I have been alive, I should have come across some other Omnis by now. Considering Selene and I were born in 20 BC, we have met countless people, both human and supernatural.

"After this, remind me to purchase my own sword from the ironsmith," I say as I move around my horse.

"I will, but you need not purchase a sword since I am bequeathing you that one." Tiffany nods toward the weapon in my hand. She leans against a tree as she plays with her sword. Gripping the long black hilt, she twirls the tip in the dirt without breaking our eye contact.

"I should purchase my own sword." I insist as I look down at the weapon she gave me. The evening sun glints off the polished blade as I turn it in my hands. I run my middle finger over the smooth side of the steel blade. I am surprised it is steel since most blades are made of iron.

The blade itself has intricate designs carved onto both sides. Lightly thumbing the edge, I can tell how sharp it is because it easily slices my skin. I eye my thumb and watch the slit quickly close up, leaving no scar. Wiping the blood off, my attention returns to the weapon. My smile widens as I admire the heavy, double-edged sword. It shall do me well! "Tiffany, I can tell how well you have cared for this weapon."

She smiles with a nod. "Yes, and I want you to have it. I have others."

"Are you sure you want me to keep this?"

She waves me off and shakes her head. "No, I want to give that to you. Do not decline a gift, Makenzi."

"Then I accept." I grip the wooden handle wrapped in leather, appreciating how fine a sword it is. The hilt is also intricately carved. It is comfortable enough to grip with one hand or two.

"Who will we be fighting with, King Landry or King Kenrick?" I question as I watch her twirl her sword.

"We will be fighting with King Landry and his knights." Tiffany pushes off the tree, carrying her sword at her side.

"Who do you think will be victorious?" I wonder as I approach her with the sword, she gifted me.

Shrugging, she draws a line in the dirt with the tip of her sword. "I pray for King Landry even though we would have better chances of winning with King Kenrick. Honestly, both kings are bloodthirsty and ruthless. King Landry has many loyal allies due to his father's generosity. However, King Kenrick has a larger army as well as many allies he has obtained from various kingdoms."

Sighing, I stare at the grass and leaves dancing in the wind. "It definitely will not be a peaceful battle. There will be many lives lost."

"'Tis, true," she nods solemnly, kicking a pebble.

Eyeing her, I roll my shoulders back, loosening the stiffness that's been building. "Tiffany, I must ask. Why are we joining a fight that seems both sides are equally hostile? What are our reasons? I foresee disaster regardless of who wins."

"We are fighting for freedom, peace, and a better life for the people of England!" she says with conviction.

"I want that too, but going off what you told me, I do not foresee life improving for either side. I need to know, who of the two will better the life of England as a whole?"

She stands there a moment, pondering over all the information she knows about the kingdoms. Finally, she looks me in the eyes. "King Landry has proven to be kinder than King Kenrick. King Landry is trying to protect his kingdom from King Kenrick who is the aggressor and attacked first.

"However, King Kenrick claims to want to better his kingdom. Although, it could be to better his own agendas or help the people. I do not know."

I chew on my bottom lip a moment, contemplating. "Then shouldn't we fight with King Landry since he's less ruthless and bloodthirsty?"

She runs a hand over her blonde hair. "Possibly, but fighting with Landry may end up in complete bloodshed from the knights of the Kenrick kingdom. There are higher chances we will perish should we fight for Landry."

"I see. What are the pros of fighting for King Kenrick?"

"King Kenrick is determined and promises to help his people by providing better work and homes as well as increasing the farmland and livestock.

"That's good. And what does King Landry promise?"

"To increase goods such as cattle and food to the poor."

"Good. What else?"

"I do not know. That's the only news I have obtained."

Nodding, I stare up into the trees, thinking. Looking back at Tiffany, I ask her, "What made you want to fight in the first place? And why are you wanting to fight with King Kenrick?"

I watch her swallow hard, shifting her weight before kicking a few colorful autumn leaves. "King Landry's knights killed my lover and his family." Fury burns in her eyes, "I want revenge. Plus, King Kenrick promises more than Landry. I want to fight for what's right as well as avenge my lover and his family."

I want to lecture her on how revenge is best left up to God, but I can see that she has her mind set and there will be no talking her out of it right now. Maybe later. 

It seems I have little choice here. I will not let my friend go into battle alone. I must have her back like she would have mine.

Letting out an audible sigh, I ready my sword. "In that case, we'd best prepare as well as we can."

Tiffany points her sword toward the ground. "You know you need not assist me."

Lifting my head high. I can't leave my friend to go into battle on her own. "I promise I can and will help. I know how ruthless kings can be in battle. I want to help you."

"Very well, but 'tis not wise, Makenzi. Regardless, I accept your help." She raises her sword toward me, preparing to spar.

I charge her as our swords clang against each other, reverberating in our hands and arms. I strengthen my grip and fight with speed and accuracy.

With our supernatural acuity, our fighting tends to be more competitive. Our eyesight is heightened and so are our other senses. Our footwork is smooth, almost graceful in our dance around each other. We battle it out with our heavy metal swords clanging.

Thankfully, being in the middle of the forest provides much needed privacy.

I swing with lightning-fast speed, slashing at Tiffany as she twirls.

Tiffany moves out of the way just in time as my blade slices her hair. It effectively trims her long hair into a shoulder-length style. Her golden blonde hair floats to the ground, swirling in the wind, mingling with the colorful autumn leaves.

She looks down at her hair and charges me. "I loved my hair the way it was!" She shoves me against a tree, hard enough to break some bark off the trunk. She holds her blade up to my throat while pinning me with her other forearm.

"'Tis better than me slashing your back or neck," I point out, shoving her away from me. I ram her against the nearest tree, effectively leaving an imprint on both her back and the tree. The tree lets out a resounding crack before it and Tiffany topple backwards. As they land on the ground, a loud crash sounds as the ground shakes. It causes roots to rise and dirt to fall from those dangling in the air.

Rolling off the tree, Tiffany falls to the ground, landing on her side. "Not fair," she says as she glares at me. "If humans see you topple trees, you may have more problems on your hands than you need." She pushes to her feet and quickly readies her sword.

I prepare for her charge, preparing my sword as well. "Yes, but what is preventing me from toppling some trees on them before they can tell? Hmm?"

We run for one other, swords clanging as we press against each other, both refusing to back off.

"Touche," Tiffany smirks before spinning around, swinging her sword toward me.

I duck below the blade, foot sweeping her. Kicking my leg out, I knock her off her feet.

She lands on her bottom with an "OOF" escaping her lips. "Low blow, Makenzi."

"My apologies, Tiff, but the opportunity was there. I had to take it." 

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