Request (CLOSED)

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So I'm kinda bored right now and want to work on my drawing skills for a bit. I'm close to 850 followers which means there will soon be a raffle! And, I'm saying this now, drawing is one of the prizes!
I've decided I'll be taking more than one requests! But please know that I might not do yours or refuse to do any since I can become tired or just don't want to draw. I might get around to catching up to the requests so it's a 50/50 chance I'll actually take a request.

Body Size: Plump? Skinny? Tall? Small? Short? Try to describe their body shape/size/type!
Fur Length:
Eye Color:
Eye Shape: Honestly I just put this here in case I'd like to use a different style for drawing eyes. You don't need to answer this part.
Fur Colors: Tell me what colors there are and if they are markings then what type. I guess this could be put into the appearance part this his is just to make things a bit less confusing.
Tail Type: Fluffy? Long? Skinny? Short? Stumpy? Describe it!
Ear Type: Rounded or pointed?
Headshot Or Full Body:
Pose: Are they sitting? Standing? Lying down? Try to be specific please

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