Trailer 2

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The second trailer begins within the imposing structure of Doctor Doom's fortress. The scene pans to reveal an outside view of a room, a mysterious space that holds potential significance to the story.

The voiceover begins with Y/N's narration, recounting a pivotal moment in his life. As the camera moves over the room, Y/N's voice continues.

Y/N (voiceover): Before father laid in his death bed, after abandoning his role as the infamous Doctor Doom, he made a confession to me..

The camera slowly moves through the room, revealing a bed in the center, its presence hinting at the significance of the confession Y/N speaks of.

Y/N (voiceover): He whispered to me, with his final breaths, about a great secret...

The camera comes to a stop directly above the bed, emphasizing its importance. Y/N's voice takes on a solemn tone.

Y/N (voiceover): A secret of enormous proportions. A truth that would change everything I knew about my life, my family, and my purpose.

The camera slowly zooms in on the bed, leaving the audience intrigued and eager to know what secrets lie within. Y/N's voice continues, dropping to a whisper as he reveals the final words of his father.

Y/N (voiceover, softly): My father's last words to me... "You are not who you think you are." He was right.

The scene shows a giant set of doors being opened showing Y/N in his new doctor doom armor walking in the throne room as hundreds of doom's henchmen are there. As Y/N strides through the throne room, all eyes are on him, the weight of his newfound identity palpable. The henchmen, fiercely loyal to the legacy of Doctor Doom, regard Y/N with a mixture of respect and awe, sensing the emergence of a new ruler. Y/N's voice continues, now exuding authority and power.

Y/N (voiceover): I am no longer Y/N von Doom. I am Doctor Doom.

In this moment, Y/N fully embraces his newfound identity, shedding the old and donning the persona of Doctor Doom. The henchmen recognize the power shift, acknowledging Y/N as the new ruler, and kneel before him in submission.


His henchmen roar and chant: Doctor Doom!

The trailer transitions with Y/N stepping through a vibrant green portal into the ominous realm of Netherrealm. His new appearance as Doctor Doom is now complete, emanating an aura of power and authority. Y/N's voiceover continues with a deep and menacing tone, setting the stage for the impending conflict.

Y/N (voiceover): I have now arrived in the realm of Netherrealm, prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead.

The trailer transitions with Y/N stepping through a vibrant green portal into the ominous realm of Netherrealm. His new appearance as Doctor Doom is now complete, emanating an aura of power and authority. Y/N's voiceover continues with a deep and menacing tone, setting the stage for the impending conflict.

The scene shifts to reveal Titan Havik, a once-mighty Titan, now chained up in the depths of Netherrealm. Y/N approaches, his smirk displaying a mix of mockery and superiority. He speaks confidently, taunting Havik's current predicament.

Y/N: smirks Titan Havik. Some Titan you are, being chained up in this hell hole.

Titan Havik, despite his restraints, glares defiantly at Y/N, showing defiance despite his vulnerable state. Y/N continues, walking around Havik as if surveying a prized possession.

Y/N: How the mighty have fallen. The great Chaos Bringer, bound and powerless.

Y/N's voice echoes with a sinister promise as he addresses Titan Havik. He approaches closer and closer, his gauntlets glowing green with energy. Y/N's confident smile widens.

Y/N: darkly But don't worry, I'll make sure you live to witness what you couldn't finish be completed by my hands.

With a swift and vicious motion, Y/N grabs Titan Havik's head, his grip firm and unescapable. The scene grows more intense as Y/N effortlessly tears Titan Havik's head off, creating a gruesome spectacle. Not stopping there, Y/N raises his hand and uses his powers to turn the chained up body into ash and dust. The display of power and brutality leaves the audience in awe.

In a remarkable display of power and conquest, Y/N's trophy room stands as a chilling monument to his supremacy. Items from heroes and villains are showcased, each representing a defeated opponent.

The room contains items such as The Thing's crumbling throne, Human Torch's flaming heart in a fireplace, Mr. Fantastic trapped in a ball struggling to break free, Invisible Woman's transparent chair, Doctor Strange's pendant, Ultron's battered head, Silver Surfer's broken board, Magneto's shattered helmet, Moon Knight's damaged symbol, and Namor's horn. The room is completed by the colossal helmet of the defeated Galactus placed on display in the ocean, serving as a poignant reminder of Y/N's unparalleled might. The trophy room becomes a visual representation of Y/N's domination, solidifying his position as the most powerful version of Doctor Doom in existence.

Y/N stands in the middle of his trophy room, surveying his collection of defeated heroes and villains. His voice echoes with a mix of ambition and confidence as he speaks of his ultimate goal.

Y/N: All I need now- is the power of the hourglass. To perfect my own life- and to perfect my entire army! And no one will stand in my way...

The scene transitions to Y/N landing in the living forest where nitara, Sareena, Darrius, and regular Havik is seen as Clint Eastwood is heard playing in the background showing Y/N taking down each of the villains single handily.

Finally someone let me out of my cage
Now time for me is nothin', 'cause I'm countin' no age
Now I couldn't be there, now you shouldn't be scared
I'm good at repairs, and I'm under each snare

Y/N is seen ripping Nitara's wings off and snapping havik's head three times before ripping it off and destroying his body's

Intangible (ah y'all), bet you didn't think
So I command you to, panoramic view (you)
Look, I'll make it all manageable

Y/N stands triumphantly over a bruised and battered Fire God Liu Kang, capturing him in the clutches of his iron grip. With a menacing smirk, Y/N speaks forcefully and confidently, addressing Liu Kang directly.

Y/N: My army and I- will burn all of you and your forces down, Fire God. There will be nowhere left for you to run. Your time as Earthrealm's protector is... at an end.

Liu Kang, despite his defeated state, glares defiantly at Y/N, a hint of determination still burning within him. Y/N continues, his voice growing darker and more sinister.

Y/N: smirks You've fought admirably, Fire God. But it's time to face the consequences of your actions. Your precious Earthrealm will be mine to rule, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

The scene shifts to reveal Y/N's henchmen and elite enforcers descending upon defenseless monks and Earthrealm trainees. The attack is swift and brutal, with Y/N's forces showcasing their ruthlessness and mercilessness. The innocent monks and trainees fight to defend themselves, but they are quickly overpowered by the overwhelming numbers and determination of Y/N's army. As the attack on the monks and trainees unfolds, Mileena's anguished voice is heard, delivering a plea to Y/N. Her words speak of her deep affection for him, but at the same time, a deep sadness at the path he has chosen.

Mileena (voiceover): Y/N, I love you, but you can't do this...!

Y/N's focus remains on the devastation of Earthrealm, his eyes devoid of remorse. Mileena's voice continues, entreating him with a mixture of love and determination to awaken the goodness within him.

Mileena (voiceover) Y/N, please listen to me... I know the man you truly are... You don't have to do this!

Y/N responds to Mileena's plea with a cold and indifferent tone, his voice betraying his ruthless nature. His words suggest a twisted perception of Mileena's reactions to the chaos he has wrought.

Y/N (voiceover) Oh, my sweet Mileena.... Don't pretend as if you don't secretly enjoy this...

The scene transitions to a private and intimate moment between Y/N and Mileena, who is now in her tarkat form. They are both caught up in a passionate and romantic encounter, their moans echoing in the background. It is clear that their chemistry is intense and intimate, transcending their physical appearances.

As fire god Liu Kang fights against Y/N's elite enforcers, he makes quick work of them, showcasing his formidable skills and powers. Liu Kang's voiceover rings out, addressing Y/N directly.

Lord Liu Kang (voiceover) You are nothing more than a troubled young man, shaped by your father's twisted influence. You have the power to change your path, Y/N! Do not let your anger and ambition consume you!

Liu Kang's words carry a mix of disappointment and hope, hoping to reach Y/N's inner conscience and make him realize the mistakes he was making. The fight between Liu Kang and the enforcers continues in the background, showcasing the difference in power between the two factions. The scene transitions to Fire God Liu Kang entering the throne room, the tension in the air palpable. Liu Kang stands in front of Y/N, who sits confidently on his throne. The two look at each other, their gazes a mixture of determination and resolve.

Y/N's voice rings out, filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement. His words showcase his belief in his own superiority and power.

Y/N: grins I finally get to kill another god!

Liu Kang responds with a stern and confident expression, his eyes locking onto Y/N.

Lord Liu Kang: Your arrogance will be your downfall, Y/N. You may have defeated my champions, but you cannot defeat me.

The fight between Y/N and Liu Kang escalates, as they both utilize their unique skills and talents. Y/N makes use of unusual and foreign objects, showcasing his resourcefulness, while Liu Kang relies on his masterful martial arts techniques. As the two clash, the sparks fly, and the scene intensifies. The screen goes black, and Y/N's voice echoes through the void. His words are spoken with a sense of conviction and finality.

Y/N (voiceover) It's too late, protector of Earthrealm... They're already here...

The scene transitions to an imposing pyramid, where Y/N stands confidently at its peak. Suddenly, multiple Doctor Doom variants emerge from the shadows, flanking him on all sides. The number of Doom variants grows, each one representing a different version of the iconic character from different dimensions.

Each Doom variant, though similar in appearance, exudes a subtle difference in their demeanor and presence. The scene radiates with tension as the multiple Doctor Dooms stand beside Y/N, their ominous aura intimidating and overwhelming.

Doom Among Realms

Coming soon.

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