Meeting a new entity(Doors)

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Seek, the entity with a single eye, was just relaxing in its room,.... under the floor. Seek then heard sounds that it had heard before...  belonging to two certain fast entities. Seek opened its eye and went halfway above the floor.

Seek: What now?

Seek ducked under the floor when some black smoke and a green-pink light came into room 36, then rose from the floor and walked over to the entities.

Seek: What are you guys up to?

Ambush: Doing a race

Rush: That I'm gonna win!

Ambush: I'm a bit faster than you

Rush: Wanna see!?

Ambush: No, I know I'm faster

Rush: We'll see then!! Bye Seek *Rushes out of room 36*

Ambush: I should probably follow him, so I don't lose. Oh, and when you get a chance, can you maybe tell 60 to race Rush and I? I wanna prove to him that I'm faster.

Seek: I can, but in the end, it's Curiosity's decision, not mine

Ambush: Alright. See ya' later Seek *Zooms out*

Seek: *Sighs*

Halt: *Floats into room 36* Hello Seek

Seek: Oh, hey Halt

Halt: Have you seen Rush and Ambush?

Seek: They ran by here earlier, they're doing a race

Halt: I see.

*A closet opens up to find a face*

Jack: H-

Seek and Halt: What do you want Jack!

Jack: ....... Anyway, I wanted to check on you two and say that I found a new entity, but..... ok then, I know I'm not wanted

Halt: New entity?

Jack: Yeah, it's like gray and scary, like us, but gray

Seek: Scary how?

Jack: Basically, I heard noises from outside the closet in room 13. I went out to see and when I got there, I saw him

Halt: Who?

*The clock struck midnight, the entities' vision turned grey and a grey-ish entity with spots/holes/mouths on it came into the room*

Jack: Him, I think

Dread: Hello. It is me

Seek: Dread?

Halt: You know him?!

Seek: Yes, I have encountered him when he killed someone. At first, I didn't know how they died

Dread: And now it knows

Jack: Wait, you kill people as well? I didn't know that! How?

Dread: *Chuckles* By chasing

Jack: Well, yeah, I would assume so, but how exactly?

Dread: I wait

Jack:............ you wait?

Halt: That's so terrible. Even I'm better at my strategy, and all I do is chase and tell them to turn around when I teleport in front of them

Dread: No, it's not a terrible strategy. It works. I have gotten kills by waiting. In fact, I took care of the last player that was here. Although, an entity with black smoke almost ruined it for me by almost being in 13

Seek: Oh.... Rush? He almost always ruins stuff. But he also helps sometimes. He opens Halt's hallway when the players aren't ready

Halt: If lights are flickering for 7 seconds after they flicker for 2 seconds

Seek: And he can open Figure's door too.

Dread: Cool. Actually, Rush can open my door too

Jack: So,.... do you just attack in 13?

Dread: Yes

Jack: Sad

Dread: I know.

Halt: Also, why is it all gray now?

Dread: Oh, 'cause I'm here. I cause your vision to turn gray. It's what me and my cousin, Haste, can do when we're in the room. Except his presence causes your vision to turn red

Jack: You're Haste's cousin??

Dread: Yeah. Anyways, what are your names? And plus, who's Figure?

Jack: Jack

Halt: I'm Halt

Seek: And Figure's an entity who is in the library, but can't see, and can only hear

Dread: Ah, ok. Well, nice to meet you guys. Is there more of you?

Jack: Yes. A ton more

Halt: Not that many, but yes, there is a lot of entities

Dread: Like who?

Halt: Seek, can you tell Spirit that we have a new entity and maybe we can have a meeting?

Seek: With me telling her about a new entity, I'm sure we'll have a meeting. See ya' later *Sinks down into its ink puddle*

Jack: I forgot that Seek can do that

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