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Personality: An entity who has one eye, who basically keeps an eye on the entities in the hotel and mines with its many eyes that it can spawn and is Hide's older sibling. Seek is not afraid to drag Screech to its inky goop.
Sibling: Hide(Jack, Halt, and it know about her)
Friends: Hide, Figure, Halt, Eyes, A-60, A-120, A-90, Rush, Blitz, Ambush, Dread(Only Seek, Blitz, and Haste know about him), Haste, Grumble(I don't know because Seek poked Grumble's eye with its tentacles)
Pronouns: It/Its
Ability: Running at super speed(Slower than Rush, Blitz, A-60 or Ambush, but still can run faster than A-120), teleporting or dimension hopping using its ink goop puddles
Job: An entity at the hotel and the mines
What it does: Runs at the player
Hands that appear(Hotel): Grabs the player
Damage(Seek, Seek Worm and Hands): Insta-kill
Damage(Fire): 45
Damage(Arms(By Seek Blob)): 20
Damage(Goop(By Seek Blob)): 10 per tick

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