Chapter 3

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So..... no one is gonna talk about what happened to Mineta?

Readers:No, we just want to the story. Nobody cares about that grape


Midoriya's POV
It was a beautiful, sunny day. The bird's are tweeting, the flowers are blooming and bee's are taking honey.

I was being all happy-go-lucky as I walk to the UA school and straight to class but only to see everyone being human popsicles then froze to death-

Wait what!? Todoroki-kun!!!!!!!

Todoroki was wiping hus nose with his handkerchief and looks around. "Oops?" He says.

"Thank you for turning your classmates to popsicles. I don't have to deal with all of you anymore. Now let me spread my wings and fly like butterfly" Aizawa sensei says as he walks away gracefully like the wind blowing him.

Todoroki and I look at each other and back at the door trying to process what we just heard and saw.

Eventually, I closed the classroom door so heat will be in there to warm off the ice. "My day is the weirdest" I thought to myself.

Skip class because you saw what Aizawa said.

3rd POV
Midoriya went back to his dorm and took a shower. He puts on a sky-blue crop top sweater and a white knee length pants. He took his phone and air pod then head to the kitchen to bake some treats. (Since he's bored)

He took out all the ingredients and plastic cream whiper. He starts mixing the ingredients while humming like a humming bird. As he was done, he put it it the oven and turns on the heat.

(He's making cake by the way)

Midoriya sits on a couch to wait for it bake while listening to musics. "FUCKING SHIT HAIR!!!!!!!!!" A loud male voice shout making Midoriya jolt up as he looks around and saw Kirishima and Bakugo fighting.

Bakugo looks pissed and was trying to kill Kirishima while he was trying to calm him down telling him it's just a prank. "Pranking again?...." Momo says as she sats beside Midoriya sights heavily

Midoriya nods as he took off his air pods and got up. "Momo, can you watch the oven? I need to go to the bathroom" Midoriya says and Momo nods blushingly.

I'm sorry it's short..... I'm busy being lazy

Lol? You thought!! 😂

Next day and it was his concert
(I'm really busy so get in with it!)

Midoriya was in his dorm. Doing what? Thinking, of course! He was thinking on how to go to his concert without his classmates notice. Iida will surely scold him, Aizwa will punish him and Bakugo... we already know......

"How am I gonna to my concert!? I mean they're not gonna be there because it's live concert! Surely they will just watch on their phones! And the sibger it's me!!!" Midoriya starts mumbling but then someone knock on the door aggressively.

Then he heard shouting-





The shouting and knocking continues on and on making Midoriya pissed. He got up from bed, open the door and all eyes are on him. "I need to visit my...... mom! Because she has veen feeling sick lately! Go start without me! I can see the show at my house so bye! Enjoy!!" Midoriya shout then he ran off using his quirk.

Everyone looks at each other trying to process what they just see. But they shrug it off and turn on the TV.

With Midoriya and his POV
"Why are you late!?!?" My director shout at me. "Classmates!" I shout back and went to the dressing room to get dress. And this time.....

I want to try something new and maybe?..... different~……

I put on a gentle purple non pupil contact lenses that sparkles. The lady was helping me applying my makeup. I told her to apply a blossom lipbalm, some foundation on my face, and some black eyeliner. She also does my hairstyle and dye my hair purple and green.

And now my outfit....

His rabbit mask

His clothes

When I'm done getting ready, I look at myself in the mirror and thought "I look weird"

I shrug it off and when to the stage, everyone immediately clap, cheer and shouting my name so loud that this place can be destroyed.

I look at all the crowds and says "Thank you all for coming today!!!~I really appreciated so here's a song dedicated to all of you!!!~" I say and everyone started shouting and clapping again.

I adjust the mic and wait for the beat!

Boys were encouraging and clapping loudly while all the girls were fangirling and heck some even tries to climb from the stage to get me! O_O💦

I hurriedly went back to the backstage and remove the contact lenses, mask, make up and everything! I put on a black collar shirt and brown shorts and my red signature shoes. The lady died my hair back to my original one too.

I quickly took taxi to get to the dorm before they start worrying about me.

Minutes later

Finally! I reach to the dorm. I open the door and saw everyone fangirling and fanboying around till the whole place it's a mess. "Deku-kun!!!!! Have you saw the concert!?!?" Uraraka says jumping and smiling at me. I smile back and say a yeah.

Then Todoroki says.... "Midoriya.... are you wearing cologne?" Everyone stares at me like I'm the prey and they're the predator. I shockingly answer "N-n-n-n-no???..."

"Deku-kun, are you wearing foundation?" Uraraka ask looking closer to my face. Oh lord help me already....

"I'm really tired so let me sleep!!!!" I whines and shout loudly. They all stop and nod allowing me to go to ny dorm and rest. "Oyasuminasai, minasan (Goodnight everyone)" I say and went inside of my dorm and lay on my bed feeling exhausted and unable to move.

I drift to sleep and hope nobody is going to ask questions. Speaking of questions... where the heck is that annoying pervert baby grape???

This is what happened to him
Momo:*kicks him repeatedly on the ground*

Jirou:*same with Momo*

Mineta:*yelling and crying in pain*

Jirou:*Use her earphone jack pocking on Mineta's eyes repeatedly*

Momo:*creates a whip and starts whipping him repeatedly*

Mineta:*in pain*

Momo/Jirou:*continues the torturing*

Yup, That's what happened to him...... sorry it's short

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