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Nico was practicly bouncing on his seat by the time the family chauffeur  Jules Albert dropped Bianca, Hazel and Nico off.

He saw miniloe in her bedroom throwing darts at the window and Makiara ran out to greet them.

Nico saw Bianca already texting Zoe. Hazel whispered in nicos ear
"Dads not home."

Nico looked at their wide driveway and sure enough their dad's lambo was not there.

Nico felt kinda bad for leaving Leo all by himself he would miss him for sure but nico also missed his family.

Makiara practicly pushed the trio inside and the smell of lasanga immeadlty and immensely hit his nose.
Maya i swear-

Nico almost started drooling "fooood!"

"Its not done yet Nicola." Persephone was wearing a pair of cat overalls and a black shirt. Her long blonde hair was in a pony tail too.

"Mom...is that mine?" Makira asked seeing her mother's apperal.


Nico took this opportunity to sneak upstairs.  The only noise was miniloes darts and Nico sneaked into his dad's office.

He opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out what he had been hoping to find. Bianca's text history.

Now this may be an odd thing to have or steal but Hades printed out his children's records every month because he's a lawyer and stuff. Nico also thought it was to keep an eye on them too.

Nico took the past two months history and closed the drawer and snuck back out the door after checking for all clear. He snuck into his room witch needed re decorating.

He last re decorated two years ago and during that period he was obsessed with space. He had blue nebula curtains and black walls. He had galaxy bedsheets and pillows.  He had a mohgony desk with a knife stuck in it.  He also had some bean bag  and other cool chairs. His room had a bench under a curved window.

Nico sat at his desk ready to read Bianca' s history and get all da jucy gossip and stuff but he got called down to dinner. Nico tucked them in a folder on his desk and left his room. Nico slid down the railing or banister and ran into the kitchen.

Nico grabbed a plate and took a large peice of lasagna and alot of ravioli.  Nico placed his plate down on his glass table . Nico skipped to the fridge and poured himself some lemonade and he sat back down and ate.

Bianca was next to him already eating.
Hazel was just coming into the kitchen
Thantos was eating and making a mess.
Persephone was eating as well
Miniloe was serving herself and Makiara tried to take her plate into the living room where she was watching Annabell.

"Nu uh maki. Sit at the table with the rest of us. Pause your movie and eat." Persephone caught her in time.

Nico heard the door unlock and Hades his father came in . Hades took his coat off and put his brief case down and got himself some dinner.

"Hello Hades."
"Hi father"
"Hey dad."

"Hello children and Persephone." He smiled small.

Nico finished his food and brought it to the sink.
"How was your day nico?" His dad asked.
"Good." Nico said before leaving to go read Biancas history.

Nico heard dinner conversations from below but he was focusing on one thing that was in her history.

Bianca had lost her virginity

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