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After dinner Bianca grabbed Leo and nico and dragged them to Nico's room.
Hazel poped her head In.
"Can I come in?"

"Sure." Nico shrugged.

"Cool room." Leo noted "Hey, Hazel."

Bianca cleared her throat. "Now Leo,Nico, and Hazel please sit. We have business to discuss."

"Buisness?" Nico said as Leo said "What?"

"Leo Valdez, Nico DiAngelo, Hazel Levsque, and I, Bianca DiAngelo will be asking eachother questions."

"What the fuck, Bianca." Nico deadpanned

"Oh and I invited Percy,Jason, Piper and Annabeth over." Bianca grinned

"Its like 7pm." Leo raised an eyebrow

"She's invited people over at midnight." Hazel shrugged

"Mhm." Nico grinned knowingly

"Shut it, Nicola." Bianca glared

Leo and Hazel snickered at the name.

"Hey it's not my fault that's my name!" Nico huffed.

"Nicola my love." Leo whispered in Nico's ear like a purr

"What did you say?" Hazel giggled

"Words." Leo leaned on nico.

"Well duh, what else would it have been parsel tounge?" Bianca rolled her eyes

"Mabey." Nico grinned "I do know parsel tounge."

The doorbell rang and a classy sound rang through the house.

"I got it!" Hazel yelled and slid down the banister and threw the door open.

It was the four and Hazel let them up to Nico's room.

"Sleepover!"everyone but Leo and nico cheered.

A/n yo I'm sorry this is a really short chapter

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