We are not as Fat.

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"Wow that entrence was SO- badass!" Leo said at the end of Lazerus Rising. Thats where they stopped. Cas's Entrence.

Nico Loved Cas. He was his favorite character along with Dean of course.

I also loved Cas entrence scene. 

leo Laughed "OH GOSH CAS IS SO The Best." 

I nodded vigoursly "I KNOW RIGHT!" 

Jercy looked at eachother.

"Wow..Im surprised Nico and Leo are getting along." Percy said first

Leo raised and eyebrow

Jason responded "Yeah..Nico's Generally super closed off and Salty/Sassy. Or Petty. or Rude.."

Nico had a comeback "I am Sassy, I am Salty, I am the King Of Petty. Bow before me you peasants.  And For Rude Im only rude when you ijgits annyoy the shit out of me."

Percy gasped "YOU SAID A NO- NO word!" 

Jason and Nico rolled thier eyes. 

"Fuck.Bitch.Mother fucker. Ass. Shit." Nico semi-Yelled. "And You've been spending too much time with Frank and Hazel."

Leo was trying not to laugh.

The lunch bell rang "I guess we missed breakfast. Come on Leo ill introduce you to everyone."  Percy invited.

The four of them raced down to the cafateria. Leo won with a close Nico in second.

Percy and jason were panting. "how'd you two beat us?" 

"Were not as fat." Nico shrugged

Jason glared "I have a 6 pack." 

"Mhhm sure." Leo said

They found thier friends and leo knew a few of them.

"Ok..You know piper aka Beauty queen, Jercy-"

"What did you just call us?" 

"Jercy. The ultimate bromace or more.." Nico whispred the or more so Jercy didnt hear them.

"Ok so theres, Piper aka beauty queen, Jason aka Sparky , percy the fish, Frank the beast, Hazel Mrs.40's, also my sister , Bianca  aka Bee, Also my sister, Zoe the huntress, Annabeth ze brains, Reyna aka  Top Boss, Thalia the Punk ,  Grover the human goat,And I! Nico aka Neeks or Ghost king."  Nico pointed to everyone. "And You Leo can be..."

"REPAIR BOY!" Piper yelled

Leo flushed "Ok.."

I didnt know why but i was jealous. WHY DID HE FLUSH PINK WITH PIPER?!

"Mhmm.  Now DATING STATS!" Piper cheered

I cringed. i did not want to go there.

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