WHAT tHe fuck

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Nico was expecting pictures of Rachel or other normal teenage things.
Not this.

Not pictures and edits of Nico and Leo. Was Octavian stalking them? How in the ever-loving fuck did he get those?

Octavian found himself in front of Nico, wide-eyed, looking at his phone in Nico's hands.

"Octavian, WHAT ThE FUCK?" Nico's voice started out calm then evolved into a screech.

"SORRY! LET ME SHIP MY SHIPS DAMMIT! You two are just so cute together! Plus, Rachel won't let me have any pictures of her. That beautiful redhead goddess." Octavian snatched his phone from Nico's hands.

"Totally not creepy at all." Nico's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey! Rachel's my girlfriend! Plus yous hip Jercy and Pipabeth don't you?"

"Yea but I don't stalk them."

"Well, I'm not exactly buddy-buddy with you and Leo." Octavian looked around for a place to escape.

"Yea. You and Jason have something in common though! Creepily stalking your otps."  Nico awkwardly started backing up.

"I PUT CAMRA'S IN YOUR ROOM ONCE!" Jason yelled 20ft away.

"How does he even hear that?" Nico muttered under his breath.

"BECAUSE IM A SPECIAL BOY!" Jason yelled, then proceeded to drag Nico away from Octavian.

"Thanks, I guess?" Nico stole some of Jason's fries.

"First Percy, now you? Please don't follow in his footsteps.' Jason sighed.

"Trust me, I don't want to." Nico shivered at the thought.

"So how's your day been?" Jason dodged an apple Thalia threw at him.

"Bleak, and chaotic. I want to sleep."  Nico yawned.

"Okay then go take a nap! Should I tell Leo to join you?" Jason snickered, only to get elbowed violently by Nico.

"Shut up." Nico's face was red.

Hey, Im alive. I feel bad for not finishing this, but IM FILLED WITH DETERMINATION TO FINISH THIS!

Also, I have an unhealthy obsession with Undertale and Anime...

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