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bdubs pov

I didn't want to go home so I decided to go visit a few people but found out that almost everyone was busy building or mentally recovering from double life well everyone except Doc so I chilled with Doc

"So why did you come to me ?" I didn't want to seem rude by saying he was my last choice "It's alright I know I'm the last option I am for almost everyone here "

Now I felt bad I went to say something before he cut me off "It's okay I'm not very good with emotions so I understand why "

he then continued to build his machine while I watched it was quite interesting to watch him build but he soon finished " So do you wanna talk to me about it... you don't have to"

I thought about it and nodded "So after double life I was c-" he cut me off "Wait can you explain what double life is?"

I laughed a bit only now realising he doesn't know what it is I continued to explain the soulmate mechanic and he looked like he was about to explode

"That s so weird I wish I could study more into it see how it works and if you guys share more than pain "Now thinking of that he's probably onto something anyway

"So me and impulse were paired, and when we got back I wasn't sure if he wanted to stay together so I asked him and I think I made it sound like I didn't want to be with him and it was really awkward "

doc tilted his head slightly "Do you still love him?" I don't know

" I'm not sure honestly cause I don't know if the things I feel just have something to do with the soulmate mechanic and he's already with Zed"

I started to tear up, doc then hugged me, he's never hugged me before "Let it all out " I then stopped holding back and fully let go

"Why does this shit always have to happen to me !? I fucking hate this so much why is it so difficult!? why am I like this? I hate it! I hate myself! "

he just patted my back "Doc why do I feel like this?" I was a sniffling mess "No one really knows, but you're going to be okay "

I then yelled "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!?" he didn't get angry he just continued to pat my back

"Because I'm here and I'm not going to let you be sad, it's what a friend's for" I hugged him tightly as I cried til I became fatigued and fell asleep

docs pov

poor B, he sounded so broken, he had definitely been bottling up some other things. I might ask him when he wakes up if I can tell X about this, X could handle this better than me

but in the meantime, I took him to my base and put him in bed, I don't really know what to do cause I don't want to leave him here in case if he needs me

so I just sat on the floor and leaned against the bed I'm really good at falling asleep in awkward places,

mainly because I never want to use my base til it's a good chunk finished and I normally don't make a started base, so I quickly fell asleep.

impulses pov

"yea why not" Zed then shut the doors "Now mind explaining why bdubs was here " he sounded very annoyed "he wanted to discuss what our relationship was "

Zed has always been a bit possessive and I never really minded cause I loved him...but now I'm not sure if I do "So what's your relationship with him " I sighed

"we're just friends " Zed didn't look convinced but what else can I say "Okay why not you tell me what you two did together during double life "

how does he even know what double life is "Who told you?" he scoffed

"What were just not going to tell me, and to answer your question Cleo did me and mumbo we helping her after she had a breakdown yesterday "

that explains it "I was going to tell you but can you see why I would be hesitant " he then yelled "What do you mean by that "I then snapped

"cause your possessive zed and if you can't see that, then that tells me all I need to hear" he was quick to yell back " I'm not possessive I just love you " I groaned

"you're always like this, if you're not possessive explain all the time you wouldn't let me hangout with people " he got closer to me "That's because I wanted to spend time with you "

I rolled my eyes "bullshit you just wanted to keep me from my friends " he then slapped me "I did it because I love you " I was surprised he hit me "Well maybe................"

he looked at me annoyed "What was that would you like to repeat yourself !" I yelled, "WELL MAYBE I DON'T LOVE YOU!!"

he stopped and his emotion changed from angry to sad "Y-you don't mean that "I sighed

"You've always held me back from hanging out with people, made me feel like I can't tell you stuff without you blowing up at me and that I can't share how I feel cause I don't want you to get mad or mock me "

he looked guilty "And I'm sorry but I can't do it anymore..." he sighed "I understand, ill be leaving then goodbye impulse"

he then left I sighed and sat on my floor, I can't believe he actually hit me, I can't believe I just broke up with him

but it does feel freeing in a way I looked out my window it was almost night me and zed must have fought for a while,

I really hope no one heard us I don't even know how to feel about this let alone have to worry about how others may feel about it

it's okay impulse no ones going to know about this small argument.... nevermind, but with that, I hope you guys liked this chapter and have a good day or night and anything in between 

telitsas pov 

"please what did they do!?" she started to laugh "Oh nothing but we have to do it for THEM" I sighed I know we have to "You sure there isn't anoth- " 

"NO! There isn't ... but is that a bad thing?" ugh I hate this "Yes this is bad, they didn't do anything to deserve this, they just want normal lives" 

she broke out into a fit of laughter "Have you seen how much trauma they all have I could fill a bible with how much trauma that traitor has "She kept laughing, 

I feel so bad I wish I could help them. 


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