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Hai! I know this isn't my normal update day (I hardly even have a normal update day), but TheDeadGirlRisen suggested I do a one-shot where Sky and Evil-Sky became friends, and I decided to finally write it. It may not be exactly what you wanted. I mean, to me, it sort of sounded like you wanted Evil-Sky to convince Sky to turn on his friends, but I sat down to write, and this is what popped out. Sorry. :/


Also, I got my first MC video up on my new Youtube channel, and this time it's not a speed-build, there's actual commentary! My mic is pretty OK, but my recorder is really sucky. I'll fix that soon.




“No, Sky, stop! Just listen for once! You always freak out and push us away, but could you just let me talk?”

Sky looked warily up into his alt-dimension self's eyes. “Uh...”

“Please,” Evil-Sky begged. “Please, just let me talk to you.”

“O-Okay,” Sky stuttered. He couldn't really refuse to listen, as Evil-Sky had his hands and feet bound with rope.

“Thank you,” Evil-Sky breathed. “And I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. Ever since the beginning of this whole deal, I've just been following the rules of my dimension. People from other dimensions would call Squid, the leader of our dimension, and tell us who they wanted removed. Then the matching person from our dimension would head over to their dimension and sort of replace the original person. They would convince the real person's friends and family that he/she was evil, and then, once they'd convinced the real person's friends to exile him/her, they'd... kill the person. Permanently.”

Sky nodded. “I sort of already know all of that.”

“Right, well, I'm not finished. You see, Squid kind of ran everything in my dimension. He was in charge of absolutely everything, no one could do anything without his consent. Well. Ty and I could. Squid thought of us as sons... Anyways. When Squid died, I didn't have that feeling, like I needed to follow rules extra well so he'd be proud of me. There was no one to impress anymore. Honestly, I was just going to drop the whole 'kill Sky' thing and let you live your life in peace. But then I found Ty... Of course, I revived him, because he's like a brother to me. But Ty... Ty felt a whole lot differently about the whole situation than I did. He looked around at our dimension, completely obliterated, and he... His only thought was that he wanted you to suffer for what you'd done.

“I told him that we should just straight out kill you, instead of making you suffer, because if we tried to torture you there was a bigger chance that you'd get away. But, I don't think he really cared what I thought. I nodded like he agreed with me, but I don't think he really did.

“I tried to act important and with it after that, to show him that I was in charge. It didn't do much. He was still the leader between the two of us. And he wanted you to feel pain. I just... I didn't want that for you. What you have here is perfect, everyone lives forever, #YOLO doesn't even exist! Your life here is great, and I... I wouldn't want to ruin that for you. So, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry,” Not-So-Evil-Sky finished, bowing his head.

Sky was speechless for a good fifteen seconds. “I- I- Wow. I just... I didn't know you...” He trailed off before whispering, “I sort of just always assumed you were this heartless killing machine. I thought you only cared about yourself, and maybe Evil-Ty sometimes, and that you had no problem with ending someone's life, but...” He winced. “I'm such a jerk! Oh, man, I can't believe I thought that about you!”

Evil-Sky looked up at him, smiling slightly. “Hey, it's okay! Don't beat yourself up about it. You have plenty of reason to hate me.”

Sky sighed. “I don't... I guess... I don't hate you...”

Evil-Sky's eyes widened. “You don't?”

“I don't. Not really.”

“Thank you so much. You don't know how much that means to me.”

Sky smiled. “Wait. What should I call you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I, – and don't take offense to this – I always called you Evil-Sky, but I guess that really doesn't fit now...”

The formerly named Evil-Sky winced at the name. “Uh, w-well, if it's not too weird, you could call me Sky...”

“Well. I suppose that would work. What would our friends call us?” Good-Sky asked.

“You can be Sky1, and I'll be Sky2,” Not-Evil-Sky answered as he bent down to untie the rope around Sky1's ankles.

“So... Friends?” Sky1 asked while Sky2 untied his hands.

“Friends,” Sky2 repeated, smiling widely. “Now, follow me, and we'll go find your friends. We don't want them to worry about you any longer.”

And the two stepped back out of the abandoned shed and into the daylight, one smiling because he thought his life could go back to being normal, and the other smiling because of the usefulness of lies.

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