Ch 7: Past, Present, Future

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Bah, dah dah dah! BAH DAH! Here it is, chapter seven!

Chapter Seven: Past, Present, Future

Time: (in relation to the last chapter) three hours later

Place: Sky's bedroom

Sky's POV

I stand up slowly and groan. “What happ-” I cut myself off when I see the sky. It's red. Blood red.

Suddenly, I hear a growl and spin around to see a spider about to pounce on me. I look up, and two cocoa beans hang over my head like mistletoe. My eyes widen in fear and I shriek. Just my luck, attacked by a spider in a jungle under two cocoa beans. I squeeze my eyes shut, crouch down, cover my head with my arms, and wait for the pain.

But the spider never makes contact. I hesitantly open my eyes. Instead of the spider, I find eight skeletons in its place. Screeching, I jump out of my curled up position and sprint away. But the world doesn't seem to like my idea, because it's spinning so quickly that even though I'm running, I'm not getting anywhere, I'm still in the same place. I spin back around to face the skeletons, to try to punch them all to death, but I find exactly 29 squids in their place.

I wake up punching and kicking.

Ty's POV

“Ack! Sky!” I shout as Sky flies out of bed and punches my haw.

He stares at me for a second, uncomprehending, but then his eyes widen. “Oh, Ty, I'm so sorry!”

“'Sokay,” I mumble, gently rubbing the injured area. “How are you feeling?”

“Me? I'm fine. Why?”

“You sort of collapsed from blood loss,” I say slowly.



“... My head hurts.”

“I'll get Seto.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“No problem.” I step out of the room, escaping the awkward tension in the air, and enter the hallway, where I pull out my phone. Seto answers after the first ring.


“Hey, Seto!” I greet him. “Sky woke up, and he says he has a headache. Do you want us to come over there, or can you come here?”

“Just a headache? Wow. I'd have thought he'd hurt a little more than that...”

I shrug, then realize he can't see me. “Well. I dunno, maybe it's the whole respawn deal. The enchanted diamond sword can kill him, but blood loss caused by the sword can't, right?”

“Maybe. So, he's actually talking to you?” Seto asks.

“Yeah... I'm kind of surprised myself. I expected him to just shut me out, but apparently he got over the Evil-Ty impersonation pretty quickly,” I say.

“NOT OVER IT AT ALL!” Sky shouts from inside the room. I use my foot to shut the door so he can't hear as much of the conversation. Gosh, Sky, nosy.

“Alright then. I'll be over in a second. Wait. Actually... Can you... Um... I need you to do something for me,” Seto stammers.

“Whats that?”

“Well... Okay, it's probably going to make Sky kind of uncomfortable, but... I need you to look into his eyes for the entirety of one minute.”

“What? Why?”


“Because why?”

“Because research. Call me afterward and tell me what you saw. Or just come over here.”

“I'll probably just see his eyes...”

“No. Just do it, okay? Bye.” He hangs.

I roll my eyes and put the phone in my left jeans pocket as I walk back into Sky's room. “We're gonna have to go over to his place,” I say, grinning apologetically.

He shrugs. “It's okay. Hey, can you tell me how I got here?”

“We carried you. And Seto sort of made you float a little. Then we gave you budder apples and threw potions at your face.” I pause. “Sky, I have to look into your eyes for a minute.”

He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. “Uh... Why?”

“I don't actually know. Please, can I? For a full sixty seconds?”


“Yes! Thanks, Sky!” I cheer, though I'm not sure why I'm cheering. I wish Seto would have given me a proper answer as to why he needs me to do this. “Okay, lift your head up!”

He grunts, rolls his eyes, and looks up. Thirty seconds later, he says, “This is booooring. And awkward...”

“I shrug. “Just fifteen seconds left now.”






“AHH!” I scream as invisible needles pierce my skin. I squeeze my eyes shut and clutch my head with my hands, trying to somehow stop the unbearable pain. Over my own screams I can just barely hear Sky, sounding alarmed as he yells at me and asks if I'm OK. I breathe deeply and remove my hands from my head. I'm no longer screaming in pain because I'm no longer in pain. I'm no longer in Sky's room, either. I'm in a dungeon with a skeleton spawner in it. An old lady presses her fingers to my eyes and then gives me a glass block to use as a mirror. When I look down at my reflection, I see Sky staring back at me, no sunglasses. I... I am Sky? At least, I'm in his body. The lady starts explaining the Red Eyes. This must be in the past, when Sky first received the Red Eyes. The lady and the dungeon shimmer and disappear, and Sky's room replaces them.

At first I think I'm back to normal, but then I realize I'm shaking myself. Against my will, I/Sky says, “Ty! Ty, say something! Oh, no, I need Seto...” I'm still in Sky's body.

Wait. I saw what must have been the past. I'm seeing the present right now.

What if I see the future next?

The room shimmers and fades away, leaving a small crowd of people in its place. It's raining, it's dark, people are sniffling and crying. We're in a Plains biome. I'm in Sky's body again, but he's not wearing his usual suit. He's wearing a completely black suit, and there's a black fedora on his head, tipped so that shadows cover his face. Jason and I (but it's not really me, since the real me is in Sky's body) are standing next to a fancy double chest engraved with budder ingots and sunglasses. Hmm... Is the chest a casket?


I quickly scan the crowd. All of Team Crafted is here. Kermit's fine. Seto's got his head in his hands. Dawn is crying next to a birch tree. Ethan is alive. Everyone's here. Jason speaks up, his shaking voice cutting through the depressing silence like a knife. “Sky was a wonderful friend. He will... He'll be very, very missed.”



Suddenly, Ty – well, me, in my own body – gasps, and his head snaps up. His eyes scan the crowd of sniffling/crying people quickly, finally landing on me. His eyes widen and light up and his jaw drops. He opens his mouth to say something, and then- the world shimmers again. The funeral scene disappears, and I spring up into the air, knocking Sky over. I'm in his bedroom again. I glance down. And I'm me again. Sky scrambles to his feet. “Ty, are you OK? You screamed and passed out as soon as we hit the 60-second mark.”

Oh. His eyes. When you look at the Red Eyes for a full minute... Well, darn it, Seto, couldn't you have done it yourself? Or at least warned me what was going to happen. I nod in answer to Sky's question. “I need to talk to Seto.” Then I remember. In the future, Sky dies. “Oh, and, Sky? You're coming with me.”

Okay. Sky will not die. I'll protect him until we get to Seto's place, and then I'll tell Seto what I saw, and he'll know what to do. He'll know how to protect Sky.

Why do I feel like I'm missing something? Something really, really obvious?


Super short chapter, I know. (Well, not that short, but still.) But can anyone figure out what it was that Ty missed? Surely one of you can. It was pretty obvious. MUAHAHA. THE PLOT THICKENS.

(If you seriously have no idea what it is Ty's missing... Think Tom Sawyer. Okay, NO MORE HINTS!)

I made a tumblr! ('Bout time, right?) I probably won't use it for much other than stalking Dan and Phil and posting about upcoming updates for my fanfiction and wattpad stories. So, yeah, go check it out! Same user name as my fanfiction user name. I also made an, because I thought, “Hey, why not make an account on every website you can find?” Plus, I thought it would be fun. I'm sitting here clicking the 'random question' button over and over, just 'cuz it's fun to answer stupid questions. YAY! FUN! If you're overly bored, I guess you could check that out as well.

Yeah. I'm done self-advertising, now.

Baiii, my Rulers!

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