Chapter 24 // And You All Have Guns

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"So, where are we going today, fine sir?" I asked, jokingly, resting my head on Joshes shoulder, sitting in a cab.

"Well, I forgot we had a festival to perform at, but it's at a really nice park. After me and Tyler play, I promise you we'll do something. In a week, we're off for a bit, I believe." Josh said, apologizing. I frowned slightly, but agreed.

"Alright! I'm really excited, and thanks for lending me a pair of shoes. They are really big, but they'll work." I was wearing a pair of Joshes shoes he had laying around, and yet we're hanging off my feet, but wearable.

"Yeah, those other shoes you had looked really painful." He whispered, and I nodded, the bandaids on my heels starting to peel off, attaching to the socks.

I yelped, the fabric touching the wound. "Oh, yep! They hurt like actual shit, ow!" I winced, whispering between my teeth.

"Well, I believe we are almost there,so you'll be okay." Josh smiled, and I rolled my eyes jokingly.

The cab parked, and Josh paid, as I stepped out, limping and trying not to let my heel touch the fabric.

I sat on the concrete, and held my leg out. "I'm really sorry, I ruin everything." I sighed, holding my face in my hands.

"No, you don't. It's not your fault you were put into those heels." Josh bent down, rubbing my shoulder.

"Can you, uh, help me up?" I asked, and Josh held a hand out, and I grabbed it, getting up.

"Thank y– JOSHUA WILLIAM DUN. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled, as he held me bridal style. My face as red and he smiled cheekily.

"If your foot hurts that much, I'm going to carry you." He stated, like it was obvious. I stared at him, my face probably as red as a tomato.

"Well, I mean, you can. I'm pretty heavy though, 156 pounds is pretty damn heavy." I whispered, laying my head on his chest. We started to walk to a gate area, where there was hundreds of people.

"Where are we? Where ever we are, it looks busy." A bunch of people were in the park, and a giant stage was there, along with a few others. looked at Josh, and he started walking past people, getting a few dirty looks, and getting yelled at.

"Hey! You can't cut the line li- Oh my god." A guy yelled at us, and he stopped, looking really sorry, wearing a Twenty One Pilots shirt. A few other Clique members looked over, and gasped. I laughed, not in a bad way.

"Dude, it's alright. It isn't the first time this happened to me, I don't know about him. Now, we really gotta go, I don't want to be late, ride on Spooky Jim!" I smiled and laughed, and kicked my legs, throwing my head back. We walked through the gate, and got the venue, stage 4. Tyler wasn't at the set yet, so we had a bit of free time.

"Josh, I'm okay now. I just need new band-aid. I don't want my blood to ruin your shoes." I sighed, after we got backstage of that stage. He looked at me, and I rolled my eyes. MY legs were starting to get sore from the position they were in.

"It's okay, I'll get a band-aid. I have soundcheck in an hour or so... We can go do something for 45 minutes, or something." He suggested, and I smiled, nodding. He ran off to get someone who has first aid.

I took off his right shoe, and the several bandaids Josh put on fell off, all covered in blood.

My heel didn't look too much better, it was splattered with blood, and I stuck my tongue out, grimacing.

"Get a wet wipe while you're at it! It's really bloody." I yelled back, jokingly. I took the other shoe off, which wasn't nearly as bad.



This is filler, since I only have 1 final left!!

I got 84 on my Social, and 89 (highest score in my class) for ELA. I don't know what I got for math, and I have science tomorrow.

And submit songs you think suit this book!

tl;dr: I'm acing my finals, word count is 666, summit songs you think suit this book

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