Chapter 35 // Where We're From, There's No Sun

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First Person

I woke up, feeling heavy and tired, an IV in my arm, and some quiet discussion in the back of the room.

I tried opening my eyes, and opened them a tiny bit, seeing the whiteness of the room, and four figures sitting and talking.

I grunted, as a headache started, and I raised my right arm to my forehead, and hissed at the bandage on my forehead.

They started crowding the bed, trying to get a look at me. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body, and grasped their arms, unable to tell who it was.

"Hayden, are you okay?" My dad whispered into my ears and I broke down in tears.

"I killed them. I killed my baby didn't I? Josh... He's going to be so sad, and I've seen videos of him with kids. He'd be such a good dad. I'm too young to be a mom." I sobbed, holding my dad close, my eyes starting to open.

"It's okay, Haze. It's okay. Both of them are okay. They are okay, don't be sad. Your neighbour, Allie, heard you screaming, and called 911. They got the medications out of you before you could digest them." He explained, and I let go of him, falling back onto my bed.

"What do you mean both? You can't.. No." I asked, widening my eyes, my vision still blurry. I put my arms around my stomach, and winced from pain.

"Yeah, you're going to be a mom of two kids, Hayden." Kaythen exclaimed, sounding very excited. I smiled and blinked slowly.

"Who's the two other people? I can't see them." I asked, and Kaythen sighed, obviously not liking one of them there.

"Chris and Josh. Josh was the second here. Dad was here right when you were admitted. Me and Chris came Monday night." I looked up at Kaythen when she said Josh, and I started crying, a bit sad.

"I-I'm really sorry, Hayden. I didn't mean for this to happen. You've been out for 4 days and I didn't know what to do. I missed a concert for this." Josh mumbled, in the chair he was sitting in. His hands were covering his face, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Don't blame yourself. It was my fault. I thought my pills would help. They were 2 months expired, anyway." I shrugged, and I looked over at Kaythen.

"You have a belly bump. A tiny one, but you got one." I noted, and she smiled, rubbing her bump.

"Yeah. Four months, a baby girl." She sighed, happily, and I smiled, and 'awwwed'.

"It's almost Christmas. One month, right?" I asked, and my dad nodded, the bags under his eyes a little more prominent.

"Yeah. This room brings back really bad memories, sorry." He frowned, and I nodded, and laid back.

"Can I talk to Josh alone? Please?" I asked, and my dad nodded, letting everyone leave, but Josh.

Once everyone left, Josh came over and sat on my hospital bed, leaning back of my feet. I lifted my legs up to a triangular position, and I led Josh lean against my legs.

"I didn't mean to get you pregnant, honest. I'm really, really sorry." Josh apologized, and I laughed, confusing Josh a little bit.

"It's okay, accidents happen. I always wanted a kid, anyway." I smiled, rubbing my stomach again.

"Yeah, me too. You'd be a great mom." Josh complimented and I kicked his side. He winced and I laughed again.

"Yeah, sure," I commented, sarcastically, "but in all honesty, you'd be a better parent than me. I don't have any child history, and you have a niece. I don't have anything."

Josh frowned, and shrugged, "I'm not that good. Sometimes, I just think I'm so good at them because I'm a child at heart."

I nodded, and sat up, putting my legs down. Josh fell back, and I hugged him, putting my face in his hair.

"Thank you for coming. I'm guessing Tyler wasn't that happy." I whispered, and Josh shook his head.

"He was a little upset and disappointed, but I'm pretty sure they found another drummer anyway." Josh answered, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You could have stayed there. You know I'm fine." I mumbled, fiddling my  thumbs.

"You aren't okay, I made you try to overdose, and that isn't okay. I thought you died when I saw your Twitter and Instagram. I started to panic and Tyler had to calm me down." Josh explained what happened when he found out, and I exhaled, guilty.

"I know. I just didn't know what to do. I was scared, and not thinking right. These babies are yours, I'm sure of that." I muttered in his ear, sleepily.

"You can go back to sleep, I'm okay here. I'll probably get a coffee or something to eat." Josh smiled, looking back at me. I nodded, and lay back down, smiling a little bit.

"I'm happy you're here."

"I'm happy I'm here too."




T W I N S.



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