Chapter 4 // We're Broken People

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I apparently only sprained the finger, and I needed to wrap it with tape, which I have always wanted to do. I told one of the guards to get my bag, where I had a small thing of tape.

'Always be prepared. You never know what can happen everyday.'

My mom always said that line to me, when she sent me to school with extra snacks, or cookies to give my friends. She was a great mom, I couldn't ask for anything less, or anything more.

She always had her dirty blonde hair down, or in a weird hairstyle. Her most noted one was her side ponytail. She didn't have the best fashion sense, but she tried for her little girls. Moms' grey-green eyes were always ones that were enchanting to look into.

She wasn't always the nicest person, hating the border house reach, but she did what she had to do to survive. She wasn't the most successful woman with a job, stay at home mom was her life.

Linda Rothwell was quite the peculiar case, I have to say so myself, being inside her and birthed through her birth canal and pulled out because I wanted to wrap my umbilical cord around my neck and almost asphyxiate myself.

Josh apparently told me that Tyler is still practicing, and shouldn't be bugged. Like Josh would listen to his own advice.

He went up to Tyler and poked his sides, making him jump and yell, almost slamming his head into the mic, and drop his bass.

I could clearly see what was going on, but it sounded hilarious from backstage, seeing and hearing some sound setup crew laugh, and a few photographers.

I rewrapped my middle and ring finger together, and unwrapped it again. I guess the tour was finally catching up with me.

I looked at the clock on the wall, 4:28 PM. Another 2 and a half hours or so, until I have to be on stage. I sighed, and walked out to the stage area.

I saw Tyler and Josh up there, worried out of my mind for the drums. Josh was recklessly smashing them, and every time he hit them, I winced.

I sat on one of the speakers, and watched them, smiling like an idiot, amazed. I've barely known them for 1 hour and I've managed to embarrass myself, get injured, and hurt one of the guys.

The song finished, and I clapped. "Ride, right? I like that one. The bass is amazing, not being biased as a guitar player, or maybe I am, a little bit. Nevermind, a lot a bit." I yelled out, trying to get their attention. Tyler looked back and smiled. He waved and looked at Josh. He nudged his head in my direction and then nodded.

He took out his earpiece, and walked over. I smiled and waved, and stopped a meter or two from where I was.

"Uh, Doubt, right? We were just practicing, and yeah. I'm Tyler." He put his hand behind his neck, and I laughed. He held his other hand out and I shook it, smiling closed mouthed.

"It's Hayden, well, my real name is. I can kinda tell, by Josh mauling his drums, and you French kissing your mic. It sounded nice though." I raised my voice so Josh would hear. I heard a small 'Hey! Tyler likes it!' and I snickered.

"I wouldn't think of it like that, but okay, and Josh has only broken his drum once." Tyler's eyebrows raised and he started walking over to Josh, and ushered me follow him.

"Well, I guess we should let her set up, it's her first concert. Hope you don't have stage fright. I know I do." Josh nudged my arm, and I laughed nervously, the fear setting in.

I watched them walk off stage, Josh twirling his drumsticks in his fingers, and I went to get my guitar which was just out of view.

I walked over and get my case. I grabbed a lone stool and dragged it onto stage, and dropped it in front of the speaker Tyler was using.

I opened my guitar case and started strumming something oddly close to Stressed Out.

I plugged Elise in and strummed aggressively. It sounded like a Pantera Stressed Out, with a lot less screaming and a lot more swaying. I stopped a quarter way into the song, just before the second verse. I felt my fingers my sprained fingers started trembling and bleeding again. I paled and nervously laughed.

"Oh shit." I muttered and set Elise in her case, and walked backstage. I looked around for sounds people, and asked where Tyler and Josh went, for advice for a first concert.

They didn't know, and I went back up. I shook my head, devastated. I wanted to rock out and give the Clique a show to remember, which wasn't going to happen.

Seems like that won't happen today, or for a while anyway. A cappella wasn't exactly my thing, and I still wanted to perform. I sighed on the stool, realizing I would have to use my people skills for this concert.


oh no, she can't perform, what ever shall she do?!


2 updates in one day, I'm on a roll

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