Fawnstripe, Shinefoot, Moonspot's POV

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Shinefoot's POV

Shinefoot was starving, so she dragged herself to the fresh kill pile, she could barely get up to the high rock to enjoy her mouse when she felt kicking in her stomach. "Are you OK?" asked Wavefur, who was sharing the mouse with her. 

"No, I think the kit are com-." She got cut off by a moan. 

"I'll go get Jayfeather," said Creekfur, Creekfur was right back with Jayfeather. Jayfeather shooed Wavefur away and all the cats near the high rock. The first can was coming, it was a shiney gray tom with white feet. The next kit was an all gray kit with black feet and there was one more kit, a tom a light blue tom whos pelt glimmered in the sun. 

"How many more?" Shinefoot asked.


"Ugh." Shinefoot groaned. The next kit was an all white she-kit and the next kit was and light red, gray she-kit with wavey white feet tips. 

"Thats it. So many she-kit are giving birth these days." Jayfeather rolled his eyes then went to get Creekfur.

When Creekfur arrived, Shinefoot said "The she-kit with the light red, gray she-kit with the wavey feet tip  Autumnkit (Autumnfall) and the pure white she-kit Mourningkit  (Mourningfeather)."

"And the shiney gray tom Larkkit and the gray tom with the black feet Shrewkit." Creekfur finished. "And the light blue tom, Sharkkit

"Wavefur can you help me to the nursery."


When they got to the nursery Skycloud asked Shinefoot, "What did you name them?"

"Autumnkit, Mourningkit, Larkkit,  Shrewkit and Sharkkit."

"More friends to platy with!" Chirped Mosskit from behind Shinefoot.   

"Yes sweetie," Snowdawn turned to Shinefoot, "Those are beautiful names."


Moonspot POV

Moonspot was dreaming, a spotted furred she-kit was walking up to her, Moonspot didn't notice her at first but then she realized it was her littermate. "Spottedkit!"

"Thats  Spottedwhite to you!"


"I earned my warrior name in StarClan."

"Cool! What did you wanna talk about."

"Umm... well.. all you kits are going to die, except one tom and one she-kit."

"WHY!?" Shouted Moonspot. 

"That is all I can say. I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright."  

"You will have your kits now, are you ready."


Moonspot woke up to the pain in her belly, Spottedwhite was right the kit were coming. Moonspot moaned and Jayfeather ran to the nursery. "How did you hear me all the way from your den." 

"I'm used to it. Almost all the she-cat here are having kits these days." Moonspot started kitting, the first kit was a she-kit with alot of spots, the next  was a  white she-kit with a very pink nose. The next kit looked just like Deerspot but had a had a hint of gray on the toms fur. There was another she-kit with a glossy grayish whitish pelt. 

"Did they all survive?" Moonspot asked Jayfeather.

"Sadly, no. Only two survied."

"Can you get Deerspot so I can break the news to him." 

Jayfeather nodded and ran off, Deerspot came back. "What did you wanna talk about?"

"Two of our kits died, can I name them? You can name the two ones suckling at my stomach." Deerspot nodded. "The glossy gray white she-kit Glosskit and the she-kit with all the spots Spottedkit after my sister."

"What about the she-kit with the all whit pelt and a very pink nose Tulipkit (Tulippetal),  and the light brown tabby tom with the flicks of gray, Molekit (Molefleck). "

"I love the name Tulipkit, a beautiful she-kit named after a beautiful flower." Moonspot said lovingly. "Welcome to ThunderClan my lovelies, snuggle up to me."


Fawnstripe's POV

Fawnstripe was waking up from her wonderful dream of eating a plump rabbit from a pain in her stomach she started to wail. 

"Mommy why is Fawnstripe wailing?" Foxkit asked Swantail. 

By that time everyone was awake in the nursery. "Honeykit go get Jayfeather!" Snowdawn ordered Honeykit. While Honeykit was gone the queens shooed all the kits out. When Honeykit got back she went to get Stickpelt. The first kit was a light brown kit with some dark brown stripes with a very thick coat. The last kit was a she-kit who's pelt was ruffled. 

Stickpelt walked in, with the kits right behind him. "Are you OK?"  

"Of course I am!"

"Are you ready to name the kits?"

"Yes, the she-kit should be Ruffledkit(Ruffledfeather)." Fawnstripe said.

"The tom with the very thick pelt that would keep him very warm in the winter Thickkit (Thickpelt)." Stickpelt said, "I will never stop loving you, never. No matter

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