Meeting Pudddlepaw

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Snowpaw/Puddlepaw POV

"I'm getting tired, let's go to sleep." Snowpaw lied.

"OK." Darkpaw and Beaverpaw said at once. 

"I'll go get Strikepaw and Shinepaw." Beaverpaw offered 

"And I'll fetch Deerpaw and Fawnpaw." Darkpaw said. A few minute later, when Darkpaw and Beaverpaw with Strikepaw, Shinepaw, Deerpaw, and Fawnpaw.  

They walked into the apprentice den.

Go to sleep, go to sleep Snowpaw kept telling herself I know this is wrong, but he's cute. Snowpaw listened to the breathing of her den mates. When she was sure everyone was  sleeping she snuck out of the den and walked out of camp. The cats garding the entrance were Lionblaze and Dewnose

"Where are you going?" Dewnose questioned Snowpaw

"Um.... I'm.... going hunting, can't sleep." Snowpaw lied. Dewnose nodded. If I stay two-fox lengths away from the lake, I won't get in trouble. Right?  Thought Snowpaw. She raced through the borders, faster then she ever ran. When she got there she noticed Puddlepaw already there. "Hey!" she said and then ran up to him. He was about to lick her then stopped. She nodded then he licked her ears.

"Hey," Puddlepaw purred.

"OK, what do you want as your warrior name? I want mine to be Snowspot, Snowtumble or Snowfall. You?"

"Mine would be either Puddlestripe, Puddleclaw or Puddlestar." 

Snowpaw let a little giggle slip out. "You'll be my deputy and I'll be the leader." Suddenly Snowpaw had an idea "I'll be right back." She came back with dry moss. "Let's sleep here."  Puddlepaw nodded and got some dry moss, he put it next to hers. Snowpaw layed down on her moss and Puddlepaw layed down next to her. Snowpaw fell asleep to his soft, warm, handsome fur and his sweet smell...

Snowpaw woke up to dawn and thought uh-oh... it's DAWN my clan mates are probably wondering where I am "Puddlepaw wake up. It's dawn." Puddlepaw started to stir. "Bye." She ran tward ThunderClan and diced that she shoud catch something. When she got to her territory. She saw a rustle near the bushes. She got into a Hunter's Crouch. A lunged, she got a thrush. Before she went back to camp she caught two mice and a thrush and a rabbit.

When she got back to camp Dovewing  rushed up to her, "Where were you?" 

"I went hunting last night, then fell asleep by the lake. I caught two mice, a thrush and a rabbit." Snowpaw told half the truth.

"That prey was will be very helpful to the fresh-kill pile." Dovewing said happily.

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