Naming the kits

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Bumblestripe's POV

Bumblestripe was pacing in the nursery. "Did I lose her or any of the kits?"

"No. Dovewing just fainted from all the strain and the last kit we got out just in time." Jayfeather answered


Dovewing's POV

When Dovewing woke up she saw five newborn kits suckuling at her belly. "Hey, Bumblestripe, can you fetch me a thrush."

"Yes O'mighty Dovestar" Bumblestripe replied teasingly.

A few minutes later-----

"Now let's name the kits" Dovewing said. "what about the dark she cat Darkkit (Darkpelt), the kit that looks like me, but with gray underbelly and stripes Snowkit(Snowfall) and the big black tom Beaverkit(Beavertail)" When Bumblestripe looked confused she said "You know when I went to unclog the lake, the animals were beavers and he looks like he has a beaver tail. You name the rest."

"Well the light gray long-haired tom with black stripes should be Strikekit(Strikeclaw) because he is already batting his siblings, he'll make a good warrior one day. And the little she-cat with the all white fur Lightkit(Lightfur)."

"Welcome to Thunderclan my wonderful kits" Dovewing purred

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