Purple eyes, playing and Warrior

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"Bumblestripe, Bumblestripe come here the kits are opening their eye's!"   Bumblestripe came running in. When he arrived Spottedkit was opening her eyes. Her eyes were a green-brown color. Next was Sunkit hers were a orange color then came Moonkit. Moonkit's eyes were a light blue color. After a few minutes Bumblestripe and Dovewing were starting to get worried. Then a minute passed and Skykit's eye color was...








"JAYFEATHER" Dovewing called

"Is someone sick?" Jayfeather asked panting

"No" Dovewing replied sheepishly "Skykit has purple eyes"

"So... you called me here for nothing" he grumbled

"Not nessarely. Is there something wrong with purple eyes?" Bumblestripe asked Jayfeather

"No. Now let me get back to sleep"


Two moons later when the second litter was two moons old and  first litter five moons old. ThunderClan was back at their camp. The nursery was the only thing damaged and Cloudtail and Birchfall fixed it up.

All the kits were outside planning a attack on Bumblestripe when they heard Bramblestar saying "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high rock" he beckoned Hollypaw, Fernpaw and Sorrelpaw along with. "Yesterday three apprentices had their final test. Cherryfall has Hollypaw dove well?"

"Yes, she is great at stalking prey"

"Hollypaw do you promise to up hold the warrior code at all cost, even your life"

"I do" she trembled

"From this day forward you will be known as Hollytuft." Then Fernpaw became Fernsong and Sorrelpaw became Sorrelstripe. After the announcement  the kits went back to planning the attack on BumbleClan(That's what the kits call Bumblestripe).

Beaverkit's POV.

I'm going to choose the weakest of my litter and the other litter to go get Bumblestripe. Lightkit and Skykit. When they get back they are going through Bumblestripe's legs. Me and Sunkit are going to tug at his tail. Strikekit and Darkkit are going to bat at his muzzle and Moonkit Spottedkit and Snowkit are going to claw his back. Beaverkit thought. He repeated his plan to the kits and the he yelled "Operation defeat BumbleClan in ACTION" Lightkit and Skykit went to get BumbleClan

Bumblestipe POV

Lightkit and Skykit came running up to Bumblestipe. "We need you at the nursey" They said behind a smile.

I know their planning something with their siblings  he thought "Sure" Bumblestripe wanted to knoe what they were planning. He walked over to the nursery. When he got over Sunkit and Lightkit started running through his leg s and he felt tugging at his tail, which was obviously Sunkit and Beaverkit. Then he saw Strikekit and darkkit batting at his muzzel. he was about to say 'Oh no I'm getting attacked by KitClan but then he noticed Spottedkit, Moonkit, and Snowkit sitting on the side watching with dull eyes. "Are you OK?" he asked them.

"Yeah we're FINE" the finished the sentence by jumping on to  his back.

"OH NO! I'M GETTING ATTACKED BY KIT CLAN." He playfully yelled


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