It's written already!!

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"Ladies and Gentlemen.This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight A760 for Charlotte.We are inviting the passengers to be ready with their boarding pass and identity card for boarding.Thank you." As the announcement made, all our heads snapped up from our phones to the boarding area.Every passenger got up with their hand luggage and moved towards the boarding area.I took mine and headed the area with my co-passengers.

We all boarded the flight.I was adjusting my seat,just then a young woman of my age wearing crisp,neatly ironed formals sat near me.She was pretty and charming enough.I was staring her.Her eyes were calm yet blazing with fire.Fire of extreme pride and confidence.Not to forget,they were in perfect almond shaped."Hrmm..hrmmm" her voice brought me back from HER lala land..Oh seemed to be like she caught me while I was busy in staring her.."Uh..Hii...I m Abhish Raj" I introduced myself, smiling awkwardly.She looked at me startled for a second but nodded smiling

."Hello..I m Riddhima" she said still with a small smile playing on her lips."Nice name..By the way where are you up to?Uhmm..if you don't mind me in asking.." I asked her bit confused."No..nothing like that..Well..I m going to London for a formal meeting with our company clients.Then what about you??Where are you up to?" she asked."Me..uhmm..nothing formal..Just going to meet my good old friend in Charlotte" I replied her latter question.

"Oh...then you have to travel for 33 long hours..Man!!Safe your butt" she said me winking and giggling.Her giggles turned into laugh when she saw my blank face.Yeah,I was shocked for two reasons.First that bastard friend of mine never said me this and I was fool enough to believe him when he said its just a day travel.Second was her comment.I mean uh..she said that in a fraction of second and..winking..that was bold.No offense feminists!!


(Author's pov:Do you want me behind bars or what!!Narrate the one given to you in script..Not a word more than that..

Abhish:*sighs* No freedom in a democratic country..

Author:Shut up and come back to narration..)


" it man!!this is quite interesting" she shrieked for the umpteenth time within a hour.This girl!! "Oh Riddhima..I m watching..Don't shout we have other passengers too" I said her annoyed.She looked around and bit her tongue.She smiled sheepishly at me and mouthed a sorry with an innocent face.I couldn't help but smile.It was just five hours since we met.Her first look to a stranger, would only show her fierce and firmness.Yet as they say,looks deceive.She was not just fierce and firm but a happy-go,friendly one too.

When I saw her sitting beside me five hours ago,I felt this journey would be a boring or worst.But I was wrong,this turned to be the best.We started with general talks and ended up in watching movie together and sharing food.It might look strange,yet this happened.

Finally, dusk of the day arrived.I opened my eyes and regretted it next second when my back started to pain and my leg,hushhh...they were gone numb long ago.I turned my head only to witness an empty place beside me." woke up..I was about to wake you up.Good.Come let's dig in some munchies"she said and called the air hostess.We ordered some soft drinks and cookies.

Just after it,she got a call from her office regarding the meeting she was about to attend.She looked me and I nodded at her smiling.She moved aside and started her work,yeah,speaking,speaking and speaking.I wondered how much would she speak!!Won't she get tired of these things!? I would have literally roasted my boss if he/she made me to work with this much pressure in my head.I looked her and saw her brows narrowed with scrunched up nose and within seconds I heard her loud voice,probably barking at the one on the other side.

I looked her confused.She saw me and her face turned pale in embarrassment and whispered sorry.I tried not to laugh at her.

I shook my head and faced the window at my left.The sky displayed a palette of colours.Red, deep blue,purple and black in order.Night sky showed up slowly and the moon,in its full majestic posture peeked slowly behind the night clouds which were scarcely scattered over the sky.As usual,the evening star and the orion showed up with their fellow stars in the sky.The night clouds were deep black in colour and they were moving slowly,disturbing the moon in its hide and seek game.Indeed,nature is the best creation in its own.

Soon the clock struck 8 and the passengers started to fill their appetite.After three long hours of call Riddhima returned to her place exhausted.The air hostess neared us to ask our thing for dinner.I shook Riddhima as her eyes were shut,she opened her eyes hastily and looked at me with a blank face.I pointed at the air hostess, and that's when the reality struck her.I chuckled looking her face and she ordered dinner for both of us.Once our dinner arrived,we shut our tummy's growl quietly without talking except for our stares at each other.

"Riddhi, was the call?" I asked her chuckling."Riddhi!!??" she asked me shocked.

Oh no!!I bit my tongue embarrassed.How in the Earth I got courage to call her Riddhi!!
" in flow..sorry" I apologized stammering.

"Hey..relax..Its fine and by the way I love when someone call me with these kinda nick names..So,relax man!!" she said winking.As usual,I smiled with no option left.This girl had a charm to make anyone smile anytime.

"So,why were you so tensed in call?" I asked her."Uh..nothing serious.Just some idiocy of my assistant.I have asked her to send me the blueprint of our designed model along with budget planned,but she didn't." she said.

"What is there in this to tensed and shout?She would have just forgot for god's sake girl.." I said her annoyed.She glared at me and her eyes shot daggers."Man!!I wasn't tensed for that.The reason she said me when I asked made me to lose my temper" she said gritting her teeth."And what was then??"

I asked her still annoyed."She went for a date with her to-be-fiance and in that chaos she forgot to do her work" she said me agitated.I couldn't control myself.I laughed so loudly which made her to join me and tears of mirth rolled down in our cheeks.We controlled our laughs and looked at each other smiling.

"Well...Take rest..We are about to reach London in about three hours and I guess you won't have time even for a nap there" I said her.She just smiled and asked me "Huh..Abhish, as far as I know,you will have change of plane somewhere.Then,where you have to do it?"she asked me."Yeah,I have change of plane in two places.One is at London and other one is at Baltimore" I said."Wow..that's great.You will be stepping in London too..Then your butt is safe" she said me giggling and me,yeah you guys knew,FLABBERGASTED.

I shook my head coming out the trance in which she threw me seconds ago.We just had some random chit chat and let sleep engulf us.

"Dear passengers,We are about to land in Heathrow Airport(Name of London airport).So you all are requested to wear your seatbelts and get ready with your hand luggage.Thank you." The voice woke up us.

After 15 minutes of the announcement,our flight landed Heathrow airport and everyone got down,taking their hand luggage.Its was time to bid adieu to Riddhima.Such a charming young lady and the one made my travel filled with fun.

"So,Riddhi its time..I think you would have got your schedule for today.Yeah..So,bye..take care.." I said smiling fondly at her."Uh...yeah..its time..and yes I got my schedule.So...yeah..bye,take care...and be in touch man!! You are so much fun to be with and I would miss that blank expression of yours" she said me laughing.

Yeah,she was enjoying pulling my legs throughout the journey."Yeah..I will miss you too..And sure,I will be in contact." She smiled with a beautiful glow in her face and started moving towards the exit gate.After few steps,she turned and waved her hands in air and I reciprocated it with smile.

She gave me a toothy smile and turned to move towards the gate.I just stood there looking at her disappearing figure and once she was out of my view,I just sighed looking at the gate and shook my head smiling and walked towards the waiting room.

It was just dawn and my flight was scheduled at 6.30am.I looked at my watch in disbelief.It was just 5 in the morning!!Urgh..Ok fine..I decided to roam inside the airport.I kept my bags in locker over there and moved towards the shops there.Most of the shops were of chocolates,mine thing.I randomly went into one of the shops,looked around the shop and saw the price of chocolates.

My eyes widened and my legs,carrying me, left that shop and entered the adjacent one.
Same scenario at that shop too.This happened everywhere,so exhausted me came to the waiting room and slept.

"This is the last boarding call for Mr.Abhish Raj.The flight is about to take off in 15 minutes.Kindly board the flight soon.Thank you."This announcement woke me up from my dreamworld and made my heart thump out of my ribs.I ran towards the boarding area with my bags.The air hostess at the gate of plane,literally glared at me.I smiled sheepishly at her and went in.

I sat in my seat with a 'thud' totally tired cause of the happenings minutes ago.I sighed heavily looking at my watch.Arghh..still eight long hours to reach Baltimore and ten and half hours of wait at Baltimore airport.God!!Thanks to Riddhima,if she hadn't said me,I would have died in shock when I would reach Baltimore.The worst thing in this travel was,I should wait for 10 hrs in Baltimore for my flight to Charlotte.First good thing when I land Charlotte would be,killing that bastard and saving innocents like me from that moron!!


(Author:*laughing like mad* U innocent,in which birth?

Abhish:*glaring* Shut up you duffer.Its all because of you..

Author: *giggles and struck her tongue out)


Sloth would move faster than this time.I was dying due to boredom.How beautiful it would have been if Riddhi was with me!!

[NOTE:The lines which is bold and italic combination is Abhish's inner voice and the italic one is Abhish's voice]

"Hoohoo..missing her ah??" I heard a voice."Who the heck are you?" I asked irritated."Ada..its me yaa...your inner one,the so called conscience of yours ,who was sleeping since 28 years.." "You..That's my age you idiot.Why are you here suddenly??"I asked agitated.My god!!I was hearing my own voice...Had I gone mad??I could sense people looking at me weirdly.Who wouldn't??After all I was speaking with myself..I would surely look like a weirdo..Arghh.

."Hey dude..come na lets talk.."

"Will you please shut up??I want to sleep.."

"Sleep?! But just now you woke up and you were late cause you were sleeping.Talk with me now..."

It will be good if I sleep..Talking with you will be the last thing I would want to do in this world"



"Hey listen"

"Good night"


"Sorry good morning"



"Hey..You there!!"


"Mr.Abhish Raj...Are you even listening??"


"Bloody moron.He slept.What should I do now??Same.What was I doing for past 28 years....zzzz"

I woke up after a good sleep of 4hrs.I heard my stomach cursing me.I called air hostess for my breakfast and within minutes I got my bf.I shut my tummy up and sat relaxed.My surrounding was silent and then I realized that I was not with Riddhima.

"Again missing her.." I heard my sleepy voice..No,not again.

"Nothing.You just sleep."

"Hmmm...I want to talk" still he mumbled sleepily.I rolled my eyes at inner self.

"You are sleepy.So just sleep"

"Yeah..I m tired.Lets talk later" Huh!!tired!! slept like rakshasan(monster)for 28 years yet tired...Lazy moron.Wait!!Was I cursing myself??

Argh..this is just...just..hushhh..nothing!!Next four hours moved in blur cause I slept again.Hah!! Ain't I great??Finally,I landed in Baltimore.I moved towards the waiting area,sat there in chair,looked around and again,slept.But not in sitting posture.I made myself comfortable by laying on the chairs.

Livin' the dream, Livin' the hope, Let the rhythm take control, Live in this day, Live in it now, Live the moment right now..(airtel theme *author winks*)

I woke up hearing my phone ringing.I took it squeezing my eyes and cursing the one who disturbed my sleep.The caller id displayed that moron's name.I felt rage passing through my every nerve.I gritted my teeth and attended the call.

"Hey Abhi,reached Baltimore?" spoke that idiot.

"Hmm"I just hummed.

"Good.Then,how was the journey boy?Was it good?" he asked.

I just punched my bag gritting my teeth."I will explain you in detail,when I reach Charlotte" I said him smiriking.

"Seri [trans:ok] will meet you soon buddy!!" he sounded excited and I hummed in acceptance.Once he hung up the call,I sat there staring my phone's screen and automatically my lips curved into smile.I opened my phone's gallery and looked at the photos smiling.

I just caressed the screen fondly.My Anshu.No matter how much I get angry on this creature,just this idiot's talk would be enough for all that anger to vanish in air.Indeed,memories brings the one whom we were.

"Huh haa!! history!history! you spoke something right since your birth..Hail the glory of Abhish Raj!!" again I heard me.Hushh..looked liked moron woke up.

"For your information,you just woke up hours ago.So you don't know anything.So zip man!" I said him irritated.

"Uh..hehe..You are right..Then tell me,what were you thinking about??" he asked inquisitively.Oh..seemed to be that I have to say him some history of mine.Well fine..lets pass time.

"Uh..fine boy..I will say you.But not fully cause I am tired." I said.

"Nah..nah!! Just say me about Anshu.And by the way,I am not ready to hear all the boring history of yours.I m tired.So I dont have energy to hear your lengthy shit.Thus,say about Anshu alone" he said in bored voice.

Moron..How dare he to call my memories shit..Bloody sleepy head."Mind your tongue stupid.Fine I will say you about Anshu.And dont disturb in middle" I said him glaring.Wait,was I glaring??Shit man!!I had gone nuts seriously!!

" start.I wont disturb you" he mumbled.

"Good..Me and Anshu are childhood friends.We both were together until we were 10.But after that Anshu moved to States with his family and his friend's family.His friend is Vandhit.Actually we three used to roam those days.But I was too close with Anshu.Both Anshu's and Vandhit's dads were family friends.I was a crying mess when Anshu left India.I couldn't digest that he wouldn't be with me from the next day.We wouldn't be playing together.We wouldnot go to our moms saying that we will help them in cleaning but ends up in messing everything.We wouldn't jump over the wall of our neighbour uncle house only to irritate him.

I just couldn't digest these things.But we were in contact.He returned to India after 7 long years as his aunt called him to do his higher studies in India.Those seven years were the awful one.I used to think of the days we were together and silently prayed god to return him to me.When Anshu stood at my door,I was dumbstruck.He laughed looking at me.The next minute I ran into his arms and cried..I just cried.I felt like a girlfriend waiting for her boyfriend to come and pick her and move to their dreamland to live together forever.Now don't laugh or think way other.Yeah,I overacted but excuse me,I m a boy not a homosexual."

"Even I thought the same" oh god,this conscience of mine was a bastard in every sense.

"'s conscience behaves the way of its owner.So,think before THINKING about me" he said with pride lacing in his words.I facepalmed myself and stared the pillar near me with blank expression.

"I would miss that blank expression of yours" I remembered Riddhima's words and a smile curved on my lips.

"Hooo..again in her thoughts...Come out man!!Continue your long,tragic,heart wrenching history" my inner one voiced sarcastically and with a fake dissappointment.

"Oh hello..Mine is not that much tragic.Ofcourse,I was sad those 7 years.But it doesn't mean my history was like a daily soap drama.So shut up" I snapped at him.

" continue please" he pleaded.

I sighed and continued "Nothing big happened then.We started to spend time together and had fun.We filled each other about the happenings of past 7 years.He stayed in India for 7 years and again moved to States and started to work in Vandhit's company in Charlotte.

By that time he reached US,he came to know about her sister's marriage with Vandhit.Her sister Vanathi and Vandhit are childhood friends and are close like me and Anshu.Yet,destiny plays its own game.Everyone were happy about their marriage even my family.My family attended her marriage,but I couldn't as I was in Melbourne at that time.

But after two years of their marriage they got divorced cause they couldn't find love in their marriage life.They love each other but it is not a love that blooms between couples.That is why they were divorced.Now their families are searching for their other halves."

"Oh..These much happened.But what about you?" he asked confused.

"About me??Means??" I asked him super confused.

"Uh..I mean,I asked about you but you were narrating about Anshu..What about you?" he asked.

I just sighed." Someone said that expect the unexpected,that is life.And that is what happened" I paused

"Phew!!Now,you made me sleepy by your philosophy,lets continue once I wake up..Good night and sorry" he said innocently.

"Sleepy head" I mumbled under my breath.Silence prevailed.

"Sleepy head??" I called him

"-----" He slept.

I sighed and caressed my temples as if making my conscience to sleep.I looked at my wrist watch and realized that just 5 hrs was left for my flight to Charlotte.I again laid down and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.


" have got two choices,either me or your mother.I will give you two days.Decide wisely." "

Appa..Appa..listen..Appa..." but he just went away.I ran to mom.

"Amma..appa is going.Stop him amma.." I yelled.She just shook her head with tears in her eyes.

"Listen Abhish,as he said,you have only two choices either me or your dad.Choose wisely" she said and left for house.I stood there, all alone in the road of loneliness..Crying and crying.


My eyes snapped open with tears flowing down my cheek.I just smiled at myself and closed my eyes again..


" just come here.I m here.My family is here.Just come here man!!I m begging you"Anshu pleaded.

"Aama kanna nee vanthudu inga,naanga irukom.Uncle la ticket book pannithara soldren.Vandhudu kanna" aunty too pleaded [Trans:Yes dear,you just come,we are here.I will ask uncle to book a ticket for you.Just come dear]

"Illa aunty,[Trans:No aunty] I will just stay here.They asked me to choose one among two.But I opt for the third one.I left both.I just don't want them.When they can't think about me,I have nothing to do with them.Let me be here.I wanna work on myself and I have lot more to know.So,I will just be here but for sure I will come there to meet you people.After all,you are the one I have to call as MINE right.So I will come,but not now" I said her.

"You are saying that we are yours,then why don't you come here man!!What the hell are you gonna do there??Nothing!!Adamant fellow!!Just get lost idiot" Anshu yelled in his high pitched voice.

"Anshu..just sit tight boy!!I will be there soon.Now bye.Take care" I said him calmly and heard his deep sigh.

"Hushh..fine..just take care,eat properly,come home soon and stay strong,we are here.Bye" he said lovingly.I just heard him in awe.My Anshu."Sure.Bye" I said and hung the call.


I just smiled remembering this phone convo.He was the one who called me when the news of my family's situation reached people.I was 15,when all these chaos happened in my life.Right from that moment,he and his family were those who were my constant support.

At times,Anshu's dad even funded me for my education.After 13 years of that phone convo,I was heading to meet his family and after 4 years I was about to meet my Anshu.I slept thinking about him and his family..

"Kind attention passengers,this is the announcement for boarding the flight A762 for Charlotte.The passengers of this flight are requested to be ready with their hand luggage and Id.Thank you."Again the announcement woke me up.I stretched my arms like I was getting up from my bed.After few yawns,I took my bags and moved towards the flight.

"Passengers are requested to switch off their phone as and wear their seatbelts as the flight is about to take off.Thank you and happy journey."A beautiful air hostess announced.


" woke up and I am not a jerk.I just complimented her beauty" I said him rolling my eyes.

"Anyways,leave it.So excited to meet your Anshu?After all why wouldn't you feel happy,he was the one who stood with you everytime."

"Yeah..but wait!!how do you know that??I didn't share this with you!!"

"Idiot.Whom am I?Your own conscience.So I can grab what you think.."

"Oh..Then wait!!you should have heard me in these 28 years too.But you didn't answer me..Why?"

"Uh..Uh..that..that..I didn't feel like..So I didn't" he said sheepishly.

"Then why are you here now??" I asked him raged.

" wanted..leave it...But tell me what do you think about your life??So much happened..Yet I can't sense any frustration in you,just sadness.Why so??" he asked.

"Huh...Because I know ITS WRITTEN ALREADY" I said and heard him sigh and just then,flight took off.Yayyy..within a hour I would be meeting my Anshu....


Hi guys...Remember this story???Yeah..I m alive still. I m sorry my dear readers for a very late update.I know how it frustrates when writer lates an update.I m sorry for it and kindly bear with me.. comes this girl..Do you have any sense??I m sure people gonna skip your story as if it is a piece of shit.After all, who will read a story with late update.

Hey..who are you moron??I know you are not my conscience.Then who the hell are you??

It doesn't matter now.Ask them,will they read your shit!!

Shut up and don't you dare to call my story shit..I know about my readers..they will read it for sure.

Oh..they are reading it??Then why can't I see any comments down in the page or any PM to you regarding this story of yours??


Hello??Girl??You there??Huh...she ran I think..

No..I m here.Uh..about your question..uh...My rea..


Shut up..Let me speak and dont disturb.So readers..please..This moron, I don't know from where he came,but he is just killing me with questions..So I request you all to comment on my story either down here or in PM..I m not asking you for votes and shares because its upto you.Its ur wish.But if u guys do so,I will be the happiest creature existing in the world.Do let me know your views,if you guys are reading it..Please do this alone to save me from this monster..

Hey..I m not a monster..Okay!!

Hushh..then who are you??

That is not important now...

Idiot..So friends do read and let me know ur views.All critics are welcomed except for bashing..Till then..


Its mine to tell, not yours..


Bye..With love Har...


Urgh..shut up!!With love,Harshini..Take care..


Why dont you go idiot??

I will, when you stop typinggg..

Urgh..get lost..

You tooo.

God save me...


Urgh..bye frnds...I donno who is he??If u guys knew..Plz let me know..Tata..


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