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Hello dears..first of all, my heartfelt gratitude for my readers who spare their time reading my book. Second, on a humble note, I like to mention that this book would contain other languages like Hindi and Tamil in between too. But there is no need for panic or worry coz the translation for them will be given. The story is written in English only other than a few lines. 

All rights reserved © 2021, Harshu26Thamizhini

This book or parts or ideas or the characters thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the author. Infringement is a crime. So if any person or community who does this unauthorized act may be responsible for the criminal and civil claims for damages. All the characters and incidents in this book are purely out of my imagination. If any person or incident relate to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

My dear readers, if anyone comes across any author who had taken the idea or the character or any part of this book, please do lemme know that. Writers here are giving their heart and soul to pen down their thoughts and views. So as my humble request,  I ask all my beloved readers to ping me if you come across this kind of malpractices concerning my work.

Honest reviews including healthy critics are welcomed with open hearts and hands except for bashing.

Do read them with patience and lemme know ur views. Happieeee reading dudes!!

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