Down the Drain

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Updated on 10-17-20

It was just a normal day for Izuku Midoriya.

Just a normal Sunday at the dorms.Izuku was hanging out with his close friends;Iida,Uraraka,Todoroki,Hitoshi,And Asui,at the couch.They were chatting about any topic they would tackle,like school or home life,all while they ignore the loud noise behind them.

Iida had scolded Kastuki's group many times,but ultimately gave up and let them do anything they were doing,only to scold them again if they were about to do anything stupid.The group were playing spin the bottle,daring the chosen player to do something.

At some point,Sero had approached Izuku's group to give each individual a hug,a dare given to him by Mina after making him do a bunch of nearly embarrassing things to himself.Of course the five of them welcomed him in their arms,smiling(except for Hitoshi,he was pretty flustered about it and ended up giving him a side-hug).

It was the nearly evening when the rest of their classmates came back.Yaoyorozu,Hagakure,Shoji,And Sato came through the door,plastic bags in hand."Hello,Everyone!We're back!",Yaoyoruzu greeted,passing by the two separate groups.

"Hey guys!Hows the shopping trip?",Mina asked,approaching her fellow classmates,excitement radiates from her.

"Me and Yaomomo bought some clothes,Shoji got some supplies for his workout,and Sato got some ingredients for his cake!",Hagakure replied,waving the bags being carried on one hand.

"Ooooh!Cake?",Mina turns her attention to Sato,"What kind of cake?"

"Well...I planned on making some caramel cake.I've haven't tried to make one before,so I'm making it today!",Sato searches his plastic bag,before he pulled out a piece of paper,a recipe written inside.

"Caramel cake?Thats cool!I bet it's gonna taste amazing!",Kirishima exclaimed,clutching his fist in a determined way.

"How about you go ahead and bake Sato.",Yaoyorozu encourages,"We could have the cake for dessert!"

"Yeah,maybe you could share some with the Teachers!",Uraraka added as she practically bounced on her seat.

Sato beamed,"Yeah!Thats a good idea!".And with that,the boy went straight into the kitchen.

"I bet Sato is going to make the best caramel cake ever!",Uraraka mutters to the group.

"Caramel...isn't it going to smile kinda like Bakugo?",Tsuyu bluntly said,ignoring how the explosive blonde,who heard her and sent off a few miniature explosions.

He was being held by Kirishima and Denki,who were holding in their laughter,as they try to prevent their friend from committing murder,ignoring how loud he was screaming.

"I'm pretty sure it will.",The purple-haired boy added,snickering when the angry screaming and yelling grew much louder.

Yup,a totally normal day for Izuku.


"Midoriya,you can have the first slice!"

"H-huh!?",Izuku jolted on his seat,flustered as Sato gives him a slice,"W-Why me?"

"Take it as a thank you for the training exercise last time.You were the one who carried the team with your quick thinking.",he places the plate in front of his green-haired Friend,"Besides,I did said I'd treat you with some cake."

Izuku chuckled,his freckled cheeks tinted with red blushes,"Thanks Sato!".He takes his fork and takes a bite of the cake,aware of the other's anticipation for his reaction.

"Well?How does it taste Midori!?",Mina exclaimed,excited.

Izuku beamed,"Its taste great!You guys try it!"

And like that,the rest of his fellow classmates ate their slices,giving off compliments to the baker,who was embarrassed the entire time,but thanked everyone for their support."Wah!You should save some for the Teachers!",Hagakure reminded,saving a few slices.

"I'll go get some more plates!",Iida volunteered,rushing off towards the cupboards.

"Do you think Aizawa-sensei likes Carmel?"

"I'm sure he'll like it!"

Izuku smiled as he ate his slice.He's really thankful for how kind his classmates were.They aren't anything like his middle school classmates;well,Bakugo's changing and that's good!He laughed along with his fellow friends at a joke Mina made and helped the others clean up.

Izuku felt happy.


Izuku felt cold.

Everyone had already left for the night,disappearing behind their rooms.Izuku was the first to go,saying he felt tired and drained.He bid everyone goodnight,before using the elevator to reach the floor his room was located in.

He finished freshening himself up and was already changed into his PJs.

He was knocked out when his head first made contact with his pillow and he was asleep within seconds.

Only to wake up,nearly freezing.

He wasn't sure how or why,but his sleep was interrupted when he suddenly felt the temperature dropped drastically.He was physically shivering,covering himself with his blanket.

He felt so uncomfortable and tense,the cold making him think his body was numb.He dragged his body off his bed and walked towards the door.

He peeked to see anything that could've caused the cold feeling.

There was nothing.

He at first thought Todoroki had accidentally let out his ice quirk in his sleep;but when he saw how no one was leaving their rooms,shivering at the cold as well,and investigating the cause,he was confused.

He was the only person awake.

So he went back inside,physically shivering at this mysterious low temperature.If no one is feeling this;it's either it was just him,or everyone had somehow got used to it.

Izuku,still wrapped in his blanket,crawled back into his bed,curling in on himself,hoping he'd just fall back asleep.

He didn't.

He groaned,reaching for his phone.He squinted his eyes and saw...

It was the middle of the night;exactly 12:00 am.

He placed back his phone on his bedside table and turned away from it,burying himself in the covers as he braces the cold and hopes everything would be better when the sun rises.

He closed his eyes,taking a deep breath as he tugs the blankets closer.His favourite blankets aren't even helping him.So he shivers and trembled on his bed,wondering what was happening to him.

Izuku felt cold.


Izuku felt tight.

He couldn't sleep at all.The uncomfortable feeling worsens when he feels like his body tightens.Most specifically,his stomach.

It felt so tight,like a belt was strapped in or something heavy was pressing it down.

He reluctantly rose from his bed,the freezing temperature he felt at midnight never left.It became worse.

It now felt like he was at a fucking freezer.

Like the temperature had fell near zero or something.

Quickly,he got up to shower.Maybe a warm bath could help him,right?

It didn't help,it made things worse.Especially the tightness he felt.The feeling was familiar,was he feeling a tummy ache?

No,that can't be a tummy ache.It doesn't hurt,it just felt tight.

He ignored it,changing into his uniform.He reached over to wear his blazer,but stopped.His Blazer isn't strong enough to keep him warm...

He turned to his drawers,pulling out a thick green jacket from inside.He puts it on,relieved it kinda helped him.The chilly feeling was there,but it lowered down as he wore his trusty jacket.

The tightness worsens,he felt like he was suffocating,but not to the point he actually is suffocating.Its just there.He felt like he should be suffocating,but he could breathe.

His breath was short.

Uh oh...

"Maybe I need some food...",he mutters to himself.

He left his room,backpack in hand as he used the elevator.When Izuku reached the common room,he noticed how Sato and Katsuki was making breakfast,none of them noticed him.

He saw the food prepared on the counter for the rest,but Izuku's tight feeling grew even worse when he saw the food.He realised what it could mean or what it really felt.

His stomach felt stuffed.

Like he could't eat anymore,and that one more bite will make him explode.

Not wanting to grab any attention,he quickly,and quietly,ran out the dorms.

Running seems to be a bad idea too as his gasp for air was too small.He didn't want anyone to see him like this,gasping and shivering.So he nearly made a dash towards the side of the dorms,just where the windows weren't located.

He peeked at his phone,6:03 am.

It was still a bit early and his classmates have yet to come downstairs.So he pulled out his hero journal and planned to write some updates with the previous notes-

He felt so uncomfortable...

He gripped the side of the notebook,hand trembling,before stuffing back his notebook inside his bag.Izuku groaned,trying his very best to take deep breaths,only to feel a sharp pain on his stomach.It was like something stabbed him,it was point and sharp.

He froze when he heard the voices of his classmates growing louder.

He didn't want them to see him in this state,but he also didn't want them to worry.He was trying to come up with ideas that he could use to avoid confrontation.

He ends up rushing towards the main building of UA.

He ignored how his stomach felt like it was filled with bricks and boulders.He ignored how he felt like he was being pricked with a sharp needle.He tried to ignore the cold even when the sun is shining down on him.

Izuku strapped his backpack on and tried to rush inside,ignoring how some students looked at him,worried and suspicious.

Izuku felt tight.


Izuku felt dizzy.

When Izuku reached the classroom he was so thankful no one was around.

He made his way towards his seat,plopping his backpack down as he tugs his jacket even closer.As he sat on his chair,he wondered what was happening with himself.

His head was in a slight daze,faint aches and thumping.He rubbed both his eyes,trying to get it to focus.The tightness was still there.The cold was still there.The sharp pain was still there.

"What's happening to me?"

He pulls up his hood,mostly covering his head while he leaves the front part of his head open,allowing him visual sight of his classroom.

He wasn't sure how long time had passed,but Izuku had spotted Iida entering the classroom,surprised to see his fellow classmates already in.

"Midoriya!Where have you been?We've been looking for you during breakfast!A hero must always have a good breakfast if they want to be properly functioning heroes and-"

"I'm fine Iida!",Izuku interrupts him,"I already ate,I woke up pretty early.Thats all!".Izuku does not like lying,but his reason had just slipped off his tongue.

Iida nods,"I see,but Bakugo and Sato said they didn't see you anywhere in the kitchen."

"I...was there before them.I had an early jog and got hungry afterwards so...",he doesn't like like lying...

His Friend raised his eyebrow,"You went jogging at four in the morning?"

Izuku,unconsciously,nods,"What am I doing...?"

The class president fixed his glasses,"I see,"he points his finger at Izuku's jacket,"But what's with the jacket?"

"I feel cold,that's all!",he wasn't lying,he felt like he's in a freezer.

"But Midoriya,Its 28 degrees celcius.Are you not feeling well?"

Izuku tensed,waving his hand in denial,"No no no,I feel fine!"

Iida stared at him,suspicious,"Midoriya,as class president,I must inform you that if you are not feeling well,you should take a day off.Sensei would understand and we could always take notes for you-"

"No need Iida.",He interrupts him,again,"I feel fine.Just cold."

Iida sighs,"Alright.But if you ever feel unwell,please go to Recovery Girl."

Izuku nods,smiling,"I will,don't worry."

He watched as his close Friend heads to his seat,preparing for class.He looked away and was washed with an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

He lied to his friend...

But those words just fell out his mouth,as if he was sure it was the answer.His head said it's a lie,but his heart said it's the truth.He was confused,which is right???

He listened to the slow chatter growing,class would begin soon.

His head felt so tight,but also lightheaded...?

Izuku felt dizzy.


Izuku felt sick.

He was able to get pass homeroom and a few other classes,barely escaping from the teacher's suspicion.

T̶h̶e̶y̶'r̶e̶ w̶o̶r̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ d̶u̶m̶b̶a̶s̶s̶!Y̶o̶u̶ a̶r̶e̶ b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ b̶u̶r̶d̶e̶n̶ a̶n̶d̶ s̶t̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶s̶e̶l̶v̶e̶s̶ o̶u̶t̶ f̶o̶r̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ w̶e̶l̶l̶-b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶

He was currently in English class.

Izuku could hear Mic-sensei's lecture,could hear the mutters and whispers of his classmates,could hear the low grumbling coming out of Kastuki.

Izuku could feel the cold worsen.Aizawa-sensei had told him to take off the jacket and now he's freezing.He was using every strength and willpower to not physically shiver.

Suddenly,his insides churned,a warm feeling started to rise from within him.He held it back down,mentally cringing.He nearly barfed,did he?

Was he about to puke!?

Is he really sick!?

Y̶o̶u̶ r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ a̶r̶e̶ s̶t̶u̶p̶i̶d̶ a̶n̶d̶ o̶b̶l̶i̶v̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ d̶e̶k̶u̶

The feeling come back;he brought his hand towards his mouth,the other hand rested on his stomach.Oh Kami,the taste was shit.He can't hold back the urge anymore,he needs to go-

He quickly raised his hand,swallowing the bile that nearly went out his mouth.Mic-sensei saw him;"Yes,Little Listener?"

"C-can...",he winced at the taste of sour bile,"C-can I got to the bathroom...?"

Kami,he hated how shaky and hoarse his voice sounded.He caught the worried look his sensei's face switched to when he heard his voice.

"Of course,just come back soon."

And with that,he quickly walked(maybe jogged) his way out,ignoring the worried glances of his fellow classmates.He completely forgot how his hands were holding his stomach and mouth when he went out.

The thumping in his head grew louder,the sharp pain became even more painful.The bile rosed and was now in his mouth and Kami it's disgustingly horrible.

He stumbled into the restrooms,thanking every Kami out there that the room was empty.He went into a cubicle,stumbled down and threw out the bile.

His stomach ached and pained him even more as he threw up,almost as of his entire intestines were going to be puked out too.His head was really thumping-was that his heart!?

He vomited and coughed,his neck aching and irritated.Tears spilled from his eyes from the absurd amount of pain he felt.He could deal with villain attacks,he could deal with breaking bones,he could deal with stab wound,but he cries when he throws up!?

W̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶e̶a̶k̶ d̶e̶k̶u̶ y̶o̶u̶ a̶r̶e̶

He whines,coughing.And coughing.And coughing.

He's wheezing now.

The tightness really felt like he was suffocating.

"What's happening to me...?"

M̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶ a̶r̶e̶ f̶i̶n̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ d̶y̶i̶n̶g̶

He looked at his hand,a whine escaped from his lips.

A dark red colour splattered his hand and toilet seat.He looked down,his uniform was a mess too.

His stomach churned again as he leans back into the toilet boil.His bile was disgusting,brown and green mixed together-there's red too-in the toilet bowl.

He leans back,resting his back on the cubicle wall,ignoring how he's sitting on he floor,covered in smelly puke and blood.

He tried to remember what was happening to him,but his head was hazy and fuzzy.His legs were going numb.And oh Kami it's fucking cold.

He brought both his arms and curled in on himself,shivering and crying.He coughed more blood,but he couldn't cover his mouth.

Blood trickled down his chin,dripping onto his white uniform,staining it.

He felt so uncomfortable and in pain,his voice ached,that even breathing hurts.

"Oh Kami,am really I dying...?",he thought,"will someone help me...?"

N̶o̶ o̶n̶e̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ h̶e̶l̶p̶ a̶ w̶e̶a̶k̶,q̶u̶i̶r̶k̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ d̶e̶k̶u̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶

"I don't wanna die..."

Y̶o̶u̶'r̶e̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ d̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ a̶ f̶a̶v̶o̶r̶

"But...there's people who worries about me,I-"

Y̶o̶u̶ a̶r̶e̶ a̶ b̶u̶r̶d̶e̶n̶ t̶o̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶.Y̶o̶u̶ a̶r̶e̶ s̶t̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ o̶u̶t̶.T̶h̶e̶y̶ ዘ卂𝙩𝕖 y̶o̶u̶

He whines,letting the blood drip down.

"No one hates me..."

The thumping grows louder.

N̶o̶ o̶n̶e̶ c̶a̶r̶e̶s̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ a̶ u̶s̶e̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ d̶e̶k̶u̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶

"They care..."

He felt like his insides were being teared apart,piece by piece

T̶h̶e̶y̶ l̶i̶e̶.T̶h̶e̶y̶ a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ l̶i̶e̶.A̶n̶d̶ y̶o̶u̶ k̶n̶o̶w̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶



He slowly fluttered his eyes open(when did he close them?),purple hair and eyes met his gaze.


The boy panicked,"Holy Shit,Midoriya!Are you Alright!?Why are you coughing blood and-"

"C-...",Hitoshi stops talking,"...C-Cold..."

He saw how Izuku was shivering,cringing when he saw the greenette coughing up more blood.He pulled out his phone,calling the one person he knew he could trust in situations like this.

"Stay awake for me Midoriya!",Hitoshi demands,bringing his phone to his ear,"Aizawa-sensei,there's an issue-"

Izuku's eyes widened,realising who he was calling,"N-No-",he couldn't grab the phone when his stomach churned again.He threw up once more in the toilet bowl,Hitoshi rubbing his back.

"What's going on?"Aizawa's concerned voice echoed through the phone.

Izuku tumbled back as the purple-haired boy caught him.He panicked when he saw how glassy his classmate's eyes were."Just hold on,Midoriya!"

"Shinso,what is going on?"

"Sensei,Something's wrong with Midoriya.",he replied,holding the teen close,"He's puking in the bathroom and coughing blood and-"

"I'm almost there,keep Midoriya awake for me",The call ends abruptly.Hitoshi shoves his phone in his pockets before turning his attention to Izuku.

The boy was shivering,curling in on himself as he let out whimpers.Hitoshi's own uniform had slight smudges of blood."Hey,Midoriya!I need you to stay awake,okay?Sensei is coming."

Izuku coughed more blood,feeling so drowsy and weak.His stomach churned,but nothing came out his mouth.It hurts,so much.


Hitoshi looks at him,"What?"

" me...?",Izuku asked,his voice raspy and hoarse.

"Help you-You need the help Midoriya.And that's what friends do,right?You said that yourself.You're technically my first Friend.",he reasoned,trying to get Izuku to sit properly.

Unexpectedly,a weak chuckle escaped his mouth,followed by a bloody cough;"N-no one b-be friends...",he takes a deep breath,whimpering when a sharp pain takes him,"...with a me..."

Hitoshi's eyes widened in confusion;"Midoriya,what are you talking about?"

The reply was quiet,but he could hear;"Everyone never cares for the quirkless deku..."

His body grew heavy,Hitoshi panics,"H-hey!Midoriya?Midoryia!",He pats the damp cheeks,a shiver ran down his spine when he felt how cold his skin was.

He checked his neck,letting out a breath when he felt pulse.But he was worried.

The pulse felt weak.

"Hey,Midoriya!Wake up!"He said,shaking him until he heard footsteps.

He looked up and saw his worried and shocked sensei,looking down on them.In a blink of an eye,his teacher crouched down.Hitoshi allowed the man to take his Friend.

"Shinso,what happened?"Shouta asked,checking over the boy,who had passed out.

"I wanted to check on Midoriya.He left English class,looking sick.I followed him here and saw him barfing...that",he points towards the the toilet.

They both nearly gagged,it smelled horrible.

"And the blood...?"

Hitoshi gulps,"He's been coughing that out since I came inside.Sensei,he seems delusional cause-"

A whine cuts him off.The two looked at Izuku,who was shivering in Shouta's arms,curling closer to the man's chest."Kid,Midoriya?"

"C-...cold...",was all he muttered before coughing up more blood,tears pooled from his eyes as he grips Shouta's hero costume.

The man curses under his breath,"That explains the jacket."

Before Hitoshi could say anything,Shouta stands,carrying the-obviously-sick boy to Recovery Girl.Hitoshi follows close behind.

"Shinso,I need you to get Midoriya's jacket from the classroom.I have a feeling he'll need it.",he instructs as they pass the classroom.Hitoshi nods,rushing inside the room,probably ignoring the worried exclamations and surprised reactions of his fellow classmates.

Shouta speeds up,cradling the child,his student.He could hear the whimpers and groans from Izuku as he shivers and tightly grips his shirt."You're going to be fine kid",Shouta assures him,praying he wasn't lying.

He may or may not have barge in the Nurses office,panting and worried."Aizawa,what-Oh Kami!",Recovery Girl exclaims once her eyes found the boy.

Not wasting any time,Recovery Girl gestured him to bring the boy to a bed.When he did,he tried to get Izuku to lay down,but the boy wouldn't let go of him.Shouta noticed how cold his skin was.

"Recovery Girl,do we have any extra blankets?"

The elder heroine nods,before rushing off to one of the cabinets for some blankets.Hitoshi came inside a minute later,almost slamming the door open,jacket in hand."Close the door,boy!",Recovery Girl demands,searching through the doors.

When the doors closed,Hitoshi rushed to his friend and sensei's side.Shouta carefully made the boy sit,being mindful of any sudden movement that could worsen the boy's condition.With the purple-haired teen's help,they wrapped the sick patient in his green Jacket,grateful that his shivering toned down.

Recovery Girl found the blankets,tossing about two more of the soft fabric over the boy."Please,tell me what's going on."

Shouta looked over to Hitoshi,"He was in the bathroom,puking and coughing.He was puking...stuff and was coughing out blood.He told me he was cold and was physically shivering...,"He takes a deep breath,"...he...looked like that since this morning."

"Alright dearie...",She pulls out a thermometer,placing the device on Izuku's mouth.

"Was he like this yesterday?",The man asked,concerned.

" fact,he was just fine yesterday.He was acting like his cheery self.We had a lot of fun too...",Hitoshi was eyeing his Friend close.

The thermometer beeped.When Recovery Girl took the item,she gasped.

"What?",The two boys asked in union.

She turns to them,showing off the results.They're eyes widened;"35.0 °C !?"

"I'll go get something warm for the boy.You watch over him,try to keep him warm!",the elderly instructed,before rushing out the room.

"Shinso,"Shouta began,hovering his hand over Izuku,"I know you want to stay with him,but I need you to inform Present Mic about Izuku's condition.Make sure no one else knows,just him."

Hitoshi paused for a moment,glancing over to Izuku,before looking back to Shouta,his face serious.He nods,reluctantly leaving the room,closing the door when he went out.

"W-Why...?",Shouta looked back to Izuku,who's eyes were glassy and partially closed,""

The underground hero was startled with his question."Because you need help,Midoriya.What kind of question is that?"

"N-no",he mumbled.

"Quirkless...?",He didn't understand what he was saying."Kid,you have a quirk.A powerful one too."

"N-never...mine...",he begins coughing blood,slightly staining the bedsheets.Shouta looked around the room,before taking the tissue box by Recovery Girl's desk.

"I don't understand...what do you mean not yours?",he gently asked,wiping away the blood on Izuku's mouth.

Izuku's eyes pooled,"",he sniffed,trembling under the covers.""

Shouta felt like he was punched in the guts.All those times Izuku broke his arms.All those times he showed signs of anxiety.The first day of school...

"Kid,exactly when did you you get your Quirk..?"

The answer was quiet,but Shouta could hear it clearly;"...morning of the....entrance exam..."

A whimper escaped the boy's mouth,tears freely flowing down his face.He curled in on himself,but Shouta was quick.He placed a hand on Izuku's back,rubbing small circles as he mutters comforting words.

"H-hurts...".Shouta swore his heart ached.

"Your stomach hurts?",Izuku nods.

"S-so....cold...".Shouta brought his other hand to the boy's face,wiping the tears off.

"You'll be alright,kid.I promise."


Izuku fell asleep soon after.

Recovery Girl had brought in a heater from the faculty room.She places it right beside him,letting the heat wave flow free towards the boy.It seemed to soothe him well,his eye lids were slowly closing,before he fell into a peaceful slumber.

Shouta had relayed the information he got,including the reveal of Izuku's previous quirkless state.The man had to spend literally ten seconds to process the information that Recovery Girl already knew the information and told him if he wanted to know more of his student's situation,he'd have to talk to All Might.

Despite the fact it was respected that this piece of information needed to be kept a secret,he wanted to strangle the bastard for not telling him,who is Izuku's homeroom teacher,and was literally an inch away from expelling the boy on the first day,on the spot.

"I'm going to be needed a jug of coffee...",he muttered to himself,burying his face into his hands,a migraine developing.

"Toshinori may be an idiot,but he made such a good choice of a successor.",The elder heroin commented,"Although it does seem reasonable to tell you."

The adults glanced over to the patient.Izuku was laying on his side,slightly curled in his jacket and mouth agape.There were three blankets covering his small body and a heater facing him.The boy seemed to be having a pleasant dream,soft and quiet muttering escaped his mouth once in a while.

Shouta swore he saw a literal small and sick child,instead of a fifteen-year old student who's being trained to be heroes.

"I believe this has to be extreme food poisoning and possible hypothermia.",Recovery Girl spoke again,grabbing the hero's attention."You told me the boy was experiencing hurt and discomfort with his stomach.Shinso-Kun had explained he was vomiting.I believe the extreme part has to be his bloody coughs.The hypothermia part is very obvious."

She turned to her desk and pulled out some papers;"But We're going to need you to take him to the hospital.Just to play safe.",She hands him the item.The paper was filled with the symptoms Izuku was experiencing.(Even if Recovery Girl said she was joining,she made a point to write down the symptoms and problems on paper to give the Doctors.She thinks it's better to have the symptoms prepared than to explain everything or to at least explain less.)

Shouta nods,"I'll go get Mic's car.I'm sure he'll understand the situation.".When he saw Recovery Girl nod,he went out the room,slightly jogging his way.

He wasn't sure if it was a coincidence or pure luck;but on his way,he crossed paths with the retired number one hero.He scowled at him,but didn't say anything and just kept moving.Shouta could hear the man call out his name in confusion,but he ignored it.

He'll deal with him later,after his kid is alright.


The trip to the hospital was painful,both physically(for Izuku) and emotionally(for Shouta and Recovery Girl).The boy had to be carried to the car,so one could imagine how much Izuku was in distressed during the whole ordeal.It was worse during the car ride.

He wouldn't stop coughing blood,the entire hand towel was covered in dark red.They were thankful he didn't throw up,but it was concerning.

When they arrived,the doctors had immediately wheeled Izuku away to the ICU,Recovery Girl following behind.Shouta was too,but he stayed behind for a bit to inform Nezu and a couple of the Teachers,mainly his best friends.He,then,later called up Izuku's Mother,who was worried sick when she heard what happened to her Son and explained she'd come over after another hour due to her work.

The underground hero nearly paled when he learned that Izuku had to undergo surgery so they could extract the toxin in his stomach.

All of that happened three hours ago.The day was halfway done,Inko was sitting by the waiting area,and Shouta was pacing around the room.The two talked for a while,giving each other information on the situation,before they both went quiet.

Recovery Girl came in to check in them before she left,saying she would inform Nezu and the others,completely oblivious to the fact Shouta had already informed them.

"I'll just tell them again.Please do inform us of any updates,",she said before leaving.

That's when a doctor came,"Excuse me,are any of you Izuku Midoriya's guardians?"

Inko stood up,alert;"I'm his Mother,yes?".Shouta looked,expectantly.

He nods,"Ms.Midoriya,your Son will be just fine.",Inko slumps in relive and Shouta lets out a breath,"We were able to remove the toxins in his system.While it was alarming how it got there,it wasn't life threatening as we thought it would be,so he should be alright.He may have some difficulty with eating,but with time,he'll be back to normal."

"Can we see him?".Sue him,he has the right to be worried about his student.

The doctor nods,leading them into a small,private ward.

There,the bushy haired teen rests on the bed.His mouth was slightly stained with red(definitely from all the times he coughed up his insides) and an IV attached to his hand.

"He'll wake up after the anesthesia wears off.But he'll have to stay here for another day just to see if anything goes wrong."

Inko thanks him,before taking a seat right next to her son.Shouta talked with the doctor longer,asking him about the surgery.

"Well,from what we were able to find,there is a mysterious black substance located in his stomach.As of now,the professionals are examining it;but...",his voice trails off.


"The substance.It was...covering the entire stomach.It looked like a leech,but instead of just extracting,it was...inserting something too.We aren't sure of it just yet,but we can safely say it caused those bloody coughs.I believe the situation would be a lot worse if you didn't brought him here early."

Shouta pinched the bridge of his nose."Alright,thanks for the info."

"Of course.I should be going now.Just call the nurse if anything goes wrong."

And with that,the man left.Shouta took a deep breath,before he turned to watch the two.Inko was cradling Izuku's hand in hers,gentle and motherly.

"I'll head out for a bit,"He began,causing Inko to turn her attention to him,"I'm going to give an update to Principal Nezu and the staff.I'll come back here later."

Inko nods,"Of course,Aizawa-san."


Shouta was really expecting the talk with Nezu to be exhausting.The animal had decided to interrogate Class A for any possible suspect(Shouta doubt his student's had intentionally decided to harm their fellow Classmates,especially Izuku.But it's better safe than sorry.)

The hero came back into the room to find that Izuku was awake;or half awake,considering he looked like he was in a daze.He was talking to his mother,speech slurred and tired.When they heard the door open,however,their conversation came to an abrupt stop.

Inko turned her head first,then Izuku's eyes followed.If the kid wasn't this drowsy,he'd probably panic when seeing his sensei come through the door.But he didn't;Instead,he just numbly watches.

"Hey,kid.How are you?",Shouta asked,keeping his tone soft and gentle.

"Mhm...fine...",Izuku slurred,his fingers playing with the fabric of the hospital blanket.

Inko softly smiles at her son,"Maybe you should sleep a bit more,Zuku.".The teen shakes his head,focusing on the soft fabric."Alright,sweetie.",she stands from her seat,"...I'll let your teacher talk to you for a bit.I'm gonna go get something to eat.Do you want anything?"

Another shake and Inko nods.She passes by Shouta,whispering;"Watch over him for me?"

He nods,watching her leave the room.He take a breath,sighing."Hmm...sorry...",he hears.

He looked over to Izuku,who was watching him with his eyelids partially open.Shouta softens."There's nothing to be sorry for,kiddo.",he takes a seat next to the patient,"None of this is your fault..."

Izuku hummed.The two were quiet for a moment,before Shouta began,"Izuku,do you remember anything that could've caused this?"

The boy stayed silent,thinking."I-I...ate some...cake..."

"Cake?The one Iida and Yaoyorozu gave us?",Shouta remembers how the two class representatives came into the teacher's dorms and offering them Sato's Caramel cake(And they were right,he enjoyed it.He just wouldn't admit it.).

Izuku nods.

Every teacher ate a slice,definitely the other students of Class A too.So if everyone had the same cake,why weren't they like Izuku?Was it supposed to work on a specific person?Does it take a certain time for the symptoms to appear on a specific person?Does-

Shouta heard a whimper.He looked and saw Izuku's face crumple in discomfort."You ok kid?"

"I-I...",he stuttered,"...A-Are you"

The hero was startled."Hate you?Why would I-"

"I t-told you,"Izuku cuts him off,"...I used to be qui-quirkless and that I got m-my quirk v-very late and that it's n-not my quirk and-"

"Izuku.",The boy stops his stuttering ramble.Shouta took the moment to wipe the tears off his student's cheek."Kid,just because you were quirkless before,doesn't change the way I see you.If anything,I'd say I'm proud you made it this far."

Izuku's breath hitched,causing him to whimper in pain as he tries to curl in on himself.


Because of the bandages on his stomach(the one he got during surgery),he isn't currently able to curl his body the way he used to.Instead,when a hand find its way to Izuku's,he holds it tight.

He could hear the soft,comforting words coming from his homeroom teacher's mouth.Something he definitely never expected.

"You're going to be fine kid,I promise.And believe me when I say that I never And would never hate you.Yes,you brats would give me grey hairs almost Everyday;but you're my brats.",He ruffles Izuku's hair,a smile etched his lips when the kid snorts,"Never forget that."



The day was at its end and the moon hung from the sky.

Nezu and Tsukachi had arrived at the hospital to give out the news.

"So let me get this straight,"Shouta began,"While Sato was paying for his groceries,a woman had purposely switched the vanilla extract with a bottle of poison?"

The Detective nods.

"And that poison specific works on Quirkless people and anyone without a quirk factor?"

"It's the same thing,but yes."

"And you basically found out who done it.And figured out it was...all planned to sabotage and harm a UA student?"

Another nod.

Shouta sighs;exasperated,because someone had used his students to harm another student,and worried,this was going to leave a massive negative impact on most of the students.

Inko was covering her mouth,shocked that someone would that to someone.Izuku was deadly still,staring at his lap.

"We were able to identify the culprit.Rest assured that she will be found and will immediately be arrested.",Tsukauchi assures them,bowing and leaving the room.

"Don't worry Midoriya-san.We will do everything we can to help your Son.",Nezu spoke,comfortingly patting Inko's hand.

"I-I Just...Oh my Kami...",she mumbled,tears pooled.

Shouta runs his hand through his hair,before he looked at the Mother and son.Izuku was beginning to tremble.So he takes action,"Kid..."

He puts his hand on the boy's shoulder,watching him glance over to meet his eyes,"You're going to fine."

"Th-Thats not what I'm worried about...",he answers,tears started to form,"S-Sato....he didn't just made the cake for everyone,he said he specifically made it for me and-"

"And we'll make sure he doesn't blame himself.".Izuku eyes widen."Its no one's fault.Its that lady who caused all this.Detective Tsukauchi and I will find her."

The teen looked down,a thoughtful expression covered his face.After a moment,he tensed.The three noticed the notion,"Izuku?Baby,are you ok?",Inko asked,worried.

"Detective Tsukachi said the poison work specifically for Quirkless people...right?",his hand curled into a fist,"H-how...How did she know there's a Quirkless student at UA?O-or at least a student without a quirk factor,like me...",the last part was mumbled.

The room freezes.He has a point.

"We'll find out,Midoriya.",Nezu replied,his voice stern,"No one messes with out students."

Shouta would be lying if he said he wasn't scared with that tone coming from his boss.But the animal was right,no one messes with my kids.


Another Oneshot done!

Like the summary and tags had explained,this is based on a real life experience.

Basically,during 6th grade,I went to school,feeling Super full(I literally had like...two bites for breakfast)
And then,during fourth period;the feeling got worse and I ended up throwing up in class(first my seat then the sink,I legit had no time to head to the bathroom.)
I was alright...I got a fever during the afternoon so I napped during class,the teacher understood why.
Yes,I still stayed at school.We had to suffer throughout the whole day in stench.(Trust me,the smell was shit I felt so bad)
I got better...
So it turns out,I was food poisoned.
It made me sad cause it was from a cheese stick(they're fave.Why-(;_・))
So yeah...It's more on embarrassing than angsty.

For the hypothermia's just made up,I wanna write angst so...

Also,should I add an epilogue?
Like,Sato's reaction,The arrest(not sure about this but ok-),more dadzawa,sick Izuku,and maybe some All Might bashing(Maybe Bakugo too)

But it's up to you fellow readers!
Do you wanna see another scene or is this enough?
Comment on your thoughts : 0

And as always,Have a wonderful day/night!
Stay safe!

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