A Guide to Characters and Personality Changes

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*Characters and traits will be added in the future

Star Thomas

History: Star was born in Mewnie in the middle of the war known as The Great War. Queen Moon sent her daughter to earth to live with a human family until the fight was over. After the battle came to an end, Mewnie was left in ruins and the Butterflies had been killed.

When the story takes place, Star is living with her adopted family, the Thomases, making Jackie her adopted sister as well as her best friend.

Star is unaware of her magical abilities. She realizes that the things that happen to her are strange, but she's always assumed that she's simply accident prone.

Star has a crush on Marco Diaz, but stays away from him because she knows that Jackie has a crush on him too.

Personality: Quiet, reserved, and introverted. Because of her history with being bullied and teased, Star has major trust issues and struggles with reaching out.

Looks: Star dresses in muted versions of her canon outfits. She mostly wears schoolgirl-inspired outfits featuring plaid skirts, collared blouses, and knee high socks.

Jackie Lynn Thomas

History: Jackie's world has always circulated around Star. Protecting her sister is all she's ever known. Jackie always fears for leaving Star by herself, since every time Star is left alone strange, unexplainable things tend to occur.

Jackie has feelings for Marco and much like Marco in canon, she's determined to one day ask him on a date.

Personality: Jackie struggles with anger issues because of dealing with bullies as a kid.
When she's not around Star, she's either dealing with bullies or stuck in detention.

Looks: Always wears a her signature dark green baseball tee, her seashell necklace, shorts, and is never seen without her leather jacket. (And yes, she still skateboards.)

Marco Diaz

History: In this AU, Marco hangs out with the populars. He doesn't consider himself to be popular, but he knows that his life would be miserable if it weren't for them. He's often pushed around and teased because of his tendencies to be a teacher's pet, or a "goody two-shoes."

Marco spends most of his time being ditched by the populars, so he ends up spending even more time hanging out with Jackie and Star. (Mostly because he has a bit of a crush on Star. Yay love triangles!)

Personality: reserved but has learned how to fake confidence. He also struggles with lying due to his "friends" always getting him into trouble. He's very close to Jackie and Star but still struggles with opening up out of fear of rejection. Marco uses humor to cover up bus insecurities. He jokes around whenever he's either nervous or doesn't know what else to say.

Looks: Short, messy hair. His canon red hoodie is swapped with a black hoodie with a red t-shirt underneath.


History: In the middle of the war, Tom was told to run away from home before the monsters could attack his home dimension. He traveled the universe as a rogue until he believed that the dust had cleared. Once he returned back home, he found the kingdom in ruins as well as the kingdoms of his family's allies.

Tom knew that he wouldn't survive on his own, so he swore that he wouldn't rest until he searched for every last survivor.

When the story takes place, Tom is the leader of a diverse gang of rebels. (Similar to Lars and the Off-Colors from Steven Universe) Every rebel comes from a dimension that was killed of by Toffee's army and each has their own unique story.

Tom one day goes exploring on his own and happens upon the ruins of Mewnie. He discovers Moon's wand along with the book of spells. There he meets Glossaryck, who hints that a descendant of the Butterflies could still be alive. The wand ends up guiding Tom to earth, where he finds Star.

Personality: DTE!Tom is extremely mature and calm compared to his canon counter part. He takes his mission very seriously. Tom has the most experience with the war out of all of the rebels. He spends a lot of time by himself when he isn't leading the rebels. Opposite of canon, he doesn't struggle with anger but with bottling up his thoughts and emotions. He doesn't like talking with others or bonding out of fear of losing them. (He believes that he's already lost enough.)

Tom doesn't actually like being seen as a leader, but he doesn't have any other choice. Without the rebels, he wouldn't have survived the aftermath of the war.

Looks: Tom only owns an old, tattered trench coat, a torn shirt, cargo pants, and boots. Whenever he's undercover, on a mission, or sneaking out, he wears a black hood and goggles. (Similar to portal!Ford from Gravity Falls.)

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