Chapter 2: Battle Of London pt.2

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(Don't own any pics or vids)

Evan's POV

I lower my rifle, staring in shock at the American Caesar with the others.

"...What the hell..."

I mutter as all of the sudden footsteps start to come closer from another hall.

"The Heretics are over here!"

A southern voice shouted as all of us instantly aimed our weapons down the Hallway, ignoring the fact that we might be in the middle of the Second World War.

Soon A Squad of WW2 US Soldiers appear from the end of the corridor.


We all start to open fire at the Soldiers as they start to fire back, tracer rounds from the Garands flying towards us as we quickly take cover.


Johnny Yells, throwing a grenade towards the Hostiles. As an explosion rings out i peak from the corner to see all the Soldiers either dead or injured. I shot the Injured as we hear noises coming from the portal room as we look back to the other hallway.

"U.S. Rangers!"

A voice shouted as i lower my rifle to see U.S. Rangers approaching us. The WW2 Personal stares at shock at us as we turn to them.

"Well...this is an odd situation to say the least."

Macarthur says as i nod to the General, all of the sudden we hear an Inhuman scream coming down the hall from where the...

I finally noticed the Confederate Flags on their shoulders...These aren't Americans...Traitors.

"Fuck, its an Brute."

An British soldier says as we turn to the WW2 Soldier in confusion as heavy footsteps start approaching. All of a sudden a figure shows up, it was...horrifying, its eyes we're all blood and glowing red. It stood almost at 7th Feet tall, its chest wide open revealing odd 1940s machinery inside it with metal plating surgically attached to its skin.


An Ranger Yells as the...Thing Roars towards us, and started to run towards us.


I quickly pulled the trigger, releasing lead towards us as we keep hitting the head, brain matter and skull fragments flying everywhere but it still kept coming.


Macarthur Yells as we quickly fire at the exposed shots, the 5.56 rounds damaging the inhuman creation's machine as it starts to slow down while spasming out.


A ranger Yells, firing a 40 Mike Mike towards its chest as instantly we took cover while some Rangers quickly pulled the WW2 Personal to the ground. An explosion was heard with blood and chunks of the Thing flew towards our cover. I peak around the corner to see a bloody mess, only seeing its waist and below as i notice something on the pants.


...That was a POW?

I stare in shock at the gory image as the Ranger approaches spook.

"Ma'am, this portal cause a chain reaction. Similar portals appeared in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean, near Bases in Japan and in US Bases in Germany. The Atlantic Defense Fleet has already arrived in this place's Atlantic."

I overhear the Ranger as i shrugged it off for now and glance at the very confused General MacArthur.

"Sir, we'll explain everything later. But the only thing you should know is that we are on your side for now Sir."

I tell MacArthur as an Serious expression goes across his face, letting the Questions go aside.

"The CU Troops breached our Lines, they're all over the place."

One of MacArthur's Soldiers say As i hear the distant gunfire as a familiar roaring was heard...


CU Troops can be seen celebrating the streets, killing civilians for fun, raping the women and Children in plain eyes, torturing the Black People who seek refuge in their last hope.

An CU Soldier can be seen Celebrating as CU P-51 Mustangs fly over, strafing run Big ben as the last of combined Troops surrender in droves.

All of sudden a weird Noise was heard in the sky as the Said Soldier Looks up to the sun to see something diving...

"Fox Two."

An Explosion Erupts at the convoy of The Jefferson tanks (Sherman Tanks, but renamed to Thomas Jefferson) As The air was filled with smoke with P-51's getting shot down by fast moving Agile...Metal Planes.

"All Black Knights Only target the ones with the Confederate Marking, got questions about what the hell is happening too but for now take them the fuck down."

"Wilco Black Knight 1."

A Voice says as the Squadrons of F-35 Flies below the confused and shock CU Soldiers, Civilians and Combined Armed Troops.

Back to Evan

We rush down the hall, hearing the F-35 Bomb the place as i quickly pulled aside Spook.

"Ma'am, what the hell is happening?"

I ask Spook as we fell behind a bit while we kept walking, she sighs as she starts to explain.

"It started Six Months Ago when a Nazi Soldier appeared out of nowhere in New York, NYPD Arrested him and he claims that this place...We lost the Civil War and the Confederates became an Evil Tyrant. Without Regard for human life, those who stand Against them we're experimented on with gruesome methods. The German said he was a volunteer test subject to see if their creation worked. No one believed it until more and more people from this place start to appear."

She says as i take in the information as i nod to her. We catch up with the Group as the Rangers motion the SWAT Team to return back to the Portal. As the SWAT Team passes us we continue forward until we reach the exit.

"Alright...Lets do this."

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