Chapter 5: Two Worlds

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It was chaos, to say the least as leaked reports of Confederate soldiers fighting US Troops get to the hands of the public. The multiple portals are being locked down by mainly the US Military.

"Yes, Aaron?"

The Press Secretary Asks as a reporter stands up.

"Has the President confirmed the Recent leaked Videos?!"

The reporter asks as the Press Secretary tries to keep calm.

"I cannot confirm nor deny if those are real are not."

The Press Secretary Says as multiple reporters raised their hands.

"Yes, Sheryl?"

Another reporter stands up.

"What are these portals appearing around the world and are they a threat?"

The Reporter asks as the Press Secretary starts sweating.

"Scientists around the world are trying to figure out what these portals came from and are a threat but the US and Allied Military response have already secured a proper security perimeter with the US Military sending in troops."

"A Massive Conference was held in the UN HQ in New York Today with almost every leader or representative from every country arriving as Riots broke out by Pro-Confederate sympathizers after controversial footage circling by an unknown leaked source within the Pentagon, showing US Troops now Identified as the DC National Guard, US Army, Almost any Military assets along with Secret Service Fighting in what seems to be London against men with the Confederate Flag and WW2 Uniforms. A state of emergency has been declared by President Kirkman as National Guard are deployed across all states."

Riot Police can be seen in the streets of Alabama with Multiple rioters waving the Confederate flag while attacking any colored individual and Government buildings.


A police officer can be seen yelling from his cruiser as Rioters throw trash at the Police cruiser.

A Rioter can be seen lighting a Molotov as the two police officers notice it.


The Police Cruiser can be seen in flames from the Molotov with multiple riot Vehicles and SWAT Vehicles arriving at the scene.


The Rioters we're chanting while throwing things at the already flaming Cruiser with the burnt corpses of the two officers scene.

Multiple Rioters also arrive Holding their Weapons and Firearms as the Police quickly got into defensive positions.


An Officer yells through the Speaker as they all look at the riot Lines.


The lead man on the riot yells as they now all ran towards the police, with a Rioter firing at the Police. Seeing most of the rioters had firearms and the officers couldn't see who fired...


Gunfire erupted from the Police lines, with Gunfire being returned as the State slowly tore itself apart.

National Guard Units can be seen arriving in Los Angeles with the rise of Racist acts by Sympathizers and Corrupted police.

As the Convoy of Military Vehicles drives down Downtown LA. A Man quickly appears from an Alleyway holding a backup. The Man throws it at the Unexpected Convoy as a small explosion erupted, injuring a few Soldiers as the soldiers quickly turn and opened fire at the man. As one of the soldiers approached the hooded man, he opens his jacket, revealing an LAPD Uniform.

"Jesus...what the fuck is going on."

Evan's POV

I walk back to the FOB with the team as we arrived, breathing heavily.

"Your stuff has arrived in those crates, get changed and report back to me."

Spook told us as we nod, as we walk to the multiple supplies, I turn back to Spook...I felt odd around her like she was hiding something.

After getting dressed in my MARPAT Attire, I glance at a mirror before walking to the TOC.

(One on the left)

As I walk towards TOC with Johnny Beside me, I also noticed new faces going there too.

"Hey, Going to TOC?"

I ask a Pilot as he glances at me while we walk.

"Yeah, some Spook told us to. Also weirdly enough they thought me how to fly aircraft from multiple branches for the past two years, Captain Maximillian Thermidor."

The Pilot says, raising his hand as I shooked it. One of the Marine notices us as he joins our conversation.

"Hey, Lieutenant Joseph Grant. You guys are?"

The Lieutenant asks us.

"Corporal Evan Quill."

"Johnny Sins-


Co-Author: What? It's funny-

No, No it's not funny.

Co-Author: Heyyy don't talk like that to your Pregnant fiancee 🙂

...Fuck right I can't argue with you anymore.)

"Corporal Johnny Williams."

"Captain Maximilian Thermidor."

We say to each other as we reach the TOC, waiting for us was Spook, A Colonel, and A Delta Force Operator.

"Morning Boys, this is Sergeant Major John Williams."

Johnny stares into John's soul, seeing they almost have the same name as the Sergeant Major gives us all a nod.

"Okay, Colonel Conrad. Spook, your part."

He says as Spook Nods, turning to us with her hands behind her back.

"As of now, All of you we'll be part of my Team. we'll be forward deployed and as of now, you will report only to me and the Central Intelligence Agency."

She says while placing a file on a table in front of us.

"All of you are to sign an Agreement and Contract, stating all Classified information will not leave your mouth. As team Leader of Liberty 1-1, we will be forward deployed after securing the British Isle. Everything in this file...shows every secret and knowledge we have gathered from this place."


American Resistance fighters can be seen in Alaska once again with the small convoy of US Marines entering the base.

The Marine Major was the first to exit one of the vehicles as he was greeted by a group of figures...He recognizes.

"...Fuck, sorry. Major Howard."

The Major says as all the leaders nod.

"I see, welcome to the last Batchment of Freedom. My name is John F. Kennedy, this is General Patton, Veronica Samson, and Valentina."

"It appears...we have a lot of to discuss."

Veronica Samson of the Communist Section of the united front of America Says as the Major nods.

"Indeed...what I'm about to tell you will come to a all of you...

Meanwhile, two Presidents from two different words can be seen unknowingly speaking at the same time in their perspective worlds.

"My Fellow Americans."

"My Fellow Americans."

"The Great Tragedy has struck our boys in Uniform. But do not fret, we Confederates will prevail." -CU

"As of the last few days, you have heard rumors of these portals...and today I have come to tell the truth. Yes...Those portals lead...To a world where Freedom does not exist, where the Confederates won Our Civil War." -US

"The Situation in London has changed but fret not, as our Empire can crush anything on this Earth. As my Bloodline of being Robert E. Lee, we will always prevail as no power can take over us."

"Yes, this is a shock to everyone, even me...Science cannot explain how this happens...But we all know what those people did and what they'll do if they won."

"Do your part! Join the Army! These Blacks, colored and the people who are blind to the truth of a true Confederate Union fight us. Well, we will not falter as always."

"My fellow Americans...It is time to Unite and set our Differences aside. As we seek answers...we must be United, not as Republicans, Democrats, Whites, Blacks, Browns, Not as only Americans...But as Humans. We must be united! Together to bring this conflict to an End! So to the Rioters, lay down your arms and fight for your country. If not, you will be part of the reason our children live in fear." -US

"We will always Prevail, as no such force has beaten us. How we dwelt the Soviets to the Germans, they were weak and cowards while the People of America stay strong." -CU

"We will not let our children live in tyranny. We will not let our lives be chosen by the color of our skin or religion. We will Not Cower in fear as we Americans will never lose our hope." -US

"So help me God, I will unite the world Under the great Truth. God Bless Us All, and God Bless the Confederate Union." -CU

"So Help Me God, We must be united. We are Americans, we are strong, we will not cower in fear. As our Founding Fathers wrote, "All Men are created equal." And as the statue of a Man across the Capitol Building also said "All Men are created equal." We must remember the values we have...That makes us Americans and a United People, as it is the same way America has become a beacon of freedom. God bless us All..."

"And May God Bless the United States Of America."

Down with the Traitors, Up with the Stars.

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