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i'm sure hopefully most of you know how to do these roleplay things.

Welcome to Downfall Of CheeseClan!

in the next part i will get you to submit a form. any names aloud, like eg. dumbcheesepaw or Ivycloud for example.

one day is one moon so in 6 days, you should become an apprentice if you were a kit.

you don't need to roleplay you just need to go on here and say 'spoof with featherbrain' or something ect ect

a task is something you do that requires one energy. you will have in total 5 energy. a task may be something like fishing, hunting, training, breeding, healing, spoofing, memeing, so on so forth

once your cats down to zero energy i will say something like starving. you will have two or three days to respond before your cat dies. although you will automatically eat, this is only when their isn't enough food to feed the clan.

when going on patrol or training, use the command /blahblahblah (whatever you need to say) like /train hunting skill with sickletrap (then their tag) idk or /forage for herbs alone


you can send out cats into the forest to hunt by using the command /hunt with sicklesnot (tag them) and others can join. the patrol can be up to 6 cats. after the day is over, i will reply saying
'OH! sicklesnot, featherbrain and farthead went on patrol together! they bought back 4 prey. sicklesnot 1, featherbrain 1, and farthead 2. you will then level up

battle training
simply just say /train battle skill with featherbrain <your characters name> and (tag)
when you train battle skill together, you will rank up to the next level of skill. others can join the training as well. i will reply saying 'beeswaxpaw has leveled up her battle training skill! she's now on level 3!' or something like so

medicine cats can go alone or in pairs or whatever. just use the command /forage alone/with excitementpaw <your name> <tag of them>
you will level up skill and you max out at 8
you can find any sort of herb such as tansy, catmint, marigold, cobwebs, poppyseeds, so on........

if you and someone else agree that they want their characters to breed then say /breed with sicklesnot <name> <tag them>
no. you don't rank up in this, sorry
once you breed, it will be a few days before the new litter are born and new people are allowed to join into the game
you have done a good thing!!
sorry to all gay, lesbians and others, you can't have children unless some other mothers and fathers give in their children

when you want your cats to go in search of memes, then this is the right command for you. just use the command /go memeing with memebed <name> <tag>
catching memes are making your cats thinking better and they get more intelligence and become better cats
it is good for their health
(i'd say it's like catching butterflies) but like you meditate and watch them
.......and then bite their wings off.......jkjk

basically just a way of saying 'burn off energy' it's like playing around with someone and being idiotic and dumb
use the command /go spoofing with featherbrain and farthead <name> <tags>
i will reply back saying you ranked up to the next level or if your maxed out

you patrol borders, change scent markers and look out for danger
command : /patrol with sicklesnot <name> <their tag>
dangers or no dangers, everything will be reported back to the leader

if enemies swarm into your territory and get to your camp, use the command /defend your territory/camp/(or something more specific like nursery or medicine den) <name>
you will then fight off them and you will be good

if you are a medicine cat then use the command /heal featherbrain <your name> <tag if needed>
the cat will heal them and then they will regain full health unless theirs no food
this may be after a battle with rogues or fox or badger idk yet

skill levels
you will go from 0-8 in and it will start at 0 as a kit. you will do things like hunting, training whatever skill, spoofing, memeing,, foraging, so on. it will rank up your skill level and then maxed out is 8. so if you want to level something up just use command /train (which skill) with beeswaxpaw. this is very important because it will affect how much herbs or prey you bring back, that's why you need to level it up. don't worry, full warriors and medicine cats can rank up too.

health and hunger
your cat will get hungry if their isn't enough food. if they get injured then they will have to stay off warrior training until they're healed. the three types of injuredness are slightly injured, injured and severely injured
good news is that the medicine cat can heal you!
bad news is it takes time and if you wanted to patrol only if you're slightly injured then it'll take one health. if you don't get healed and you are severely injured, your cat will die.

hunger shows if they've eaten or not. your cat will go 'hungry' if their isn't enough food for you. you will start at 100 prey and it'll go down
after 3 or so days without food and you being 'hungry' you will die. so be responsible and go with someone with more health and go hunting. unless you can't, make others go hunting so you can survive.
after one day without food your cat will simply be "hungry"
two days without food your cat will be "starving"
three days after not eating you will die

their will be devastating moments in the time as a cat. you will face challenges like fires and floods and maybe even mudslides but small ones
depending on the season, cats will have -1 prey in leafbare -0 in leaffall and newleaf and greenleaf will have +1 prey and herbs too.
when something like rogues, theives thunderstorms or droughts come and steal prey or scare and kill prey, -1 prey will be taken off of how many you caught

work like a normal prophecy in warriors. you will get it and you will have to figure it out. it might be something to do with betrayal, weather warnings, a fight, new kits that'll be 'special' or just about something random. whoever is in the prophecy will have to go on search to find whatever and do whatever is needed to help and serve their clan. i will put a chain in the comment section for discussion of the prophecy. the prophecy may include cats that aren't born yet and when they join it may be more obvious. i will try to make it obvious but not too obvious.

when you are born into CheeseClan you will use one of the three commands. /play with.... /fight or /yeet with/yeet <other kits name>
play and fight and just playing and play fighting and yeeting is different. you just yeet each other across the camp by grabbing their scruff and throwing them, original right 😂🤣
your kit will need 4 plays before they become an apprentice. first 20 cats will get into the game and if you are past 20 you will get put onto the waiting list where you will......literally........wait.

once it has been 6 days/6 moons in game, you will rank up to an apprentice and will get a mentor. you are now an apprentice! good job! now you can start to hunting or collect herbs with the commands. you now have a bigger variety of commands. when you become a warrior and think you have served your clan well, you can become an elder by using the command /rank up to elder, where you don't need to do anything

dying and rejoining
yes of course it's allowed. technically when you die you get tested from the game but you can rejoin by using the form again to sign up and you will be on the waiting list until some cats breed and you are then allowed back in

i think that's all the info i need to give you. i want to say that the idea was from DestinyCats because i love their warriors command rp

enjoy and please join

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