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the sound of the raindrops hitting the window echoed in her mind. the melancholic weather had made it's way here again.

"it's raining again, jungkook."

her hand traced the shape of the raindrops formed on the outer surface of the window.

it soon became a tremendous downpour again. just like the memory of that dreadful day.

"i believe it's just a passing downpour, jungkook. i won't ever lose our happy memories to the rain. so you shouldn't, either."

a tear escaped her eye as she smiled.

"now, it's time to say goodbye."


min yeon, you'll be surprised to find this letter right? i wrote it when you were asleep. by now, this letter should be all crumpled and wet due to the rain. but if you could read till this far, it means i kept the quality of the letter in a good condition.

i think i have told you before, right? since i am weak, by eating my own heart, i could instantly be healthy and nutritious. and if you eat my body, you would be instantly healthy as well. so, i fed you with my body. i won't really blame you if you are disgusted, but this was the only way to keep you alive, and i had no other choice. also, you won't be starved.

i am glad that you are alive and healthy right now. did you know the times you went to hunt for food, i was feeling so much pain and guilt because i was useless to you?

at least i could be of use now.

it must be raining there now when you are reading this. it's funny how the rain would always come when we're together, and when we part, right?

let's let the rain be a significant meaning to both us. let the downpour be the memories of us.

and just like the downpour, i will always be here with you, and to wash away your tears and sadness.

— love, jungkook.


the title of each chapter forms "우리이제안녕" which means "now, it's time to say goodbye" in english!

this was inspired by ioi's downpour
APDEKDDKDJDDJD (i'm emo now) & this random fact below :

honestly when i saw the fact i was like, omfg i can write like a fantasy short story with that! & that was how i came up with this story :")

basically in this story, jungkook & min yeon are not humans but they do have some features that resembled humans!

oh & i didn't wanna write the scene where jungkook fed min yeon his body because
1) i didn't know how to write alskkdskkd &
2) i didn't want ya'll to bleach your eyes later

omg so i hope this wasn't confusing? if you still have any queries feel free to comment or message me & i'll definitely answer!

once again, thank you so much for reading this, i love ya'll so much <3

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